Ni-Juu yon: Death?

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Calling all Sasusaku fans, please read "I hate you"! And keep on commenting what is the main ship! And yes I know, I’ve updated really early. I can’t help myself, I really wanted to type the next chapter especially since I left all you in a cliffhanger :3.

Ni-Juu yon: Death? 

     I immediately locked the door, my legs felt like jelly and I feel like I could collapse any moment now. I closed my eyes and held my chest, trying to calm down myself while hoping and praying that all of this is just one twisted dream and when I open my eyes I'll find myself inside my bedroom. I then open my eyes again to see that nothing has changed. I'm still standing in the living room and my possible killer is standing out of the house. I am instantly filled with sadness and defeat. I eventually had to face the fact that no matter what I tell myself, I can't erase the fact that what is happening is real and I can't do anything about it.

     My breath got caught in my throat when I suddenly hear faint footsteps coming closer and closer to the door and I held my breath, scared if I make a single sound, I'll die on the spot. "Don't make this any harder than it has to be, Sakura." I swallowed hard, my body shaking. I can't believe this is actually happening. Who knew that it will actually end up like this? I knew that I have to save Naruto and Sasuke-kun so that we could run away and hide before it's too late.

     "I-I'm not opening the door." I took a step backwards, looking at the kitchen. There was a knife on the counter, I needed it. If he is going to break inside, I have to fight back in order to get out of here. I quickly get it and face the door once again. I take a deep breath and tighten the grip on the knife's handle. There was one big question that kept running inside my mind over and over again.

When will this nightmare end?

     My thoughts were interrupted when he started pounding his fist against the door and kicking it hard with his foot to open it. Panic immediately invaded me and I quickly pushed furniture that is big and heavy enough to hold him for now while I find a way to escape. After I did that, I made my way to the back door as quietly as possible.

     My heart was pounding so loud and fast that I started to become scared at the possibility of him hearing my heartbeat. I held the cold doorknob and take a deep, shaky breath. I heard the door click as a sign that is open and I bite my lower lip as sweat rolled down the side of my face. As I slowly turned the doorknob of the back door the sounds from the front door silenced. I paused for a while. Why did he stop? Did he get tired and give up?
     Before I could even second guess myself on escaping through the back door, the door suddenly flew open, revealing Kaka-nisemono. A scream escaped my lips as I dropped the knife which clattered loudly on the tile floor as it fell. I stumbled backwards, falling on the ground on my butt with a thud. My body sat there frozen on the ground from fear. I urged myself to move, to get away from him and get Naruto and Sasuke-kun but my body can’t move.

     I forced myself to look up at him, and it was then I noticed Kaka-nisemono has a sharingan as well. It shined brightly in the darkness as he slowly approached me. I tried my best to avoid eye contact as I forced my once paralyzed body to stand up. With shaking legs, I tried to run away from him, although it seems that being caught by him was inevitable.

     But before I could even reach the door, I felt his fingers wrap around my arm. I screamed in terror as tears blurred my sight. I tried to hold my tears back but I couldn’t especially at a terrifying situation like this. I can’t even fight back and no one is there to save me. He then wrapped his strong arm around the waist and covered my mouth. I kicked and struggled but nothing worked.

     Tears started streaming down my face as I started to feel a sense of defeat. Why? Why did it have to end this way? Naruto and Sasuke-kun’s face came to my mind and I couldn’t help but feel pure remorse. If it wasn’t for me, then we wouldn’t have ended up like this. If I only bared that weird feeling then maybe we would still be in the karaoke bar with them. It’s my entire fault. “You did it once again, Sakura, I'm disappointed in you." He suddenly says in a harsh voice. He finally didn't call me Sakura-san and his voice was way different from Kakashi-sensei's now. Why is that?

     For some odd reason, I started to feel this déjà vu moment, like as if I've experienced this before. Maybe it was just from a nightmare, but I remember hearing that dreadful voice in this same room with me standing here defenseless. Before I could even remember who that voice belongs to, he brought out his kunai that glinted under the moonlight streaming in the room and brought it close to my neck. He was about to bring it close to my neck, but I was able to break free from his grasp and blocked the knife with my arm from hitting my neck. I held back my scream and bit his arm instead, making him let go and stumble backwards.

     I quickly stay away from him and tried to bear the stinging pain on my arm. I could feel my warm blood trickle down my arm as I held onto the place where the wound is, hoping that it could ease the pain. Kaka-nisemono glared at me and I take a step back in fear. “You shouldn’t have done that.” He says threateningly.

     I take another step back and he takes a bigger step forward. This continues on until my back softly hits the wall. My heart skipped a beat once my back made contact with the wall. I’m trapped. “It’s time to be punished.” He says, leaning closer to me. He raised his arm and leaned it against the wall, blocking me from ever escaping while he raised the kunai close to my neck.

    I let out one last scream and then after that, I saw nothing but darkness.

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