Hachi: Team 7 finally reunites

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Did you guys read chapter 682? Because of that, I've got a new idea that'll I add here to the story's plot twist, hehe.

Hachi: Team 7 finally reunites 


     Sasuke-kun and I our lovers? My heart started pounding inside my chest relentlessly as I felt my cheeks warming up. I was now sitting down on the hospital bed while being treated by this kind nurse who has brown hair. I turn to look at Sasuke who was just sitting a few meters away from Tobi or Obito and Kakashi-sensei. That's another reason why my heart is restless and my mind is spinning. How could Obito be alive? The last thing I remembered that he was killed by Madara. I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked away, trying to act as calm and natural as possible. I need to go with the flow, just like what Sasuke-kun said. 

    "And I'm done," She announces, interrupting my thoughts as she stands up properly. "Just gets some rest and you'll be discharged tomorrow." I nod in reply before she turns around to leave. When she stepped out, she suddenly stopped dead in her tracks and smiled sweetly. "Hello, Itachi-san, Naruto-kun." Sasuke and I immediately tensed at the mention of his name. I can't believe it. So he is alive as well? Then if he is alive, then does that mean the rest of the Uchiha clan is alive as well? 

     I squeeze my sweaty palms nervously and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding before. I rigidly turn to look at Sasuke. He was staring at them, his face was emotionless but his eyes held a glint that I couldn't decipher. I look back to the door to see Itachi and Naruto come in. Itachi was holding flowers and a bento box. I frown slightly in confusion. Is that for me? "Hello, Sakura, how are you feeling?" Itachi questioned as he placed the flowers on the desk next to the bed along with the food. 

     "I-I'm fine," I stutter while staring at him in shock and awe. Uchiha Itachi is actually visiting me in the hospital. Can things get anymore unreal?

     "Well, that's good. Oka-san was worried about you. She even saved some food from our lunch a while ago and asked me to buy flowers for you." He says with a small smile. Did he just say Oka-san? As in Sasuke and Itachi's mother? I tried to push my thoughts away and conceal my confusion by smiling back, briefly glancing at the food and flowers on the desk.

    "Thanks a lot, I appreciate it." I say sincerely. His smile widens before he turns to look at Naruto who was leaning against the door's frame with his hands deep inside his pockets. The word 'confusion' was written all over his face and he seems to be deep in thought. I bit my lower lip as I glance at Sasuke-kun, giving him a look to question him if he is thinking what I'm thinking. He nods as well, then looks at Naruto. Both of us are wondering if Naruto is the real deal or not.

     "Naruto, aren't you going to say something?" Itachi says. Naruto looks up in surprise and blinks a few times, trying to snap back into reality. 

      "What?" He asks confused.

     "Aren't you here for something or someone?" He says, raising an eyebrow. Naruto glances at me and gives me a skeptical look for a moment before he hesitantly walked toward my bed. He glanced at Sasuke then at me and I could see the look in their eyes that they were having their own private conversation. Sasuke then lets out a sigh as he nods in agreement.

     "Everyone, can you please leave the three of us alone?" He says in more of a demanding tone. Kakashi-sensei, Obito and Itachi glance at each other for a moment before nodding in agreement and leaving the room. Realization then hit me as I look at the two boys. Sasuke wanted to question Naruto if he really is who we think he is.

     "Naruto," Sasuke began, looking at him. "Please do shadow clone jutsu." He says while eyeing Naruto carefully. Naruto arches an eyebrow at him then shrugs before doing the hand signs. 

     "Shadow clone jutsu!" He exclaims, but not a single clone came out. He scowls in confusion as he looks down at his hands. "Why didn't it work?" I narrow my eyes at him as he tried to do it again and again. So it happened to him as well. He doesn't have chakra too. I glance at Sasuke-kun who was already looking at me. There was something in his eyes that told me that he believes that he is the real deal. But why? I need to confirm it for myself. I need to ask a question that the Naruto in this world can't answer.

     "Naruto, what's the promise you made to me that day?" I ask him and Sasuke-kun looked at me, slightly confused before turning to look at Naruto. If Itachi is alive along with the rest of the Uchiha clan in this world then that means Sasuke didn't leave the village, if he didn't leave the village then I didn't try to stop him that night and cried to Naruto, letting him promise me that he'll bring him back. Only the Naruto I know would know the answer to this. 

      Naruto stared at me for a moment and he had a serious look on his face. "That I'll bring Sasuke back no matter what!" He replies solemnly with a determined look on his face. I look at Sasuke and I nod, agreeing that he really is Naruto. "Wait, what's happening?" He asks confused. "Why are you asking me these questions?" He adds.

     "Naruto, we're the real Sakura and Sasuke." I say softly so that no one from the outside can hear. 

     Relief crossed Naruto’s face as he lets out a long sigh. "You are?" He asks in disbelief. "Are you sure you're really Sakura-chan and Sasuke-teme?" He asks, narrowing his eyes at me and him.  

    "Tch," I heard Sasuke say, meaning that he was annoyed with what Naruto called him.

     "Shh, be quiet, you idiot!" I scold, hoping that no one heard what he just said. 

    "Fine, then ask us anything so that you could believe that we're the real deal." Sasuke says calmly. 

     Naruto held his chin, thinking deep in thought. His face then suddenly lit up as he raises his index finger, meaning that he has got an idea. "What color is my underwear?" He questions seriously. Anger and annoyance ran through my veins as I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists. How dare he ask me something as stupid and ridiculous as that!

     "Naruto, you idiot!" I yelled as I punched him at the the stomach hard, 'causing him to fly across the room and make his back hit the wall with a loud thud. I growled in anger. "And to think I thought you'd give a serious question!" I yell in frustration.

    "Sakura-chan, are you really sure you're sick?" He whines as he sat down on the floor in pain. “You are still stronger than ever,” He comments while moaning in pain.

      "Tch, dobe." I heard Sasuke mutter in annoyance. As he did, a big grin started to form Naruto's lips. I frowned in confusion. Why is he smiling? He then started to chuckle playfully as he stood up and dusted off the invisible dirt from his pants. "What's so funny?" Sasuke asks.

     "It's just like Team 7 days, right?" He says playfully. Sasuke and I immediately fell silent once we have realized that as well. I couldn't help but let a smile form my lips as a lot of good memories of the old Team 7 came to my mind. So Naruto actually planned that to happen?

     "Yeah," I say, reminiscing all the good and even bad moments I've had with them. I missed those days so much. 

     "So what's happening?" Naruto finally asks, meaning that he finally believes that Sasuke and I are the real deal. 

    "We can't tell you know because others might hear it, so we have to gather somewhere to share what we have recently discovered." I reply, finally becoming serious again. 

     "And that 'somewhere' is where exactly?" Naruto asks, doing quotation marks in the air. 

    "I have an idea," Sasuke says. "Let's us all meet tomorrow at Sakura's hospital room. She's going to be discharged anyway. We can discuss all the information we currently know before we plan our next move, got it?" 

     Naruto and I nod in agreement. "Yes,"

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