Nii-juu hachi: What is up with her?

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(Warning: one long ass author's note)

Tomorrow is the last day of exams and I'm done studying extra hard for it because I'm a very hardworking student(?). Praise the lord! Anyway, I would like to inform everyone that after I finish Trapped, I'll be updating more on my Sasusaku fan fic which is "I hate you". Although, if you do not prefer Sasusaku or Kakashi love stories, then don't worry! I have a Naruto fan fiction for all of you as well! And it is just full of adventure and mystery and it's the old team 7 (;. It's called "Sweat, blood and tears"

By the way while studying for exams, 2 complete plots has came to my mind (yes, this is what happens when I don't write stories. My mind tends to wonder and think about different worlds and stories) and they're Sasusaku and Narusaku related. So what do you think should I post first? The Narusaku or Sasusaku? It's for all of you to decide! 


Nii-juu hachi: What is up with her?

     "Sakura, what's wrong?" I repeat as I look at her gravely. Her face is mixed with pure shock and terror as she stares into space. I frown. What happened to her? The doorbell rang again, quickly snapping her back from her trance. Her hands started shake slightly as she glanced at the window. I knew something is wrong. Why is she so scared of Kakashi? The bell rang again and again and I knew that I have to do something to make him stop. Without a word, I walked toward the door of the room. She grabbed my wrist and I glanced at her, secretly surprised at her sudden said action. Her fingers were cold and a bit moist. It was obvious that she's quite nervous. She looks at me in the eyes and shakes her head softly.

    "You can't show yourself, remember?" She says and my frown widens. She didn't even tell me yet why I can't show myself yet. What is going on here? Does she know more than what is written on this sheet of paper? "Stay here, and don't come down until I say so." She orders before she quickly lets go of me and runs out of the door. I listen to her footsteps as I hear them softly go down the wooden staircase and then there was silence. I look out of the window discreetly to see that she has already opened the door to greet him. 

    I watched as they talked to each other for some time. While they talked I tried to observe Kakashi's movements and appearance. He still wore the same clothes, he still looks the same, he has the same posture and he still has that pocket book that her carries with him all the time. Even how he moves is exactly the same from the Kakashi I know. I scowl in confusion. Why is Sakura afraid of him if this supposed to be "fake" looks and acts exactly like him? 

    It was then he suddenly looked at my direction. I immediately backed away and the curtain instantly fell onto place. I decided to not watch him anymore because I was starting to feel that he has already noticed me. I look around Sakura's room. It was the first time I've ever been to her room to be frank. Before, I barely go to any of their houses unless needed because Sakura's parents are quite nosy while Naruto's place is a complete disaster. Both of them as well don't go to my house that much it's because I make sure that the both of them will keep out.

    Naruto is the one who always visits Sakura. Even when we're off missions, he still goes to her house just to say complete nonsense to her and just simply hang out with her. Just that fact immediately shows how different they and I are. And yet no matter how I tried to emphasize that to Naruto and Sakura, they still kept chasing after me and persuading me to come back. But I was stubborn. I left everything without turning back and I tried to cut all my ties. I believed before that all I truly had left was my name and my motivation.

    But due to turn of events, looks where it has gotten me. I'm back and I'm off to fight evil along with my old team with a new goal in mind. And yet just when I thought everything will be over now and we'll finally defeat the villain, I find myself in another dimension, surrounded by thousands of reminders of my bitter past. I'm full of confusion, anger and even sorrow. This nostalgic feeling that wells up inside of me is not a good feeling at all, especially when you're aware that almost everything here is almost a ridiculous illusion—something to mess my mind up and make me unfocused.

    Not to mention the fact that I'm quite confused about my whole situation. It seems Sakura is the only one who knows about it and apparently Naruto is out of the picture. What's worse is the fact that Sakura and I only have each other and none of us have chakra whatsoever. I balled my hands in a tight fist. Whoever trapped us here, I will definitely make sure that he'll pay. A scream then suddenly echoed around the house and snapped back to reality. 


    Almost by instinct, I sped down the stairs and my legs instantly carried me to the scream I knew all too well. I rushed to where she is to find Sakura staring at me with shock and confusion and so did Kakashi. "Sasuke-kun?" I immediately regret coming down that stairs at that moment. Crap, Kakashi saw me!

    "I heard a scream." I say as I keep my careless facade. "What's happening?"

    "Kaka-nise—I mean, Kakashi-sensei told me to scream to test if I have big lungs. I tried to resist but he really insisted me on doing so." She explains casually. Her voice showed she was calm but the look on her face said otherwise. I could see how neevous she was at the fact that Kakashi saw me. 

     "And why is that?" I ask, looking at Kakashi, trying to act calm and collected. 

    Kakashi simply flashes me his famous eye smile. "I did that to test if she's ready for kareoke." I narrowed my eyes at Kakashi. I have a feeling he planned this. Since he has already seen me from the window he has probably tricked Sakura into screaming so that it could lure me to come downstairs. I can't believe I forgot that this old man is quite clever. 

    "Kareoke?" Sakura chocked. The color immediately was drained from her face as horror crossed her face. What happened this time? What is wrong with her?

    "Yes, kareoke." He says. "I was about to go to your house as well, Sasuke." He continues. "There's going to be kareoke night the day after tomorrow at the sushi store and everybody else will be there!" He explains. He looks at Sakura then at me. "So are the both of you coming?" He asks a little bit too energetically. 

    I look over at Sakura, wondering what he answer will be. She puts a hand on her chest, trying to calm herself down. She then looks at Kakashi and she smiled sweetly at him. I frowned in confusion. Wait, don't tell me... 

"Yes, we're coming."

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