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"Romeo, Ive created a way for you to find your Juliet but we will need the bounty hunters exact coordinates." Hux said sarcastically to Kylo from his throne, the Knights of Ren surrounding it at a vigil protection. Since Snokes death, Kylo took it upon himself to tidy himself up, new black pants and a slick blazer. His black longs hung perfectly at the sides of his head.

"I've got spies on all the outer rim planets and First Order allies on the lookout for her everywhere else. Noting yet, what's your plan?" Kylo dismissed the snarky remark surprisingly.

"When we find her I'll send somebody to trick her. He'll gain her trust and he'll hand her right over to us." Hux twisted his thumbs around behind his back. He wondered how far he could go teasing Kylo before he became angry. "That is if you're comfortable with another man around her" he smirked slyly.

"That will be enough of that, General. Unless you foresee a demotion in your future." Kylo narrowed his eyes and Hux growled softly to himself before turning on his heels out the door. Kylo didn't particularly trust in the plan of 'tricking' a Bounty Hunter, but at this point he would do anything to get you.

"And one more thing, Ren." Hux stopped but didn't completely turn to face him, rather just turned his head to the side. "The Jedi code forbids attachments. So I wouldn't try-" he was cut off by Kylo force-pushing him into the closest wall, hard enough for I to hurt but not hard enough to render him unconscious.

"I said that will be enough of that"


Resistance fighters scattered frantically all around their planet base like it was an invasion even though it wasn't. It had been like this every day since the battle on the StarKiller base just a week prior, when Han Solo had died and when Snoke was murdered. Rey had since gone to find Luke Skywalker in hopes of training.

"General! General..." Leias particular favorite pilot yelled and ran to her, out of breath. It was informal to see Poe without his pilot uniform, but here he was in black pants and a white shirt, not to mention the new leather jacket he had. Leia paused her corrupt look at her resistance fighters and turned to look at him, doubtfully.

"What's happened? Is something wrong?" She burrowed her eyes slightly and shook her head

"No- goodness no" he took one final chug of air to catch his breath. "I was talking with some of the pilots. They said they wouldn't stand to take any more losses from the First Order. They want us to strike again."

"And if we don't?"

"They'll leave. They agreed to find refuge on an Unexplored Planet"

Leia took a deep breath and close her eyes for a second. "Well you can tell them" she began "that they're not the only one who's lost somebody this week." She sounded angry but she kept her cool. "Were lying low for as long as I say, understand?"

"Yes General"


You had chased this damn bounty hunter for so long that you were sick of trying to bring him back alive for the man who said he'd pay you thousands if you brought him the man that killed his friend. You weren't in it for the money, rather the idea of eliminating some competition.

He had scurried behind an alleyway but you were too quick and climbed on top of the building bordering it and sprinted to find him. You met the edge of the roof when you spotted him just a few paces ahead of you.

"For Christ's Sake." You mumbled and whipped out your blaster, giving it a second for your helmet to come up with a grid to help you aim. With one shot he fell to the ground lifeless and you instantly regretted not using the tranquillizer darts. You sighed slightly and twisted around to jump off the edge of the building, landing in a crouched position on the floor. You were going to continue walking but your upper thigh began to burn right where your satchel laid. You opened it suspiciously and saw Snokes pendant glowing with a slight red tint.

You picked it up with a gloved hand and immediately it dropped back into your satchel, since it was so scratching hot. You cursed silently to yourself as you clenched your hand to your chest. It was burning for sure, but It wasn't a normal scorching. It sent tingles up your spine when you touched it, and for a second you wondered if you should have dropped it to the ground. It was too hot to take it out now, and there was no time to leave the satchel so you took it with you.

You trotted over to the bounty hunter who moaned in pain on the ground. He was face first on the wet concrete and he was obviously still alive. He wore a simple black metal mask with slits only for his eyes. You took it off quickly. He was more human than you hoped. It scared you. His bright blue eyes stared up at yours desperately. You slipped off your Grandfathers mask and placed it on the floor next to you.

You let yourself sit on your knees and pull the bounty hunter up to you so that he laid across your lap. He couldn't have been more than twenty two. He had big lips that rested on his face and a strong home structure. Light blonde hair fell into his face slightly.

"Please...help me...I have a daughter" he croaked out. You knew he was dying but it would be a few minutes. You had only hit him once and he was strong enough to wear laser proof clothing. It didn't help much, apparently.

You chewed on your lip. You didn't want to help him but at the same time this was a human being. You wondered if you were losing your ruthlessness.

"She's seven months...wife loves her so much..." He began his tangent, knowing you weren't going to help him and that he was going to die. "It was really unplanned for" he said in a hushed tone. "We thought she wouldn't make it 'cos she was born premature...but she fought...shes always been a fighter that lil one" he smiled contently and closed his eyes on peace. "You promise me you have some little ones, alright? She's the light of my life, that one."

Those same tingles that you got when you touched the pendant. For a reason you couldn't explain, you brought your fist up and then crashed it down on his face. Hard enough so that his head flung back and blood trickled from his nose in obvious death. You stood up immediately and began dragging him away.


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