San-juu nana: Attempted murder

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As you can see, the following chapters will be more intense! So don't expect that much romance. Also, I've already decided on the ending, and I hope that everyone will like it, regardless on what ship they like. 

Dedicated to: shewillbelooved. Thank you for the votes and kind comments! And it's great that I got to meet a fellow Filipino and NaruSakuSasu fan.

San-juu nana: Attempted murder

     I slammed my bedroom door close before I rested my back against it. My breathing is harsh and uneven and my heart is pounding relentlessly inside my chest. I grasped the area on my shirt where my heart is as I slowly slid my back against the door until my butt made contact with the wooden floor. The moment Naruto said those words, I swear, at that moment, I wanted to run as far away as possible, but before I could even do such a thing, he laughed and joked about it. After that, I said goodbye to them before I ran back home, very frightened for my own life. 

     I looked down at my hands. They are moist from nervousness and they were shaking uncontrollably. Who knew that it could be so scary? I was really determined a while ago, but somehow all that bravery and determination that I had was washed away so easily. I was never like this before at the face of an enemy, but maybe it's because I don't have chakra to back me up? Or is it because I'm forced to fight the people I love and grew up with? I guess I'm leaning towards the latter. I inhale deeply, trying to calm myself down and regain my composure before I slowly stood up and walked toward my desk.

     With slightly shaky fingers, I got my laptop and sat on my bed. My laptop is the main device. This is where all those devices are connected from. And hopefully, those devices were able to catch anything helpful before it runs out of battery or one of the fakes have gotten it. I first checked out the first device I used—which is the one I placed at the kitchen. Surprisingly, it's still there until now, although nothing exciting has happened. 

    I quickly rewinded it until I saw me setting up the video. Luckily, the device had a view of the whole kitchen. As I set it up, I saw something that caught my eye. It wasn't that clear but I saw something red. I quickly paused the video and leaned closer to see it better. Upon further inspection, I noticed it was actually a person. But...who is that? I narrowed my eyes as I tried to make out the face. My heart skipped a beat when I finally saw that it was Sasuke-kun. My stomach started to knot as I noticed that he was staring right at me and the reason why there was something red is because of his Sharingan. That just confirmed that he has chakra like the rest of the fakes.

     I took a deep breath and pressed play again. I dig my nails under my hands, trying to let out my nervousness and fear through that. I was scared beyond compare but I knew that I have to stay brave in order to survive. This is probably my only hope to make it out of here alive. The video continued on as me looking through the door as Sasuke quietly went inside, his eyes still glowing crimson red. He continued to walk closer to me until I noticed that there was something glistening in his hand. I paused the video again and took a closer look of it. My eyes widened as I gasped in surprise with a shaky hand over my mouth. No way...

     It's a knife. And it's the same one that Naruto and Kakashi-sensei held on those days. I can't believe it. He was going to kill me right then and there. I held my shaky hands tightly together as I tried to suppress the tears that were about to form in my eyes. My stomach felt so sick until the point I wanted to vomit. I hate this. Why do I have to go through this? Why me? I look back up at my computer screen and bit my lower lip. I knew that there's no use whining and complaining. I have to act fast before it's too late.

      Gathering all my courage, I played the video. Before Sasuke-kun could take another step, I stood up and backed away until the point I hit his chest. At that point, Sasuke-kun's arm was raised and ready to strike me, but I suddenly turned around, making him hide the knife. After briefly talking to him, Naruto came and basically just saved me from being murdered in his kitchen. 

      I closed the video and opened the next ones. My heart was hammering inside my chest until the point I felt like it would jump out. My mind still tried to process the fact that I could have died a while ago. I clenched my fists. I can die any time now, knowing they don't have to wait anymore for that karaoke night like before. And when I do die, I'm not going to revive anymore into another world. 

    I inhaled sharply as I pressed play on the other videos of the devices I've had set up which is the ones that I've placed at Naruto's hallway. Just like the previous video, it started with me placing it there and setting it up. A few minutes later, Naruto started passing by it. The same things happened in the following devices in the hallways except for the one that was in front of the bathroom. Just when I thought nothing significant is going to happen, I noticed something in his hand. The image was a bit vague due to the poor lighting of the area but I still tried to make it out. 

     I then felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach when I noticed that it was the same knife again. I shook my head. I couldn't take it anymore. I took the laptop off me and placed it on the empty space beside me. I ran a hand through my hair as my knees moved close to my chest. I covered my face with both my hands, trying to process all this information in and trying to calm myself down. It was then after all that thinking, I realized something that made my blood immediately run cold. 

He was planning to finish the job instead.

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