San-juu hachi: An army of one

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I really want to finish this story tbh! It has been two months already and I have lots of other fan fics to do like "I hate you"! Also, I do want to finish this story by the time it's my birthday (September 3). 

San-juu hachi: An army of one 

    Last night, I couldn't sleep at all, I kept tossing and turning and I did almost everything in order to fall asleep, but that image of Sasuke-kun and Naruto almost killing me kept coming into my mind. And after finally giving up trying to sleep, I quickly yet quietly packed all my things. I gathered new 'weapons' in the house, food, water, clothes and important toiletries like toothbrush and toothpaste. After that, I escaped out of the house and eventually out of the village. The next thing I knew it, I find myself here in the middle of the forest. It was not so far away from the village and it was near a clear stream. I knew very well that if I want to make it out of here alive, I have to train myself in a matter of days to be able to face those fakes alone. 

    And to be able to achieve that, I must have no distractions and I have to train day and night with no stop until I think I'm strong enough. Tsunade-sama isn't here, but her will is still burning within me, pushing me to do better and not to give up. All I need is perseverance, and maybe, I'll be able to reach my goal. 

     2 days has passed and just like I've planned, I trained and thought of different strategies to bring those down even without the help of chakra. I enhanced my skills within a short amount of time and now, I'm on the way back to the village. Today is when karaoke night will happen. And so I'm more determined to not let myself be killed by any of them after all the preparations I've done within those days. 

    I casually strolled inside Konoha. I bet you're wondering what the hell am I planning to do? Well, my plan is simple, really. I'll let myself be caught by the fakes and pretend to be taken as their captive. I bet you're thinking that I'm an idiot for doing so, but I need to take some risks in order to reach my main goal, and that is taking down Madara. 

     As I walked down the streets of Konoha everyone who I passed by stared at me like as if I’m a criminal. I knew that they're not going to fake it anymore, because this time, it's me against them. I inhaled deeply and clenched my fists, trying to hold back my fear and nervousness. I can do this, I tell myself those four words over and over again to boost my confidence. With my chin up high, I passed the Madara statue and went straight to the hokage's office where I see Madara looking down at me through the glass window. What I'm doing right now is quite audacious, but it's worth the shot. 

    Just when I was about to step into the stairs that led to his office, I heard a voice that brought a smile to my face. Bingo. "Sakura-chan!" I turn around to see Naruto running toward me. When he finally reached me, he placed his hands on his legs as he tried to catch his breath. "I didn't see you in a while. Where did you go?" He asks with a pout.

    "I went on a little adventure and I wanted to greet the hokage and give him this thing I found in the forest." I explain casually as I walk up the stairs and he eventually followed. Everything is going according to plan. It's a shame I can't smile about it, because if I do, my plans will be ruined. "I also got you, Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke-kun one, check these chocolates out." I say, handing him a chocolate ball that I got from my bag.

    "You got the forest?" He asks confused as he stared at the chocolate ball. 

    "No, not exactly, I was able to search for healthy ingredients filled with nutrients that will be able to drastically boost your energy." I explain easily like as if I read it from a book. Those chocolate balls aren't really made out of chocolates. It looks, tastes and smell like ones, but in truth, it's actually made out of ingredients that'll make whoever eat that pass out and not wake up after a few hours. Even if you didn't swallow it, it will still give you the same effect. 

     "Really?" He asks, looking excited as he smells the chocolate ball. 

    I nod. "Yep, why don't you try it?" I say once we've reached the top. He looks at the chocolate ball then at me. I knew it, he's going to be hesitant about it.

      "I can save it for later, you know..." He trails off.

    "No! I want to know what your opinion about it is!" I say with a smile as I get my own chocolate ball. This chocolate ball is actually a normal one; it doesn't have that special ingredient like the one in Naruto's. I already expected that he would hesitate like that, so I made one for myself. "See? Let's eat it together." I say, showing it to him. 

     He then sighs deeply in defeat. "Okay fine." And with that, at the same time, we put the chocolate balls in our mouths and we both ate it as we walked down the hallways. I made sure to stand behind him so that he won't spit the chocolate ball out. 

     We reached the hokage's office and we opened it to see Madara and Sasuke Uchiha. They stopped their conversation to look at me. I just simply smiled sweetly at them. "I made these chocolate balls while I was gone and I wanted you to try it. Naruto liked it, right?" I ask, turning to look at him and he nods happily. 

    "Okay, lay it down on my desk." Madara orders and I quickly pull it out of my bag and placed it on his desk. He slowly opened the package as him and Sasuke-kun got a piece. They briefly examined it before turning to look at me. "What's it made off?" He asks as I let my hand discreetly hover above my weapons pouch. 

     "Well, it's made out of dark chocolate, cocoa butter, sugar, macadamia nuts and..." I trail off as I looked at his wall clock. Madara arched an eyebrow at me and I simply smirked at him because I knew it was time. "Poison," I say as Naruto suddenly passed out just like what I've planned. The moment I heard that loud thud behind me, I quickly pulled out four knives and a hammer and aimed it at Madara and Sasuke Uchiha's eyes. 

    I swiftly threw it, but Madara and Sasuke easily blocked it. Meanwhile the hammer hits the glass behind them, and it shattered into a billion pieces. One one hand, Sasuke was too late to react and so when he turned to look at it, the glass was able to hit his eyes, blinding and wounding him. On the other hand, Madara had already predicted that and so he was able to move away. 

    Before he could even attack me, I ran toward the shattered window with a rope in my hands and jumped. As I fell, I threw the rope which successfully was able to be tied to a pole and I swiftly fell down until I reached the ground with a thud. I didn't stop running after that. I looked behind me to see Madara standing at the edge of the hokage’s office with a pissed yet amused look in his face. Facing front again, I saw that everyone from the leaf village was running toward me to attack me.

I pursed my lips into a thin line, knowing immediately that hell is going to break lose soon.

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