Yon-juu: A bond that knows no bounds

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This is the last chapter guys!  Okay, I know this is the last chapter and it should be epic and all, I'm sorry but, it's not. It's basically a crappy chapter (just like my previous ones) that has a corny ending. This is basically an asspull because I changed the ending and I can't even think of a better one without using my previous one (I'm supposed to kill sakura lol) and I apologize in advanced for disappointing all of you though. Also, there is NO main ship! Those ships are just basically side stories in the main story and if you want something that has pro sasusaku or narusaku, I'll be posting fan fics like that called "i hate you" and "if only". Also, I've realized (long ago) that my readers are BOTH narusaku and sasusaku shippers and so I decided to do pro team 7! Btw, I'll also write a epilogue but I won’t post it tomorrow b ecause it’s my birthday heh

Yon-juu: A bond that knows no bounds 

    "How did you..." I trail off as I balled my hands into a fist and clenched it tightly. If we're going to fight, I still have part four of the plan. If I do this, maybe I'll be able to take him down once and for all. I look around my surroundings with my eyes. How can I escape him to be able to do that? 

    "How did I do what?" He asks, making me look back at him as he arches his eyebrow. 

     "Survive that..." I say, referring to the chaos I've caused a while ago. 

     "Oh, that?" He asks amused as my hand slightly hovered above my pouch. "Simple, I used chakra." He replies. "Something that you don't h—" I cut him short.

    "You're obviously not Kakashi-sensei, you talk too much." And with one swift move, I lifted up my pouch and threw dozens of packs filled with powder that instantly made the air foggy just like what a regular smoke bomb can do. I instantly ran away far from him as I felt a surge of adrenaline. As I did, I cautiously threw these grenades at the place where I left Kaka-nisemono and all the other places near it. After I threw it, I ran faster so that I won't also be carried away by the explosions. My heart was hammering inside my chest and my lungs were burning. My legs suddenly felt like weights but I still kept pushing to go faster until my limit. I'm almost there! 

     Just when I thought I'll be able to make it, the grenades started to explode one by one and I was blasted away by it. The impact of it was so strong it was able to push me away for at least a dozen feet. Some parts of my clothes got ripped off and became dirty. I've also earned fresh new wounds but that didn't stop me from trying to get back up again. As I did, buildings started crashing down one by one, it was almost like a domino effect. My eyes widened in surprise. Oh shit. I quickly stood up and ran again as fast as I could before I could get squished. 

    The muddy ground blurred below me as some of the mud splashed on my legs. The steady thump of my footsteps echoed in my ears and I felt a bead of sweat roll down my forehead. The only thing stopping me from getting out of here is probably my own death. "Sakura!" That voice! I briefly turn around to see if Kaka-nisemono is calling me but he's nowhere in sight. And besides, Kaka-nisemono wouldn't call me just Sakura. But if that's so, then who is it? 

    "Sakura-chan!" This time it's Naruto's. I thought he's unconscious? What's happening?

    "Sakura!" My eyes widened in surprise. Sasuke-kun? I clenched my fists as I started sprinting towards the source of the voice. Where is it coming from? Has he somehow healed himself and awakened Naruto? If so, what will I do now to fight them back? I'm almost out of weapons.

    "Sakura-chan!" It's Naruto's voice again but this time it's much closer. I stopped dead in my tracks as I tried to listen to that voice again. "Over here!" I snap my head towards the source of the voice to see Naruto, Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke-kun inside a portal. No way... Is that really them? One one hand, Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke-kun's sharingans were activated and they seemed like they are straining their eyes just to keep this portal open while on the other hand, Naruto is giving them chakra with the help of the Kyuubi. 

    Seeing them like that made realization struck me hard. Now I know why I was alone. Now I know why I was the only one who was left behind in this wretched world. Kakashi-sensei had kamui to teleport himself immediately back to reality and Naruto has the kyuubi to snap him out of the genjutsu or the illusion that Madara has created. Meanwhile, Sasuke-kun has the eternal mangekyou sharingan to fight back Madara's. And now here they are, using their chakra to bring me back. And they're doing everything they've got just because I'm not powerful enough to escape that world by myself. Disappointment in myself then started to overwhelm me upon realizing that.

    "Sakura-chan! Come here before it's too late!" He yells, snapping me out of my thoughts. I pursed my lips into a thin line. This is not the time feeling sorry about my own weaknesses. Just like what I've said earlier, they're doing everything they can for me and I shouldn't waste their efforts at all. Before I knew it, I started running toward them and as I did that, I probably had the word 'happiness' and 'relief' across my face. I was happy. I mean, who wouldn't be? I'll finally be able to escape these frauds. 

     Although even though I was with those frauds, I saw a different side of Naruto and Sasuke-kun and I learned more about their secret desires and some feelings that they have locked away in their heart. For some reason, that small adventure made me develop a stronger bond with them. 

    "Faster, Sakura-chan!" Naruto encourages and I push myself further and further as I got closer and closer to the portal. I'm finally free. I reach out my hand and so did Naruto, our fingers made contact for a brief moment before we were finally able to grasp each other's hands. He quickly pulled me in and I went inside, accidentally falling on Naruto. The portal immediately closed behind me and I find myself sitting on Naruto. "Sakura-chan!" Naruto says and my eyes widen with embarrassment as I quickly stand up and step backwards until the point I stumble and fall down on my butt with a soft thud.

     We all stared at each other, all of us were panting due to exhaustion and most of us were covered in dirt and grime. A giggle started to escape my lips and all of them looked at me weirdly. I then started to let out a loud hearty laugh, somehow I was really happy. I know they probably think I'm insane but even so, I couldn't stop laughing. It made me realize that yeah, maybe I'm still rough around the edges and I'm not as powerful enough as them in terms of these kinds of stuff. But hey, Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke-kun may have the sharingan while Naruto has the kyuubi, but you know what I have? It's something greater than any kind of eye prowess or jutsu.

    It's our bond that keeps us together, and it's something that I've even made stronger with the help of the most unexpected person—Madara.

The end.


Okay, this ending has double meanings. If you read between the lines, I’m trying to portray that there are times when Sakura’s emotions overcome her from doing what is supposed to be done (when she felt disappointed in herself instead of running toward the portal). And there are times when she just keeps chasing and chasing after her goal which is to be able to catch up to Naruto and Sasuke (running toward the portal). There are also times when she stumbles and falls but instead of crying over that fact, she just simply laughs it out. Because in the end, she did make it, she was able to catch up with the help of her friends (going in the portal, naruto giving her a hand) (also referring to the quote, “a true hero is not one who does not fail, but is one who will stumble and fall and just keep standing up again and again”), and she eventually felt better about herself once she realized that when she was trapped there, she learned something very valuable and that she was able to develop a stronger bond with them (even though Sasuke disappeared for years and was considered a rogue ninja) and know things about them that she didn’t before.

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