Juu san: To trust or not to trust

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I know I can be annoying, but cut me some slack. I want more people to vote on my stories so...please read Sweat, blood and tears, Cursed and Trapped! :> also, don't forget to comment what main ship you want, I still have NO idea who to pick! This is so difficult.

Juu san: To trust or not to trust

     "Goodbye!" I yell while waving farewell to everyone who went to the party. Ino hasn't returned yet and I'm starting to become quite anxious and curious about what is happening. What happened to Sasuke? I was starting to regret even listening to him at the first place because now I am itching to just run out of the house and go there now to where they are. What if they're in battle now? What if they're injured? What if they’re probably fighting now and I’m just standing here taking my sweet time?

     It took every power within me not to let my body take another step further because I know once I do, I can't stop myself any longer. I then heard someone clear their throat quite loudly as if they're trying to catch my attention so I turn around to look at the source of the sound.

    My mother gives me a disapproving look and I could tell immediately that I'm in trouble. "Aren't you going to say something?" She asks as she places her hands on her hips. I tilt my head to the side in confusion and she groans and stomps off in anger. I look over at my dad and he lets out a long sigh as we heard a door slamming not so far away. I cringe at the loud sound. What is her problem?

    "Just what is happening to you Naruto?" He asks sadly. "It's your birthday that we worked hard on, especially your mother and yet you ran away for no reason when we tried to surprise you this morning and you didn't even look at us the whole time this evening. Of course your mother is angry and disappointed and you should owe her an apology." He looks calm and collected but you could clearly hear the disappointment in his voice. I bow down, unable to look at him. I really wished from the bottom of my heart that they won’t ask me about that because I knew that when they do, I wouldn’t know what to do or say.

    I recalled that eventful morning and how I ran away from them because of my blinding anger. I also remembered how I tried to do everything to avoid interacting with anyone who is supposed to be dead, excluding Neji. I didn't want to say sorry to those fakes, but I couldn't help it. Before I could even stop it from coming, it has already left my mouth. "Sorry," I say. It’s so hard to fight for what your mind wants especially when your heart says otherwise. And unfortunately, just like what I do with almost everything I do, I accidentally followed my heart.

    "Don't say sorry to me; say sorry to your mother." He says seriously as I look up at him. I nod before leaving him alone in the living room. I walked to what I'm guessing is my parent's room so I knock on the door softly. There wasn't any response so I decided to just speak.

    "Sorry for behaving like that a while ago." I start. I don't even know why I'm doing this. I promised myself that'll I'll make the people who did this pay and yet I'm saying sorry to the fakes. This is insane. I’m insane. I have to stop doing this now. "I'll try to make it up to you." I add once she hasn't replied. I then heard footsteps coming closer to the door before the door suddenly swung open and she came out, crashing into me and embracing me tightly. 

    I was so surprised by the sudden said action that I didn't even breathe anymore. She was holding me like as if I was something fragile and important. Her warmth was radiating from her body, giving me comfort. She finally let go and I kind of felt disappointed. Who knew that I was craving this much for a human touch? "Took you long enough!" She says with a smile. "But I'll only forgive you if you treat Minato and I to Ichiraku ramen tomorrow for dinner!" I stared at her wide-eyed. She was so kind and yet at the same time so playful. She was still the same as when I first met her before. 

    "You got it!" I reply, smiling back. I found myself enjoying her company and wishing we could talk more, but I knew this isn't right. I have to go before it’s too late. "I need to go, I'm really sleepy!" I lie as I stretch and yawn. "I promise to treat the both of you tomorrow, okay?" I say before turning around and walking away. "Night!" I walk as quickly as I can. I have to go; I have to get out of her sight.

    "Wait," She calls. I turn around, a little too eagerly and her smile widens if that was even possible. "Happy birthday, Naruto," My eyes widened in surprise. The way she looked and how she said stunned me so much that I didn't even reply anymore with words. I just simply nodded and quickly continued walking. That moment replay over and over inside my head; her eyes were filled with so much sincerity and happiness and her voice was so warm and sweet. Just that made me feel so at home and so welcome. Who knew she had that big of an effect on me?

    I find a room at the end of the hall with orange wallpaper and clothes all over the floor. I immediately guessed that it must be mine. I cautiously enter the room and close the door behind me. I jump into my unmade bed before letting out a sigh. These fakes that I live with...

To trust or not to trust?

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