Roku: Lovers?

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If you’re wondering why Sakura is so afraid and confused compared to Naruto and Sasuke, you’ll know soon. Not in this chapter though, but soon unless you could easily see through all my hints. Oh, and happy father's day! Since it is father's day, I posted two chapters! Yay :)

Roku: Lovers?


     I opened my eyes slowly; the first thing I saw was a bright, unfamiliar ceiling. My surroundings were so bright that I couldn't fully open my eyes and my eyelids felt so heavy. Every muscle in my body felt tired and heavy, it was like as if I had been training with Tsunade-sama nonstop the whole day. My mouth was completely dry and my heart was beating slowly. I wasn't just weak, I was extremely weak. I felt like every bit of energy was drained from me. I blinked a few times, trying to adjust my eyes to my surroundings. Where am I?

     All of a sudden, all the past events came rushing back to me, I froze as they did. I clenched my fists as a piercing headache attacked me, leaving me breathless. I moaned in pain as I struggled not to close my eyes again. What happened to me? All the images flashed in front of my eyes as I remembered everything. I sat up breathing heavily. I ran my shaky fingers through my unruly pink hair in frustration. I just hoped and wished that everything was just a horrible dream. But deep inside me, I knew that it wasn't. That dream was so vivid and so real that-

     "Thank goodness you're awake, Sakura-san!" My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar male's voice. I felt my heart skip a beat as I rigidly turned my head to look at the source of the voice. My eyes landed on Kakashi-sensei, who was standing by the doorway with a book in his hand. My heart dropped to the floor when I realized that it wasn't a dream at all. Panic filled me instantly, the fears of still being in the genjutsu while everyone was out risking their lives during the war started to cloud my mind. Tears formed my eyes, blurring my sight clearly. 


     I wanted to stand, run, fight but I was frozen by fear. My breathing quickened even more and I held my chest, trying to calm myself. Why am I still here? I wasn't killed yet? What is happening outside of this genjutsu? Is everyone okay? Worried thoughts filled my head and I suddenly felt completely useless. "Sakura-san, are you okay?" He asks me, his voice laced in concern. He rushes to my side and held my hand. A small shriek left my lips at his sudden said action and I yanked my hand away from his. He looked at me in the eyes, surprised at what I have done. 

    I crawled backwards, trying to get as much distance away from him and I. "What's wrong, Sakura-san?" He asks worriedly. Even though his voice and the look on his face shows that he's concerned, his aura told a different story. He gave off a dark, menacing aura that is somehow similar to Madara's, and that alone made me fear him and know immediately that this man couldn't be trusted. I continued crawling backwards until the point I fell off the bed. But even so, I kept crawling back, with my hands and feet under me. 

     I didn't take my eyes off of him until my back hit the wall. I needed to get up but I couldn't. I was terrified. I may never know who this man's true identity is. For all I know, he could even be Madara in disguise. I couldn't even fight back if he really is him. I touched my forehead where my chakra seal is supposed to be just like Tsunade-sama's. He was able to make a genjutsu powerful enough for me not to have any chakra at all so that I won't be able to escape or fight no matter what I do. Just what does he have planned for me? 

     "Sakura!" I hear another voice call. I snap my head towards the source of the voice and felt something ignite within me and that is hope. I immediately felt relief overwhelm me. I eyed the familiar face of my teammate, and immersed myself in pure contentment; the fear that had crushed my body just moments before has suddenly disappeared even though I'm not yet sure if he is just part of the genjutsu or not. Sasuke-kun's very presence calmed me down, hoping that everything will be okay. But then I realized, what is Sasuke-kun doing here in Konoha?

     "What happened here?" He asks Kakashi-sensei, rushing to my side. He kneeled beside me and touched my forehead with the back of his hand. Is it really him? He still looks the same; every feature and every flaw of his face that I've learned to love is still present on it. He also has the same deep and mellow voice that used to brighten my day and made me smile. "This isn't good; you have a fever." He states in a serious tone. He then turns his head to Kakashi-sensei. "Kakashi-sensei, can you please call the nurse?" I froze at what he called Kakashi-sensei. Did he actually say his name with the word sensei? The real Sasuke would usually just call him Kakashi. Panic rose in my chest when I realized that despite how he looks and sounds; maybe he isn't the real Sasuke at all. 

     I pressed my back against the wall, my heart relentlessly pounding inside my chest as I hear Kakashi's footsteps getting fainter and fainter, meaning that he has left him and I alone. I clenched my fist, ready to fight if necessary. "Great, he's gone." Sasuke mutters with a sigh of relief. My hand relaxes for a moment and I stare at him confused. Why is he so relieved? "Sakura, I'm the real Sasuke." He says in a hushed tone. My eyes widened in surprise and I felt tears of joy well up in my eyes. He really is Sasuke-kun. Thank goodness. But then a thought came to my mind that made me stop and think for a moment. What if he's just fooling me?

     "P-prove it," I stutter. "Say something that only the two of us know." Just because he probably is Sasuke-kun, I shouldn't blindly believe everything that comes from his mouth. I should be smart about this.

     He nods nonchalantly and takes a deep breath. "That day, when I left the leaf village, you were the last person I saw. You were crying as you admitted your feelings to me, you claimed that I hated you, telling me that day at the bench when I called you annoying and after calling you that, you were able to open your eyes more to the truth. Then, I knocked you out and put you on the bench, leaving just a word of thanks." I gaped in surprise. He remembered that? That happened 3 years ago. I purse my lips, remembering that I told other people that as well, but not as detailed, of course.

     Noticing my reaction, he spoke again. "That day on the bell test, you fainted because I looked like a talking head due to the jutsu Kakashi pulled on me. On that day I even told you my goal." I remembered that moment as clear as day. It was when he opened up to me for the very first time and told me that he was a avenger and he wanted to kill his older brother. Even though I was surprised at what he said, I was quite glad that I got to know him more. 

     "Kakashi-sensei probably saw that as well." I stated stubbornly. I have to make sure. I have to know if I can really trust this guy before me.

     "On the chunin exams at the forest of death, I got my curse mark from Orochimaru, you were the first one who knew about this and I told you to keep it a secret even though you insisted on telling the others so that I can stop competing in the chunin exams. But I was able to stop you by reminding you that I have a goal to reach, and in order to do that, I have to take the chunin exams to enhance my skills and see what'll happen when I'm against other great opponents. And I also told you that if you get in my way, I'll never forgive even you." And that's when I realized that he really is the real Sasuke. My chest tightened in relief and I felt the tears finally spill out.

     "Sasuke-kun!" I whispered, crashing into him. I embraced him tightly as tears were rolling down my face. He froze at my sudden said action, but surprisingly, he didn't push me away like I expected him to. "Thank goodness." I say in relief. I'm not alone. Just the thought of it made the weight on my chest lift up a bit. Maybe he knows what's happening around here. Maybe he has the answers to all my questions. I felt so happy and relieved. We're going to find a way to get out of here. "Do you know anything about what is happening?" I ask softly as I finally let go. 

     "Yes, a little bit, but I can't tell you here what I've recently discovered now. All I can say now is that you should just simply go with the flow with what his happening until we are fully aware on our surroundings so that we could find a way to escape. I also need you to note that the both of us are..." He paused for a moment. He looked away from me as a blush crept to his cheeks. 

     I tilt my head in confusion. "Are...what?" I ask curiously as I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand. 


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