San-juu shi: The unexpected death

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The story is still not yet finish though! And please read and vote on my story "Sweat, blood and tears". And guys, GUESS WHAT I JUST MET SASUKE FUCKING UCHIHA (cosplay, obviously) BUT I WAS SO HAPPY THAT I GOT TO TAKE A PICTURE AND SPEAK TO HIM THAT I COULD CRY. I JUST LOVE NARUTO AND ALL THE CHARACTERS IN THIS ANIME/MANGA THAT IT HURTS. AND I ALSO CAN’T WAIT FOR SASUKE’S OFFICIAL DESIGN FOR “THE LAST”. I believe that Sasuke will live so…yeah.

San-juu shi: The unexpected death


     I woke up to find Naruto staring at me. I immediately jerked up in surprise, accidentally hitting his forehead with mine by accident. The both of us instantly groaned in pain at the same time as we held the area we hit. We stared at each other for a brief moment as we tried to ease the pain on our foreheads. "I'm sorry!" We both say at the same time. Realizing how stupid we may look like, we eventually just laughed it out like always.

     "I'm sorry I woke you up. You kept on shouting and twisting and turning in your sleep and I started to get worried." He explains sheepishly as he scratches the back of his head after we stopped laughing. I frowned in confusion. Everything that happened a while ago was just a dream?

    "Are you sure?" I say in disbelief as I lean closer to him, my eyes wide in surprise. That can't be. When did I even sleep? I don't even remember sleeping. Where is Sasuke-kun? What happened to him? Is he okay? And why is it night time? What's happening?

     "I guess?" He says, arching an eyebrow at my said reaction. "Why?"

    "My dream was so vivid that I actually thought it was real." I reply bashfully as my eyes fell to my lap. It was then I noticed how shitty my body feels. I felt quite sluggish and my head was pounding. What's happening to me? I was alright before. 

    "Oh, what was it about?" He asks curiously as he sits down at the space in front of me.

    "It's not much..." I lie as I avoid making eye contact with him. I held my forehead, trying to ease my headache. I can't let him know, especially since he's a fake. I just have to make something up.

    I look back up at him and he frowns at me. He was obviously skeptical about my answer. "It's obviously not by how you were acting a while ago in your sleep." He states seriously.

    I let out a deep sigh as I thought of some stupid lie. "I was fighting alien invaders and I ended up meeting the main boss. The main boss or alien and I had a brief chat and I was so scared and then..." I trail off, trying to think of more ideas.

    "Then what?" He asks curiously. For a moment, he looked like a child listening to an interesting story. I smirked at that.

    "The main boss...killed me." I say hesitantly as I recalled what happened. I clenched my fists as I inhale deeply, trying to calm myself down. Was that really just a dream? It seems so real to be even possible. I look at Naruto and he was staring at me intently. I scowled in confusion. "N—" I cut myself short as a twisted grin formed his lips. My blood instantly ran cold when I realized it was similar to Madara's. No…

    My eyes widened in surprise. Please, I hope it’s not what I think it is... "You mean like this?" The next thing I knew it, he pounced on me. He sat on my legs and he held my wrists tightly so that I won't be able to get away. I kicked and squirmed desperately, trying to break free from his grasp but he was just so strong. As I did, I knew immediately that what he said was a lie. What happened was not a dream and Madara probably sent the fake Naruto to kill me. But...why? I thought it would be Kaka-nisemono. Is he doing this just to make things more "entertaining"?

    "Let go of me, please!" I plead and he just let out a loud, evil laugh that scared me to death. So this is how Naruto is when he's evil. Without a word, Naruto held both of my hands and pin it above of my head with one hand. I didn't stop squirming though at that point. I knew that I can't give up.

    With his free hand, he pulled something from his pocket—a kunai. It glistened from the moonlight seeping in the room through the window as he held it tightly. My body started to shake in fear. "No, Naruto, please don't do this." I beg as tears filled my eyes. At that moment, I started to recall the words Madara told me.

It's because...your life will soon come to an end.

    Upon recalling that, I squirmed even more. I can't die again, I can't die! "Gomen, Sakura-chan," He says as he raised the kunai. His face was unreadable and it was as hard as stone.


     "But this is for your own good." As he brought the knife down, I was able to free my hand and block the kunai from possibly hitting my throat. As it stabbed me, I yelled in pain, but that didn't stop me. I continued to squirm, in hopes that he'll be able to let go, but it didn't work. He was too heavy for me and I was weaker than a while ago due to the pain shooting all throughout my body.

    "You shouldn't have done that." He states seriously. He then grabbed my wrist again and pinned it over my head. I felt the blood that dripped on me from my hand a while ago, start to roll down my face along with the tears that I finally decided to let go of. He raised the knife again and before I knew it...

I was dead.

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