Ni-juu go: Unpredictable

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Warning: may contain Narusaku and a little bit of Sasusaku. Here's the moment I promised you guys!  this is not the only NaruSaku moment though! More is to come and also for Sasusaku!  

Dedicated to: Bleach357, since she/he has been voting and commenting recently, and she/he's a NaruSaku shipper. (:

Ni-juu go: Unpredictable

     I suddenly found myself standing in a dark hallway. I frowned in confusion. Why am I here? Where am I anyway? And where are the others? I scan my surroundings to see a picture of Naruto and his parents on his 6th birthday. I couldn't help but smile at how big and wide his smile is and the fact that even had missing front teeth. So obviously, I'm in Naruto's house? But why does he even have this picture when his parents were already dead before he even reached the age of 1? I raised my hand to touch the frame but I stopped my hand from moving any further when I've noticed this long scar that ran down my arm. 

     My eyes widened in realization as memories started flooding inside my mind. Fear instantly invaded me and I started to feel sick inside my stomach. My knees started to buckle and my hand started to shake on its own from fear. I held it tightly, trying to stop it, but it won't. I lean my back against the wall and held my chest, trying to calm myself down and ease my tense body. I could feel my heart relentlessly hammering inside my chest as images of what happened that night came to mind.

You shouldn’t have done that. It’s time to be punished.

     Confusion then struck me harder than before when a thought came to my mind. Why am I alive when I clearly remembered that he killed me that night? Am I possibly in another world parralel to the last one? Where are the others? What did Kaka-nisemono do to them? Why did Madara bring me here? Why did he give me a second chance? What is his goal? What does he want with us? 

You did it once again, Sakura, I'm disappointed in you.

     His words are still fresh inside my mind. What did he mean by that? Is there really a valid reason to why he's doing all of this? I mean, if he wants to kill us, he could have done it the last time, but why did I live or somehow...revive here? "I love her," I then hear someone say coming from the room next to me. I lean my ear next to door, hoping that I'll find some information on wherever he took me this time. "But it seems that she still likes him," My eyes widened in surprise. I know that voice from anywhere—it's Naruto's! 

     "And I know very well that he cares a lot for her and he even has a soft spot for her." He adds and I frown in confusion. Who is he talking to? And is Naruto possibly a fake here as well? I know Naruto would never say such words in his whole life. He is too dense for these kinds of things. "I'm not the type who would take Sakura-chan all for myself knowing that she still loves Sasuke with everything she has and that she is obviously the best chance my best friend has at a happy life." My heart skipped a beat and I stopped breathing at his words. What on earth is he talking about? 

     I stood there frozen, my heart pounding inside my chest, not because of fear but because of Naruto. I've already acknowledged Naruto's feelings long ago because of Sai, but it was only now that I've found out that he feels about me that kind of way. Is this possibly that this is what happened before Naruto and I in this world broke up? Have I went back in time or something? "But—" Naruto cut him short. I couldn't distinguish his voice just with one word. Who is he telling this to? I thought we didn't tell anyone about this 'issue' and just kept it to ourselves. Who also knows? 

     "It's okay, I can bear it." He says sadly. Why am I hearing this? Is there something that I need to know? What does Madara want us to do? Why is he throwing us in these kinds of weird scenarios? I clench my fists tightly. I don't care where I am now. I am definitely going to put an end to this nonsense. But the question is, how? "Now come on, let's go." I then started to hear faint footsteps coming toward the door. Panic invaded me as I quickly stepped back from the door and searched around for a place to hide. But before I could even flee, the door flew open, revealing Naruto and Itachi. So he is the one he is talking to! 

    "Sakura-chan?" Naruto says in surprise. I stare at him in surprise as well. He still looks the same in this world like all the other fakes although his eyes didn't have this old spark anymore, it looked tired and dull and there were dark eye bags beneath it. I frown. Is it because of me? Is he really suffering that much from these lingering thoughts in his mind? Wait, why am I sympathizing so much on a fake? 

    "Y-you're wrong!" I exclaimed all of a sudden. I didn't know how, but somehow my body just moved on it's own. The next thing I knew I just started saying things I never dreamed I would say. "I don't love Sasuke-kun, I love you." I suddenly started to have deja vu. I know very well that I've said something similar to this long ago when I thought that I could kill Sasuke-kun with my own two hands to save Naruto from the burden I've put on his shoulders. 

    This time, it's almost the same thing. I'm trying to free him as well from a burden that's on his shoulders even though it's not even necessary. And to be frank, I don't even think I did this out of pity. Was it because I was really touched from the words he said? Or is it because my determination to have more knowledge on the world I'm currently in and on finding a way out drove me to this? Either way, the next thing I know it, I'm hugging him tightly, just like that day. "Please don't do this." I whisper softly. I expected him to say the same thing from before:

I don't like those who lie to themselves! 

     But it didn't happen, he said something that I would never have expected at the moment. "I would never have dreamed you would say those sweet words to me." He whispers back as he engulfs me in a tight yet soft embrace. He held me like as if I'm a valuable object that he's afraid to lose or break. The warmth that he gave off was quite comforting and somehow I can't help but hug him tighter. "I love you, Sakura-chan."  These simple yet meaningful words is what made Naruto extremely out of character in my opinion, but despite that he said it with such sincerity and the look in his eyes made my doubts disappear even just for a moment.

    I didn't know what has gotten over me, but somehow Naruto's love for me is slowly overwhelming and making me do these things unconsciously. I also didn't know if it was just from the spur of the moment, or my acting skills has gotten better, but without second thought, these unpredictable words suddenly left my mouth.

"I love you too."

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