Shi: Nostalgic memories

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I can't wait! There's going to be a new chapter tomorrow! Gosh asdfghjkl :D

Shi: Nostalgic memories


     I couldn’t help but smile at the situation I’m in. It was just like when I was a child. Everything seemed so unreal to me, like it was simply just a dream. My mother is humming happily as she cooked lunch with Itachi’s help while my father read the morning paper as usual. I felt a warm, homey feeling in my chest that I wish could last forever. It has been a long time since I’ve felt it and to be frank, I almost forgot it. I took a picture of the scene in my mind, hoping that it would last in my mind forever. I hope that I would look back and remember this, even if I probably am in some kind of illusion. It feels really good to just be in the same room with my own family after such a long time.

Ding dong.

     “I’ll get it.” I announce as I stood up from the chair and walked out of the dining and room and to the entrance. I opened the door to see Tobi or Obito standing before me. I scowl in confusion for a moment before reminding myself that the people who are dead in the real world are probably alive here. “Obito, why are you here?” I ask as polite as possible. I quickly scanned his appearance. Surprisingly, he didn’t have the scar on his face and he just wore casual clothes like me. I then noticed that he had a worried look on his face, which made me quite curious.

     “It’s a good thing you’re here!” He exclaims. He spoke in such a different way from how he usually spoke in reality. It was so loud and whiny-like. I groaned mentally when I realized that there was someone else who spoke like that. And it was Naruto.“Your girlfriend is in the hospital!”He says worriedly as he raised his hand in the air in frustration. My eyes widened in surprise. This is the second time they have mentioned this mystery girl. Just who is my girlfriend? More importantly, what on earth happened?

     I was about to ask it, but Itachi suddenly chimed in our conversation and asked it for me. “What happened to her?” He asks, his voice laced in concern as he stood beside me.

     “I’ll explain on the way,” Obito replies in a rush. "Now, come on," He then suddenly grabbed my wrist and started dragging me out without even asking if I’m coming or not. “Are you coming Itachi-kun?” He suddenly asked, before completely dragging me out of the house.

     “Nope, I’ll visit her later when she awakens. I need to help Oka-san with the food.” He replies calmly and before I knew it, Obito finally dragged me out of the house. I looked back at Itachi who gave me a small smile and waved goodbye. I hesitantly waved back, suddenly feeling nostalgic again. It was just like old times. I then frowned when I realized that this idiot that’s dragging me is cutting off the time I get to spend with my family. I glared at Obito, but I quickly stopped when I realized—what the hell am I doing? Why am I feeling this way? I should remember the only reason why I’m going with the flow is to be aware of my surroundings and to find a way out.

     I shook my head, trying to push my thoughts away and let Obito lead the way. It was quite odd that the man who we were once fighting against and my old accomplice in Akatsuki is suddenly this friendly guy that seems to be close friends with my “girlfriend”.  Warm smiles also have greeted him from everywhere we went and he responded with a wave and a cheerful smile. It was like he was an entirely different person. I couldn’t help but wonder if I would have ended up that way if the massacre didn’t happen at all. My life would actually have been normal and been much better. I probably would have been like Sakura or even this Obito, for all I know.

     As we continued to walk, I looked around my surroundings. Everything was just the same. Every bump and curve, every flaw and imperfection, it was like nothing happened at all. Residents were still kind and sweet. Children giggled and laughed with such innocence as they play with their small toys. Everyone else worked hard for their jobs, and no matter how hard their work is, they still managed to put on a big smile on their face. Konoha is so peaceful that it’s actually hard for me to believe. Who could have expected that I wanted to set this village in flames before?

     “So what happened to her?” I ask after walking for a while.

     “Kakashi told me that the both of them were talking while walking around the village for a while until suddenly she stopped walking and started to shake in fear. Before he knew it, she ran away and when he finally caught up to her, he saw her unconscious on the floor.” He answered as he scowled in confusion. I scowled as well. That was odd. Why did she react that way?

      “What if she just saw something?” I suggest curiously. “And it feared her so much until the point that she had a panic attack and fainted.” I continue.

     Obito shrugged. “I do—“ He cut himself short when three people ran past us. A girl that had two high pig tails was dragging a blonde boy in an orange jump suit while a boy with brown hair and goggles was struggling behind them to keep up. I narrowed my eyes at them as I watched as the three of them ran away. I arched an eyebrow. Was that…Naruto? 

     “We’re here!” He exclaims, finally letting go of my wrist. I averted my attention to the building before me to see the old Konoha hospital. Many memories came to my mind from the moment they brought me to the hospital when my clan was massacred until the moment when Naruto and I first seriously fought.

     I’ll finally get to know just who this mystery girl is, I thought as we enter the hospital. Once we stepped inside, we were greeted by a girl with short, brown hair with rectangular purple markings on either side of her face. She also wore a konoha nurse uniform. “Did we take long?” Obito asks sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck. I look at her confused. I wonder who is she?

     “Oh, not at all, don’t worry about it, Obito.” She says sweetly with a small smile. She then looked at  me and her smile widened. “Hello Sasuke,”  I just simply nod in response. “Come on, I’ll show the both of you to her room.” She says, before she started walking away.

     “So what’s her situation?” Obito asks curiously as we followed her down the hallways. The walls, ceilings and floors were painted white. There wasn’t a single stain or mark on the walls; it was pure white like the snow. Every door looked the same, if it wasn’t for the numbers next to door, even I, myself could easily get lost.

     “She’s going to be alright.” She says casually with a smile. She seemed like she had an ever existent smile on her face and by the look on Obito’s face, it seemed like he was in love with it. I roll my eyes, he reminded me of Naruto again. He has the same look in his eyes like Naruto has when he looks at Sakura. I huff once a sudden thought came to my mind. I’m surprisingly recalling my past more than usual now. I guess it’s just the effect of being in the village you grew up in. “She just had a panic attack, and she’s going to wake up in a while.” She continued, snapping me out of my thoughts. So I was right. I wondered what frightened her so much until she reached that point.

     “Wh—“ Obito was cut off when a blood curling scream filled the air. My eyes widened in realization as I felt my heart skip a beat.

     That scream…it’s Sakura’s! 

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