Juu kyu: One mystery solved

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Warning: this chapter may contain some SasuSaku. No, I haven't decided yet if this will be the main ship and don't worry there'll be some NaruSaku moments too! Oh, and since my overall votes have almost reached a thousand, just as promise, I shall create a SasuSaku fan fiction! Luckily, I'm done with the cover and introduction/prologue. I also would like to apologize for the crappy past chapters and I would like to make up for it in the next chapters. That is all, enjoy chapter nineteen! 

Juu kyu: One mystery solved

     I stared at the paper where all the information we have gathered is here. Sasuke-kun and Naruto have their own copies and I bet they're probably writing what Sasuke-kun have recently discovered. He said that Madara is probably watching our every move and using everyone around us like puppets. We must not trust anyone or else we're in deep trouble. I take a deep breath as I put the paper to my chest. What a day. "Sakura! It's dinner time!" I hear my mom call. I stuff the paper in my pocket and stand up to go out of the room. I sit down with my parents and start eating. I ate more than what I've expected though, I was really hungry.

     Once I was done, I thanked my mother for the meal and went back to my room. I didn't want to converse with them any longer when I recalled the words Sasuke-kun told us. The moment I stepped inside I suddenly felt like I'm forgetting something. I scowl in confusion as I lay down on my bed. I heard a really soft crumpling noise coming from my pocket and I pull out whatever's inside my pocket out to see a piece of paper. I started reading what's on the paper and I finally remember everything. I frowned in confusion. Why did I suddenly forget it a while ago? Is it true that there really is something to erase my memory?

     I tried to retrace my steps, trying to find a possible way for them to erase my memory that quickly without me even acknowledging it. Realization then hit me like a rock—the food. All the past events came flooding back to me and I suddenly realized why I keep on forgetting all these important information. The fakes must have placed something into the food to erase our memory, or anything related to our life in the real world. I clench my fists tightly.

     Without any suspicion whatsoever, I fell blindly into their trap and I was almost overcome by this. Sasuke-kun and Naruto immediately came to my mind. Without second thought, I rushed out of my room, wore my shoes and left after saying goodbye to my fake parents. I started running down the dark and peaceful streets, my mind running faster than my legs. I have no idea where Naruto's new home is so it leaves me to informing Sasuke-kun. I bit my lip nervously. I will be entering Uchiha territory on my own. Will I be able to handle it? 

     I've never entered the Uchiha grounds before as a child and I'm quite nervous yet at the same time curious to how that small corner where the Uchiha clan was placed seems like. I stopped dead in my tracks once I finally do reach the place. I take a deep breath. I can do this. I was about to enter until I heard someone call my name. I turn my head toward the source of the voice to see Uchiha Itachi. I felt my blood run cold and heart skip a beat at the sight. I swallow the lump in my throat, forcing myself to say something. "I-i-i-i-itachi!" I manage to sputter. 

     He arches an eyebrow at my behavior but luckily he eventually lets it slide. I mentally let out a sigh of relief. Arigatou Kami-sama! "Konbanwa, Sakura, why are you here?" He greets as he walks by me while carrying a plastic bag full of vegetables and fruits. I remained silent, still thinking of some stupid excuse to get me out of this mess as I tried to match my walking pace with his. "You don't usually come here this late at night to visit Sasuke. What's with the sudden change of heart?" He asks curiously. "And didn't you just see each other earlier?" 

    "Sasuke and I decided to sleepover tonight at your place!" I suddenly say. My eyes widened in surprise and my hands automatically flew to my mouth. Why did I say that? I'm dead now. Stupid, Sakura! This is the worse excuse I could ever think of! What will he think of me now? 

     A smile crept Itachi's lips and he couldn't help but chuckle in amusement. "It's finally happening, huh?" He says happily and I scowl in confusion.

    "What do you mean?" I ask. It was only now that I've realized that we have reached the Uchiha residence. Itachi opened the door before turning to look at me, a playful smirk on his face.

    "Don't forget to use protection," He says with a wink before entering the house. I stood there frozen as my brain tried to process what he said. Have you ever experience the most unexpected person telling you the most improbable sentence and from so much shock, your mind suddenly shuts down and you have no idea what to do next? Well that's what is happening to me. I wanted to scream yet at the same time laugh at his insane comment but instead, I felt my cheeks became warm. I feel like I'm blushing until the point I'm red as a tomato. Kami-sama, please help me, I think, before stepping into their home as well. 

    Sasuke-kun's parents greeted me with smiles while Sasuke-kun was surprised to see me but he immediately concealed his surprised expression with an emotionless one. He gestures using his head and eyes that we should go up and I immediately follow. I was aware that my cheeks are probably redder than before, if that's even possible, and I try my best to stop blushing by keeping my head down and thinking of other things. Once we went into his room, I felt something died and resurrected from the dead inside of me. Being with him alone in his room wasn't helping to be frank. "Are you okay?" He asks and I knew immediately he was referring to my red cheeks. 

    I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down but it didn't work. I walked to ward the door to lean my back against it. "Y-y-yeah, never b-bet—" I cut myself short when I suddenly stumbled backwards when I leaned against the door. When I did, I found Itachi along with Sasuke-kun's parents eavesdropping on our conversation. My eyes widened in surprise while Sasuke-kun glared at them. 

     "What do you think you were all doing?" He asks coldly and all three of them quickly stood up to regain their composure.

     "Nothing," Itachi says. "What do you think were you two doing?" He asks suspiciously and there goes the blush creeping to my cheeks again. Sasuke-kun looks at him confused and I decided to stop this conversation before it gets any awkward. 

     "Sasuke-kun and I will go for a walk and discuss some private things. If you do not mind, he and I shall go." I say before grabbing his wrist and dragging him out. As I did, I bit my lip, trying to hold back the squeal that is waiting to go out. 

Geez, I'm just 16 and yet I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack.

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