Ni-Juu: Unexpected sleepover

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Yes, there's STILL Sasusaku. Trying my hardest not to make Sasuke OOC! For the anti-Sasusaku shippers though, your argument is invalid. This is my story and I can do anything I want with it. Just wait for a while and I'll give you your Narusaku moment (be patient though). And hey I only realized now that this is chapter 20 and today is July 20, 2014! 3 more days and it's already Sasuke's birthday! :D

Ni-Juu: Unexpected sleepover

    "What's wrong?" I ask Sakura once we were out of the house. I could tell immediately that something has happened especially since she came here at my house during this time of the night even though we have just seen each other a while ago. I frowned at her. What happened to her? Did something happen? Her cheeks are as red as a pomegranate and she looks like Hinata when she's going to faint. 

    Sakura let out a long sigh before turning to look at me. "The food," She says, trying to become serious but whatever the reason is for her blushing seems to make her slightly distracted. She takes a deep breath, trying to compose herself. "It's erasing our memory." She continues in a softer tone so that only the two of us can hear what we're talking about. 

    I scowl in confusion. "How?" Now that she has mention it, somehow I couldn't recall what Sakura, Naruto and I discussed this morning. I know that it's about Madara, but what about him? 

    "The fakes placed something in our food—I don't know what it is but it's making us unconsciously forget everything that could possibly help us remember what happened before we came here." She explains quietly and my eyes widened in surprise as I started to reflect on almost all the meals I've had so far. No wonder I've already forgotten it so fast. "I found out after I ate dinner a while ago. Luckily, the paper we wrote for the information that we shared this morning is with me and it was able to refresh my memory." 

     "Then if that is so, then what will we eat left?" I ask and Sakura shrugs. I bit my lower lip. We need food to refuel our energy. If we're going to go face to face with Uchiha Madara, we need to eat food to give us strength. But how can we do that when it's taking the only thing we have left which is knowledge. 

     "We have to inform Naruto," She says, her voice laced with concern and urgency. "You know how much he eats. He might've completely forgotten everything because of that!" 

     "No," I say, looking up at the moon. "We can't right now, it's too late. We have to wait for tomorrow." I reply casually.

     "But—" I cut her short.

     "You're actually lucky that you made it here unharmed despite the fact it is already late at night. The reason why I'm so careful about this is because all of us do not possess any chakra and we can't do anything to defend ourselves at all. Everyone around us is practically considered an enemy. Walking at nighttime alone in these circumstances is a death trap. I know staying in our houses all night without doing anything to get us closer to freedom is a nuisance, but we have to do this in order to stay alive." I pause as I look into her green eyes. "Do you understand?" 

     She nods, slumping her shoulders in defeat. "Okay, Sasuke-kun," She says awkwardly. "Good night," She started walking away and I frowned at her said action. 

    "Didn't you listen to anything I've just said?" I ask impatiently and she turns to look at me surprised. "I've just said that we can't be wandering along the streets alone at night." I say sternly and she just stared at me wide eyed. I exhaled deeply before I turned around. "It can't be helped, you'll sleep in my house for the night." And with that I started walking away. 

     "W-wait, Sasuke-kun!" She calls after a while before keeping up with me. We walk to my house to see my mother washing the dishes with Itachi and my father reading the newspaper at the dining table. 

    "Tadaima," I say and they all reply with "Okaeri". "Sakura is going to stay for the night." I announce and they all looked at me with a glint in their eyes that I couldn't decipher. I glanced at Sakura and saw her blushing a deep shade of red. What is up with her? We now go to my room where I get an extra bed for her to lay down. Unfortunately, we don't have an extra room. But I guess my room is big enough for both of us to fit. 

    As I searched for the extra bed, Sakura stood at a corner of her room, her head bowed down. "Sakura, what is wrong with you? You have been acting oddly since a while ago." I state and she looks up at me in surprise before shaking her hair furiously.

    "N-nothing! I promise!" She says almost immediately as I lay the bed on the floor and she rushes to my side to help me. "It's just...your brother said something embarrassing and somehow it just can't leave my mind." She says softly. I look at her and arch an eyebrow.

     "What did he say?" I ask curiously. 

     "It's okay, you don't need to know," She replies nervously.

    "Sakura," I say threateningly and she frowns. 

    She takes a deep breath. "I lied and told him that I came here to your house during this time to have a sleepover because I couldn't think of a better excuse and—" She cuts herself off as blush crept to her cheeks. "H-h-he said..." She trails off as she tried to avoid eye contact with me. 

     "Sakura, look at me when you speak to me." I demand as I sit down on the edge of my bed while she is sitting down with her legs crossed on the bed we have just finished arranging.

    "D-don't f-f-forget to u-use..." She trails off once again and I arch an eyebrow at her. Don't forget to use what? She inhales sharply. "" She says finally and my eyes widened in surprise. We, Japanese, are reserved people especially Sakura and I since we aren't that exposed to such things and so saying something like that easily embarrass us. I stare at her speechless while she has her head down, trying to avoid eye contact with me. 

    I clenched my fists, very annoyed with my brother. Itachi is so going to get it.

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