San-juu: Morning ruckus

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Hey! Sorry for not updating in such a long time! I have been quite busy with school! Anyway, who is interested in doing an abridged series for my friend's? If you are, comment below now! 

San-juu: Morning ruckus 

    When I woke up in the morning a while ago, I already had my mind set on what to do. I was confused as ever and my main goal for now is to attain all the knowledge Sakura has about this place. I walked casually down the sidewalk with my hands deep inside the pockets of my hoodie with my eyes locked on the path before me. To be frank, I get irritated just by looking at my surroundings especially since this is really not the Konoha I know. This "illusion" is driving me nuts and I hate the fact that I can't do anything to get out of here yet. All I could do for now is bare it and wait for the right moment. I let out a deep sigh in annoyance. Great.

   I kicked the stone in front of me and watched it skip until it reached the school entrance. I scanned the place as tons of memories started flooding in. From the day I first started school until the day I finally graduated the academy and became a part of team 7 along with Naruto and Sakura. I bowed my head and slightly smirked. Not a single thing changed. I continued walking and spotted familiar kids running around. I’m surprised at how big they have grown compared to the last time I saw them. Despite that, everything still seems the same here. The peaceful vibe the village and villagers give always seems to calm me down.

  Even though I don’t want to admit it, being with my fake clan calms the hatred within me and actually makes me feel…happy and relieved. Realizing what I just thought, I ran a hand through my hair in exasperation. What am I thinking? I know very well that I should focus only on how to get out of here. I can’t have my fun especially when I’m in this kind of situation.

   I look back up to realize that I reached Sakura's home already. I stop in front of the front door and raised my hand to press the door bell, but the door suddenly flew open, revealing a happy Natuto. "Bye, Sakura-chan!" Naruto says cheerfully with his back turned away from me. My eyes widened in surprise. What is he doing here? Shit.

   Before I could even find away to hide, he finally saw me and his expression immediately changed. He glared at me and eyed me suspiciously while I arched an eyebrow at him. What's his problem? What did I do to him? "What are you doing here?" He asks or more like demand. His voice actually sounded intimidating that it surprised me a lot but of course I didn't show a single shred of emotion. I tried to remind myself that this isn't the real Naruto. 

    "I would like to ask you the same thing." I say calmly.

   "Well, I'm her boyfriend! I can go here anytime I want!" He shoots back and I almost choked on my own spit. Sakura and Naruto are in a relationship? I can't believe it. Well, I’ve kind of expected that they would become an item. I knew ever since before that Naruto would treat her right, and if Sakura stays with me, she’ll only feel nothing but pain.

    "So what's your reason?" He asks, narrowing his eyes at me as he puts a finger on my chest. I could see from the corner of my eyes that people started gathering. I wanted to roll my eyes, the villagers of Konoha can be such nosy and unsophisticated people at times.

   I swat his hand away effortlessly and finally give him our infamous "Uchiha glare". "Is it so wrong to visit a friend?" 

   "It—" He cut himself short when we both heard Sakura's voice along with her rushed footsteps that came down the stairs.

   "Naruto! You forgot your wa—" Sakura cut herself short as she stared at the both of us in shock. In her hands is a small orange wallet with the Uzumaki symbol on it. It was obvious that it's Naruto's and that's what he forgot. "What are you doing here, Sasuke-kun?" She asks as panic crossed her face. It was a stupid move to go to her house without telling her beforehand. I should take note of that. 

   "I need to talk to you." I reply blankly and she looked quite flustered for a moment. I can't blame her, Naruto caught me and apparently all the people who have gathered as well know I came for Sakura. 

   "If you're going to talk to her, you have to talk to me first!" He says defensively as he raises both his arms sideways to cover Sakura.

   I roll my eyes at him. What is his problem? "I am talking to you, dobe." I say like as if it's the most obvious thing. 

    His eyes widened as his frown grew bigger. "That attitude of yours is what I hate about you most!" He yells and I arch an eyebrow at him. 

    "And your loud mouth and idiocy is what aggravates me the most." I shoot back and he scowled at me. "Now would you please move away? I don't have time for this." I say bluntly.

    He clenches his fist. "Why, you—"

  "Enough!" Sakura yells sternly as she puts a hand on Naruto's shoulder. Naruto and Sakura locked eyes for a moment as she said, "Naruto, you should go home now." She broke their eye contact as she turned to look at me. "Come in, let's talk." Then she looked at everyone who was watching. "Don't you have anything else to do?" She spats as she raises her fist angrily. All of them quickly left, afraid to face Sakura's wrath. 

   "But Sakura-chan!" He complains.

  "Trust me, Naruto." She says gravely as she hands him his wallet. "Remember our conversation last night?" I frowned in confusion. Did Naruto just sleep here last night? Why was even there at the first place? 

   His shoulders slumped as he let out a huff. "Okay, fine. I'll see you tomorrow." He says stubbornly as he dug his hands deep in his pockets and left with his head down. I look back at Sakura to see that she's already staring at me.

    "Come inside, Sasuke-kun." Despite all that happened this morning, only one question came to my hand.

What happened last night between them?

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