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Kylo pounded his fists on the cold metal of the counter in the conference room with an aggravated grunt to go along with it. His cheeks expanded with breaths of fury and he squeezed his eyes shut.

"I lost her. Damnit!" He cursed to himself as he slapped the counter and again. Hux gave him a confused look and slightly stepped back.

"Now Ren, you wouldn't want to waste all your energy on this Bounty Hunter. She will be killed eventually." Hux said suavely and Kylo squinted his eyes, wondering how stupid he could possibly be.

"Have you no idea why I am so obsessed with her?"

"Actually no. I didn't see her without her helmet but I don't imagine she's very flattering to the eye-"

"You are not hearing me!" Kylo yelled and Hux burrowed his eyebrows. Kylo turned to look at him with a menacing eye. "She killed my Master. I want her to suffer."

"She's a bounty hunter. I don't imagine her life is very glitz and glamour." Hux rolled his eyes, now used to Kylos occasional outburst and tantrum.

"You're right. And it'll be even worse when I'm done with her." He hissed back, letting his tongue stick against the roof of his tongue. There was a few moments of silence with nothing but Hux staring at Kylo suspiciously.

"She bested you at a duel. You. The supposed Knight of Ren." He said flatly with a hint of disgust. "Why is that?"

"I don't see you waving around a lightsaber." Kylo retorted

"She can't be older than twenty. You are twenty-nine, correct?" Hux said, pointing at him slightly. Kylo just glared back, waiting for his smart-ass lecture to be over.

"So why is it that she best you. Just like that?" Hux cautiously made his way over to him "why did you let her give you these?"
He attempted to brush over the two red irritated scratches, stretching from his temple to the opposite side cheekbone, across his face, but Kylo caught his wrists and squeezed it as hard as he could before forcefully pushing it down.

"Don't touch me" Kylo threatened. Hux's bottom lip shook slightly as he yanked his wrist back to himself, then continued.

"You're a coward, Ren. You were defeated without a fight "

"I wasn't going to kill her there. I've told you, she's going to suffer." Kylo said, his voice gaining momentum and rage with each word.

"And a hot orb of fire through the stomach isn't painful enough?"

"Get out." Kylo grumbled but Hux pushed harder

"Perhaps its the fact that its the only person to show you mercy since you own mother!" He spat and was quickly cut off by hius own face being greeted with the cold black wall nearest to the right of him.


"This is a bad idea. Its gonna get me killed." You said out loud as you left the atmosphere of Coruscant with Shai. She just giggled in her chirpy way.

"Awe, what? Afraid you're gonna fall in love with me?" She gave you kissy-lips and you burrowed your eyebrows in confusion

"No. Like I said, you're pretty fluent in most languages. That's the only reason you're here." You retorted, loving the way the cold metal felt against your fingertips as you pulled a lever on the controlls of the Slave 2.

"Bet? I thought we could be friends!" Shai giggled and wiggled out of her leather jacket, draping it over the slightly coushioned seats.

"No. Definately not." You said, almost annoyed. "I dont have any friends."

"Well now" she placed her blue hand on yours on the gear and looked up ay you "you do"


"Miss Vrulaski. To what do I owe such a pleasure?" Hux's bruised lip curved into a vivacious smile as his fingers clasped behind his back, staring at nothing in particular. His legs were shoulder length apart on the glossy black floors.

"I told you, call me Shai." She began. "And I've got something I think you'd like to hear."

"Of course." Hux replied, intruiged.

"Ive got the Bounty Hunter here with me. I might be able to strike a deal with your Supreme Leader if you can promise me ill get my pay." Shai said without the cheeriness in her voice. Hux burrowed his eyebrows.

"The Bounty Hunter you say? Oh- Ren will be zealed to hear about this" he grinned at himself and looked at another commander.

"I know. So I think we should discuss business arrangements after you're in possession of the girl. I'm on D94 on the Southern rim mountain. Hurry up." She replied. Hux was going to say something else, but the connection was cut.


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