Juu yon: I hate it when I'm right

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Juu yon: I hate it when I'm right

A loud, high-pitched scream that could be heard from the room at a certain room echoed around the hallways. My eyes widened in surprise as I started sprinting towards Sakura's room. What happened? I know very well that isn't Sakura's scream. I’ve heard hers many times during our team 7 days and I’m definitely sure that it isn’t hers. Who is it? Once I've reached the room, I grasped the door knob and quickly opened it, revealing a disgusted Ino and a squished spider on the floor. And then there was Obito with a plastic spoon on his hand with splattered blood on it and Sakura with surprised look on her face. Itachi and Kakashi on the other hand, looked disinterested and bored. 

They all turned to me and I couldn't help but frown at the sight and let my shoulders slump at the false alarm. "Sasuke-kun?" I hear Sakura call in surprise. I look over at her and scan her body. She seems to be okay, she actually looks healthier in fact. I let out a sigh of relief and annoyance. I actually wasted my energy getting worked up for something like this. I shouldn’t really be jumping into conclusions next time. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Naruto's birthday party?" She asks, tilting her head to the side in confusion while Obito threw the plastic spoon in the trash can and Ino found a spot to sit far away from the brutally murdered spider. 

"I think the better question is why aren’t you in the party and here in Sakura's room instead?" I redirect her question to Ino as I look at her. I came here for an answer as well. I wanted to know if there are any issues that will lead us to even more information about our surroundings. She was sitting down at the table, her legs were dangling at the edge of it and she has her hands to support her weight. "And without informing anyone whatsoever?" I add while arching an eyebrow. 

She frowns and looks down at her lap. "Yeah, yeah, you caught me, Uchiha." Everybody's attention was now focused on her, it seems that everyone wanted to know why she's here at the first place but didn't bother to ask her for their own private reasons. "Obito-san has already informed me about Sakura's condition, but I didn't say anything to the others for two main reasons," She explains, her eyes focused on her lap.

"The first one is that if I told everyone then they would also plan to visit Sakura as well, but since it's Naruto's birthday, I didn't want to ruin it, especially since there's an awkward atmosphere between them." What awkward atmosphere? What happened between them here? And surprisingly, my guess was right. She really didn't want to tell them because of Naruto's birthday or some other special reason.

"And next is that since you came to the party along with Naruto and we all finally thought to both of you have gotten along with each other, I didn't want to ruin the moment by telling everyone the bad news about Sakura, so instead, I kept it to myself." She continues before she finally looked at all of us. Sakura looked at me with a 'let's talk' look on her face. I nodded in reply before turning my attention back to Ino because she called my name. "Are you and Naruto really friends again after all that drama or..." She trails off. I remained silent 'causing her to instantly panic. "I'm sorry! If you don't want to answer, then it's okay." She says cautiously.

"He and I are friends." I state nonchalantly. To be honest, I have no knowledge whatsoever on what she’s babbling about. "What makes you say we aren't?" I wasn't satisfied with what she said a while ago. I needed to know more about what's happening. I simply said that as a trap that I'm hoping she'll fall for.

"Well...you know..." She says nervously as she rubs the nape of her neck. Bingo. She did fall for it. It was already expected from a girl as gullible as she is. "The issue between you, Naruto and Sakura..." She says awkwardly as she looked down on the ground. 

I arched an eyebrow at her. What issue? Is that the reason why they're all looking at me that way a while ago? "Which is?" 

"You know...you suddenly being in a relationship with Sakura a few months after they broke up." She says cautiously, still trying to avoid eye contact with any of us. I narrowed my eyes at her. They? Who was Sakura with except me? I bit my lower lip with dissatisfaction. I knew that I can't ask who's 'they' or they'll become suspicious. I wasn't able to get the complete information, but I guess this is enough. I look at Sakura who had a troubled look on her face. I frowned. I wonder what she wanted to talk to me about. 

"Is that all?" I ask Ino sternly, hoping she’ll say more. She looks up finally and nods her head quickly. My frown widened in her reply. That’s what I get when I keep my hopes up.

"If I may ask, Sasuke-kun, what did happen?" She asks curiously and I could see from the corner of my eye Sakura turning to look at me.

"Don't you have anything to do than to stick your nose into other people's business? Why don't you go back to Naruto's home while the party is still going on?" I snap in a calm tone. I didn’t want to snap at her, but I didn’t know what to reply to such a question. I, myself, don’t even know what did happen. Before Ino could even reply another person barged inside the room as well.

"Sakura!" Both of her parents cried as they marched inside the room to go to their daughter's side. Sakura looked at the both of them shock and confusion. I scowl at the sight. Sometimes I hate it when I'm right. Obito did inform Ino and Sakura's parents. I let out a long sigh as I lean my back against the door while I watched Sakura's parents shooting questions to her about her health. Oh well.

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