San: Birthday? [pt 1]

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San: Birthday? [pt 1]


     Moegi quickened her pace until steps became leaps as she continued to drag me around. What is happening? To be honest, I have no idea how I got in this situation. The first thing I knew is that I was fighting alongside with the old team 7 which consists of me, Sakura-chan, Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei, and we were fighting against Madara Uchiha. And then before I knew it, Moegi has been dragging me around this bright, sunny place. Where the hell am I? It was then, from the corners of my vision—I saw the old ramen shop that I always go to, my apartment, even the academy. Am I in Konoha? I shook my head in disbelief. That's impossible. All of those places were destroyed ever since Pein came and all those places looks really different since then. How could it suddenly turn back to normal? 

     Moegi finally stopped at a corner along with Udon that had troubles following her around. All of us breathed heavily as we rested our backs against the fence. "Thank goodness, I think we're saved." She says with a sigh in relief. "Is everyone alright?" She asks, looking at the both of us. We both nod in response but then I realized something. We were running away from something? What or who is it? I looked around my surroundings and confirmed to myself that I am, indeed, in Konoha. But why am I here? I was about to speak up first to ask what is happening but Udon beat me to it. 

     "O-o-oh no!! We forgot Konohamaru-kun!" Udon exclaims pointing at the pair of goggles on the floor. I followed the direction of his finger to see a pair of my old goggles that I handed down to Konohamaru. He quickly picked it up frantically as he started to run around in circles. "Meogi! His goggles!" He exclaimed. 

     "Right, Konohamaru-kun wore goggles," She states matter of factly with a nod.

    "Hey guys—" I was cut off.

    "That's not what I meant! Only his goggles are here!" He says, showing her his goggles.

     "What—" I was cut off again.

    "Yeah, that's right." She says casually, confused on what he's getting on to. She then leans closer to the pair of goggles and her eyes suddenly widened in surprise. “And there’s dirt!” She exclaims as she licks her thumb and cleans it.

     "Wait, what—" I was cut off yet again.

     "We must've left him behind! This is not good! We should go and save him!" He says in a rush. There was a glint of determination in his eyes. He may be usually a scaredy cat, but when it comes to his friends, he's not afraid to fight for their sake. I liked that in him. That's a trait that I adore from all my friends and it is a trait that I also possess. I smirk at him proudly. Good job, Udon.

     She then gets his goggles from him and holds it up. "Udon, this is actually Konohamaru-kun." She assures and I arch an eyebrow at her in confusion.

    "No matter how you look at it, it's just his goggles!" I suddenly joined in their conversation. Maybe if I do, I can actually understand what on earth is happening here since it seems that they’re too busy to even answer my question.

    "No, think of it carefully." Meogi says, giving him a grave look. "Between this thing and the guy we left, which is the real Konohamaru-kun?" She asks.

    "You're the one who's supposed to think it carefully!" I argue. This conversation is seriously getting us nowhere.

     "The thing we left behind is just a goggles’ stand," She states.

     "What goggles stand?!" Udon and I yell at the same time. 

    "It's a model that holds goggles." She replies nonchalantly.

    "You can just use a hook for that!" I yell, aiming a finger at her. I know that since I actually have a hook for my goggles at my apartment. But unfortunately, since my apartment is usually a mess, I honestly have no idea where it is now.

     "Then it's a hook with hair. The real one is here." She says, looking down at it. "Naruto-san, Udon-san, think of it carefully." She starts. "Where is the heart located?" She asks seriously, looking at us in the eyes. "Is it in the chest?" She asks, placing her free hand on her chest. "Is it in the brain?" She then moves her hand to her head. "No, it's definitely in the goggles." 

     If we were not in a serious and confusing situation right now, I would definitely laugh so hard at that, but right now, I know that it isn’t the right time. "Don't you have any heart?!" Udon protested. 

     "Actually, I do. You see, I have goggles as well." She says pointing at her goggles. I facepalmed. How am I going to find out what's the situation now? I then heard a supposedly evil laugh as Konohamaru appeared from the fence across us by simply dropping his blanket for camouflage. For the first time, I didn't see through it. And just that fact made me greatly confused and surprised.

     "I heard everything! Great job, Meogi, Udon!" He says before high fiving her and Udon as well. 

     “Wait a second!” I yell, raising my hands up in exasperation. They all looked at me and I pointed an accusing finger at them. "What is happening here?" I asked, well, more liked demanded. They looked at each other and smiled before nodding in agreement.

     "Happy birthday, Naruto!" They greeted me cheerfully. Wait, it's my birthday? I scowl in confusion. What are they talking about? My birthday is already finished. "We distracted you so that it would take you longer to go back home while your parents prepared your birthday stuff." Konohamaru explained bashfully as he rubbed the back of his neck.

     My parents? I then recalled my first encounters with my mother, Uzumaki Kushina and my father, Namikaze Minato. My heart started to beat fast inside my heart. Even though I wasn’t able to live a normal life with them, I still loved them greatly just like any normal child would. I smiled to myself, remembering the warm, comfortable embrace of both of my parents and the few yet treasured words they have said to me. I miss them so much.

     It was then suddenly a thought came to my confused mind that made my whole body freeze. Wait, both my parents are dead. What are they talking about? "Now come on," Konohamaru says, pushing me toward an unfamiliar house.  Where did they bring me? This is not my home.

     "They're waiting for you."

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