San-juu ichi: Death at hokage's office

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This chapter will give tons of hints on which ship is canon in this story. Don't worry though, the story is not yet ending. There are probably a dozen more chapters left before this story finally ends.  Btw, please read my Sasusaku fan fic "I hate you"! (:

San-juu ichi: Death at hokage’s office

     "Sakura, what's going on?" Sasuke asks or more like demands once we entered my room. I stayed silent for a while before locking the door, closing the windows and the curtain. 

    I turn around and placed my hands on my hips. "Sasuke-kun, you shouldn't have pulled a stunt like that! What if something happened?" I say worriedly with a frown. I could have a heart attack because of what happened a while ago. 

    "Sakura, what's going on?" He repeats drawly this time as he stared at her intently. "Apparently there are lots of things you haven't told me yet."

    I let out a sigh as I lean my back against the wall. "So, what do you want to know?" 

    "Who was the one who killed you previously in the other world?" He asked almost immediately.

    I then realized that I wasn't able to finish what I said that day because of Kaka-nisemono and I suddenly wanted to apologize for that. I took a deep breath. "It's Kakashi-sensei," I finally say. "And if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't remember all of this." I continue. "This scar," I start, lifting my sleeve higher so that he could see the scar. "Helped me to remember all of it again even though they tried to wipe out my memory of the past world like what happened to you." I say as I recalled that dreadful night. "But even so, I'm quite terrified of him because the memories of that night can't go away from my mind." I admit as I tried to push those thoughts away.

   "What if he was actually trying to help you, I mean not by accident but on purpose?" He says and I look at him confused. "Yeah, I know he's a fake, but what if he somehow has control over his fake and he's controlling him to those things to alarm you or something." Realization hit me like a brick as I recalled the words he told me that night. Sasuke-kun, you're amazing! "But that's just a theory," He says. "We can never know for sure."

    "But how can we know for sure?" I ask curiously.

    "Remember that day when we followed Kakashi to see what's behind his mask?" He asks and I smile and nod as I recalled those fun memories we had when were still genin. I missed those times so much. "What if we do that again?" 

    "But we're not considered ninjas here anymore because of our lack of chakra." I remind.

    "Then we'll find a way." He says. "There's kareoke tonight, remember?" And my body froze. It's tonight? I suddenly started to feel sick in my stomach. Will I be killed again? "How about the others? How are you and Naruto together?" He asks, interrupting my thoughts.

    I shook my head as I tried to mask my fear. I can do this. Sasuke-kun is still with me. As long as he's not a fake yet, we still have hope. "I don't know, really. In the past world, you and I were together and apparently none of the fakes knew why. But somehow, in this world, I was able to find out what really happened to the three of us."

    "Which is?" He asks impatiently as he narrows his eyes at me. It was then I remembered a part of what Naruto said to me last night...

    Naruto and I were lying down on our bed speaking to each other in hushed voices. We didn't have a main topic in general and we just told each other random things. "I have a confession to make," he suddenly said and I turn to look at him, urging him to continue. "Sakura-chan, I was jealous of teme." He admits and I tilt my head to the side in confusion. "Remember as a child you adored him? To be honest, I won't find it odd at all if you still do love him but what's strange is the fact that you ended up with me." 

    He takes a deep breath. "I wanted you to be happy, so I decided that maybe you should be with him instead. I honestly care about your feelings than my own. You know why? It is because I love seeing you smile and shine brightly every time you're around him. I love how you try your hardest and you never give up. I love everything about you until the point it's actually ridiculous." He continues. "Not only that, you know how messed up teme is. I thought that maybe, you're the only one who could save him from the darkness within him besides me. I actually thought the both of you will do great as a couple."

    A blush suddenly crept to my cheeks upon remembering that memory and Sasuke-kun arches an eyebrow at me at my said action. I inhaled sharply, trying to compose myself. "He gave me to you, for some certain reasons that I don't need to mention anymore." I say bashfully, too embarrassed to summarize what he told me last night. Sasuke-kun then scowls at me while I bit my lip nervously. "I—" the doorbell rang, making me jump in surprise. I cautiously walk toward the window and peek through the curtains to see Yamato-sensei. I frown in confusion. What does he want? 

    "Who's that?" He questions as he walks toward the window as well.

     "Yamato-sensei," I reply as he peeks through the curtain. 

    "I'll go ask him what he wants. You stay here until further notice. You don't want that to happen again, do you?" I say to Sasuke-kun before running down the stairs and to the entrance. I open it and Yamato-sensei greets me with a smile. "Hey, Yamato-sensei, why did you suddenly drop by?" I ask casually.

    "You are summoned in the hokage's office." He says as his smile instantly disappeared.

    I almost choked in my own saliva. "Did you just say hokage's office?" I knew very well that Madara is in the hokage office. If I'm summoned to the hokage's office that means Madara is calling for me. There is no way I'm coming. "I'm sorry, can it be next time, I'm kind of bus—"

    "The hokage will not take no for an answer." He says sternly as he grabs my hand roughly. 

   "Yamato-sensei, please let go!" I plead but his grip gets even tighter until the point he's already hurting me. I felt so helpless; I can’t even speak from so much pain or break free because of my lack of chakra. "Please..." I try to say as I writhe in pain. I wanted to run and go away, I know that I can't be captured. I can't die now, not like this. But before I knew it, the surroundings around me began to blur and for a split second, my body suddenly felt lighter.

    I then found myself in the hokage's office. Yamato-sensei is gone and I'm all alone now. I scanned the room. Everything seems exactly the same except for the chair. It was much bigger now and its back was facing me so I won't be able to identify who's sitting down on it. I tried to take a step back to find the door and get out of here but the chair suddenly faced me, revealing Madara with a twisted grin on his face.

"Hello, Sakura."

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