San-juu go: Here I go again

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I'm thinking of entering the Naruto Watty Awards this September. I know I may not have that big of a chance of winning, but I'd love to enter just for the experience! Also, I’M SO PISSED! JUST WHEN I WAS SO HAPPY FOR THE SASUSAKU MOMENT, THE CHAPTER GETS DELAYED! AND TO THINK I SAVED THIS CHAPTER FOR THAT DAY!

Dedicated to: Kikaraaa! I absolutely love her Sasusaku stories and I’m actually surprised that she’s reading this story now! I’m quite honored, tbh.

San-juu go: Here I go again

    "Are you ready?" A familiar voice snapped me back into reality. No way... I slowly turned my head toward the source of the voice to see Sasuke-kun. My blood immediately ran cold and I suddenly felt sick at the pit of my stomach. I can't believe it. I'm alive? I looked down at my body to see that I'm still wearing the exact same clothes I wore on the days I first saw Kakashi-sensei and Naruto. Can it be that the world restarted again? But I thought my life is coming to an end? What did Madara really mean that day? "Sakura?" He calls again, louder this time. I look back at him. He still looks the same, but I know that he isn't the Sasuke-kun I know.

     I can tell immediately that he's a fake. How? Well, this world has some kind of pattern that isn't so hard to figure out. It started with Kakashi-sensei, the first fake who killed me at kareoke night, and soon came Naruto who did the same thing, then finally Sasuke-kun. Will he kill me on the same night again? And with the safe knife that those two used? Will that be my last life? I then started to feel a headache coming at the dozens of thoughts and questions running through my mind. "Sakura!" He calls impatiently as he interrupted my thoughts.

    "Y-yes?" I reply, slightly confused. I held onto the doorframe, trying to suppress my headache. "What did you say again?" I ask once I've realized that I didn't listen to a single word he said until he finally called my attention. I look at him with an apologetic look and he frowns at me. "Sorry," I say. 

      "Are you ready?" Sasuke-kun repeats impatiently. 

      "Ready for what?" I ask in surprise.

    Sasuke let out a huff of annoyance. "For the dobe's birthday party." My eyes widened in realization. Since the world restarted once again, today is going to be Naruto's birthday...again. Who am I with this time? What will happen? And what I also find realized is the fact that I still remember all of this. Why didn't they erase my memory? I can't understand what Madara is doing. What on earth does he have in stored? And from the three of us, why am I the one left behind? Also, what did Madara do to the real Naruto and Sasuke-kun? 

There are so many unanswered questions yet so little time...

     "Sakura, let's—" I cut him short.

     "I'm not coming." I say firmly. There is no way I'm going to go through that again. Maybe Madara told all of that for a reason; maybe he said that so that I would be able to find a way back and so that I won't waste my time trying to find more about this world. But wait, if that's so, then why is he helping me? Is it for 'entertainment'? It just doesn't make sense.

     "Why?" He asks, scowling at me. 

    Why not? "I don't feel well." I lie. He stares at me for a while, as if scanning me if I’m telling the truth or not. Luckily, my headache is still there, and I’m hoping and praying that the fact my head is hurting is showing especially since I’m almost clinging to the door frame right now.  He exhales deeply.

    "Okay then, suit yourself." He says before turning around. "Oh, and get well soon." He says without even looking at me before walking again. I immediately felt my cheeks become warm. Even though he isn't the real Sasuke-kun, he still gave off the same vibe that makes me feel only the way I do when I'm with him. I bit my lower lip. I'm so hopeless. 

     Once he's finally far from the house, I sigh softly in relief before I close the door behind me. It seems my parents are not home. Good. It's because this time, I'm determined not to waste my time and I'll definitely use it wisely and use that limited time to get out of here and hopefully save Naruto and Sasuke-kun. I rushed to the kitchen—that place is probably the only area in this house that has something I could use for a weapon. As I walked there, I grabbed my pink backpack that I left in one of the tables. 

    I then opened all the cabinets, drawers, searching for possible weapons. I quickly got every knife and fork as a substitute for kunai. After that I got anything sharp or something metal that is round as a shield or extra weapons once the knives and forks do run out. And lastly, I got every tablet and cell phone in the house for recording and spying purposes. For now, I must rely mainly on Taijutsu, which is something I've already mastered, but this time I have to do it without the help of chakra. 

  I then spent hours packing, arranging, enhancing and sharpening everything before changing my outfit to something that I'll be able to move in easily and put my weapons in. I wore something similar to my regular ninja outfit. It is a pink muscle tee with black leggings that reached above my knees and black boots. And to finish it off, I wore a belt that is supposed to be used for putting money and stuffed all the knives and forks in there and then I placed the extra large ones in a hidden place in my boots just in case. I wore my backpack and looked at the mirror. 

    I'm not an idiot, so I won't strike him first. First, I need to gather more information, not about the world, but about his plan. I can't ask any of the fakes the truth though because they're simply illusions. And whatever I say or do to them, he'll probably be informed immediately. I also got to take note that I am going to be heavily watched now, especially since I know and these are probably the last few days I'm going to live. Everyone around me may be the one who's going to take my life...even the most unexpected people.

    All I know is that I shouldn't trust anyone but myself now. I'm all alone and I should be extra cautious now. No one is going to save me anymore; it's all up to me. I look out of the window to see the moon illuminating over the village. I exhaled deeply as I gripped my backpack's handles tightly. I walked out the room, my heart pounding relentlessly out of my chest. But even so, I had a determined look on my face as I told myself inside my mind the same thing over and over again.

I can do this.

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