San-juu kyu: Living hell

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Okay, I've only realized now that there is probably 1 or 2 chapters left before this story finally ends . But don't worry! For Sasusaku or Narusaku fans, I'm going to continue "I hate you" and going to post a new Narusaku fan fiction. Also, read my Kakashi fan fictions and my Naruto fan fiction "Sweat, blood and tears"

San-juu kyu: Living hell

     With expert hands, I skillfully and swiftly threw the knives at certain places where I've hidden the gasoline cans. The moment the gasoline cans were stabbed by my knives, the gasoline started spraying out, soaking the streets with it. I took a step back and watched everyone slip and fall on their backs, surprised at the gasoline that suddenly appeared. Before they could even get a chance to get up, I quickly pull out my lighter and turned it on. I inhaled sharply. They're fakes, Sakura; they're not your friends. 

     "Gomen," I whisper before throwing the lighter with shaky fingers. After that, I immediately left to initiate part 3 of the plan because I didn't want to watch the people who I love and grew up with turn into ashes. I went up to the rooftop of a certain building. I looked down and saw the chaos I've created down there. 

     To be frank, I'm starting to wonder if this is what hell looks like; a city of flames filled with dead bodies and cries of people who are in pain. And maybe this is what the demon feels like; standing above them all, just simply watching the chaos happen below them. Most of the villagers were engulfed in flames and the ones who were able to escape it started running my way when they saw me. 

     Upon seeing that, I immediately got another knife from my pouch and threw it at the water tank across me. Just like what happened with the gasoline cans, the water started to spill, and it eventually bursted. Water started pouring down at everyone, washing away the fire and even the people too. I bit my lower lip as guilt struck me hard. Watching them being in pain wasn't a pretty sight for me. And to be honest, I just want to barf. 

    But I knew that I have to hold it in. I have to defeat the army before striking their leader, and after doing that, maybe, just maybe, I'll finally be free. It was then I noticed that the water had already subsided until the point the water could only reach my ankles. I knew that it's time to begin part four of the plan. With the last knives I've got left, I threw it at certain parts of the village where I've tied clear strings that throws out sharp rocks when it is cut. 

   All the others that I set up was able to be successfully cut except one. I groaned in frustration. That was my last knife! They were able to knock out the remaining people that were standing but, it wasn't enough, there are still stubborn ones trying to stand up. I knew that I have to hit that one in order to put those stubborn ones down before it's too late. 

    I looked around my surroundings. It isn't so far. It was just at the large tree next to this building. But the question is, how can I come down within such a short period of time? I rummaged through my bag and got the rope I used earlier. I twirled it around and threw it. Luckily, I was able to hook it around a faucet from the building on the other side of the tree. It may not hold my weight for long, but it's worth a shot. I took a deep breath and looked down. My heart started hammering inside my chest as my stomach knotted in nervousness. That's a long way down...

    I bit my lower lip. Think of it as this way, Sakura, if you die, then at least you didn't die by the hands of likes of Madara. Okay, that didn't help at all. I'm such an idiot for even looking down at the first place! I sighed in frustration as I shook my head, trying to push those thoughts away. You know what? Fuck it. I jumped off the building. I couldn't help but squeal as I fell. My hair was blown away from my face and my shirt was slightly raised due to the wind. 

   Once I was closer to the tree, I outstretched my arm and grasped the closest branch. I held onto it for dear life as I tried to climb it. I sighed in relief once I made it up to where the string is. My heart was pounding so hard inside my chest until the point I have to put my hand on it to calm it down. For a moment there, I really thought I'd die. I look at the clear string that hovered above me as I reminded myself that I still have unfinished business to do. Using my free hand, I got the only sharp thing I have left in my bag—a pair of sharp scissors. I quickly cut the string and rocks instantly flew out, hitting the remaining ones and immediately knocking them out. I smirked victoriously. I did it.

    I bet you're wondering, how did I set this all up and when? Well, it was just last night. It took me some time to gather all these materials, but I was still able to and had to carry them to the certain places without getting noticed by a single fake. It was quite a difficult task, but luckily I was able to pull through. 

    I looked down. It was quite a long way down and the only way is to use the rope. I look up to where the rope is hooked in and noticed that the faucet was slightly bent due to my weight even though I'm not that heavy. I pursed my lips into a thin line. Maybe if I'm quick, I'll be able to make it down. I was able to do it a while ago and I can do it again, right? I exhaled deeply as I held onto the rope tightly. "Ready, set..." I muttered to myself as I mentally prepared myself for it. "Go!" I yell as I jumped down. As I did, the faucet broke and I was falling at a much faster rate. The ground was coming closer and closer and I knew I have to do something quick.

    I quickly pulled out of the pair of scissors from my bag and stabbed it into the tree. I continued to fall as the scissors made a deep mark onto it. I held the scissors tightly and dug it deeper into the tree. But despite my efforts, I just continued to fall. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping that when I do fall, I won't severely injure myself so that I'll still be able to fight. But just when I was about to reach the ground, the scissors finally dug deep enough into the tree until the point it was able to stop my fall. I looked down and sighed in relief. I can't believe it, I'm alive. 

     I eventually jumped down and I heard someone not so far away snicker in amusement. I turned my head towards the source of the voice to see Kaka-nisemono.

"I think you forgot someone."

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