Nii-juu kyu: Surprise visit

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The moment is here Narusaku shippers! Lots of Narusaku will be coming so I'll warn the shipper hearts of Narusaku fans and so that Sasusaku fans won't get angry. Also, I would like to remind everyone to keep on commenting on which ship! If the votes will even out I'll make two different endings based on the certain ship.  Oh, btw, I'M BACK GUYS NO MORE EXAMS MUAHAHA

Nii-juu kyu: Surprise visit

     My heart was hammering inside my chest as I lay flat on my back on my bed while staring blankly at my ceiling. After I've agreed that we'll come to kareoke, Kaka-nisemono immediately left and I told Sasuke-kun to leave as well. I didn't want him to go just yet and I knew that we have tons to discuss and I owe him lots of explaining to do but at that moment I felt really sick until the point I couldn't even stand without any support from the nearby tables or chairs. My knees felt weak with fear and anxiety and my mind was filled with dreadful images of what happened in the other world. Realizations hit me hard like lightning at that time as well along with different theories of this world that struck me with great fear, making my condition even worse. 

     This world is obviously repeating. But if that's so, then will I die by his hands again? Will I ever go back to where I belong and will this world just keep on repeating and repeating again? Will I always be this confused? Will I just be traveling in these parallel worlds surrounded by people who cannot be trusted? Will I always end up finding myself in another dimension only to realize that I've lost my memory again? I clenched my fists tightly. What made me more scared is the fact that if Naruto became a fake, then will Sasuke-kun become one too in the next world? 

     "Sakura-chan..." A low whisper interrupted my thoughts. I frowned in confusion. Where is that coming from? I sat up and swing my feet out of the bed. I walk toward my door and open it to meet a dark hallway. I look from left to right to see where that voice has come from but no one was there. "Sakura-chan..." The voice repeated once again. I frowned. Is it coming from outside? I walked toward the window and saw the big moon that illuminated over the village. My house was a two-story one so I had a great view. "Sakura-chan!" I took a look outside but found nothing so I lifted up my gaze to the sky. "Sakura-chan," 

     "Kami-sama?" I asked, slightly scared. But then a flying rock hit my forehead. "Ow!" I yelped.

     "Sakura-chan!" I held my forehead and looked down at our garden frowning. 

    "Naruto?" I scowled at him. Is he seriously insane? He was standing behind the bush between my mother's flowers. He wore his usual clothes and his hair seemed messier than usual. "What the hell Naruto? You hit me!" I whined, rubbing my forehead. I wanted to pulverize him and scream my head off but I didn't want to wake my parents and I didn't feel like doing it. 

     "Throw the sheet; I need to talk to you." He says and I arch an eyebrow at him. I was still irritated though at the fact he threw a rock at me, but I tried to shrug it off. 

     "What sheet?" I ask, tilting my head to the side in confusion. 

    "Don't you remember? The one inside your closet!" He reminds and I glance at the pink wooden closet next to me. I walk to it and open it. I searched through my clothes and drawers and I eventually found it folded neatly behind the drawer. I frowned. I'm supposed to throw it? I walk back to the window and did as I was told. I did throw it to him and it landed on his face. The sheet slowly slit down from his face and he gave me the what-the-hell-was-that look. 

     "I threw the sheet like you said!" I say, trying to defend myself. 

    "Not like that!" He yells, throwing it back to me. My eyes widened in surprise and I quickly tried to reach out to get it. I swear that I almost fell out of the window trying to reach for it, but luckily I was able to catch it unharmed. 

     "I almost fell you idiot!" I growl. "Throw it better, will you?" 

    "You started it!" He shouts as he points an accusing finger at me.

    "No, you!" I yell, pointing my finger at him as well. "You're the one who ordered me to throw the sheet!"

    "You're the one who actually forgot about it and threw it all the way!" He shoots back and I glare at him.

    "Well, you—" 

    "Shut up!" I hear my mother suddenly yell from the other room. I watched in surprise as my mother opened the main door roughly and she quickly made her way toward Naruto. "I couldn't get my beauty sleep!" She yells angrily. She wore a facial mask and there were green curlers in her hair. She wore her usual night gown and house slippers. She grabbed Naruto by the ear and easily dragged him in the house. My eyes widened in surprise. Where is he taking him? Before I could even go out of my room to stop her, my mother suddenly barged in my room and pushed Naruto inside. "Be quiet!" She says sternly before she slams the door shut.

     Naruto smiles at me goofily as he shrugs and rubs his red ear. "Hey there, Sakura-chan." I arch an eyebrow at me.

     "You're such a fool." I say, shaking my head in a joking way as I grab the sheet from him and stuff it inside my closet.

    "Gomen," he says sadly as he sits down on my bed. I then suddenly remembered he is my boyfriend here. I can't act like I usually do with him or it'll cause suspicion. I have to really treat him like he is my boyfriend.

    "Why did you come here anyway?" I ask curiously as I close the closet and lean my back against it. "What do we need to talk about?" 

    "Gomen," He apologizes again. "I don't really have anything to talk about. I just came here to see you," He says with a small smile. My cheeks started to warm up and his eyes widened when he noticed that I was blushing as well. He bowed his head bashfully. "I missed you so much that I couldn't sleep." He admits awkwardly as he rubs the back of his neck. 

     "B-but didn't we just see each other a while ago?" I ask, trying to act calm and collected. But to be frank, how can I act naturally when Naruto is actually saying such words to me? 

    "Yeah," He says with a sigh. "I thought of that too. And I contemplated for a while on whether I should go or not because I might be annoying too but I couldn't hold it in anymore and I really wanted to see you because I love you." He says really fast and his eyes widened in surprise as he gasped at what he said. He covered his mouth in shock as a blush crept to his cheeks. I felt my cheeks warm up some more as well. Who knew the Naruto from this world could be like this? 

    I take a deep breath, mentally preparing to say those short yet meaningful words again to him. "I l-l-love you too."

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