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18 years ago

"Sarlo I just don't understand why you're still doing this!" Your mother folded her arms across her white shirt "were off the grid! We can do anything we want!"

"We are wanted. If we were to stay on a civilized planet for more than a few hours then we'd have targets in our backs" your father fired back from a leather chair

"But Bounty Hunting?"

"It's the only thing I'm good at, alright? Cause I'm not doing too great at this 'Dad' thing" he shook his head and made his wife giggle

"You're going fine. Y/N adores you!" She sat down on the edge of the seat, staring back at Sarlo. "What she needs is a father who is present. Not one off killing every other day"

"I know. And I'm working on it, believe me. But I gotta take this job on Tattooine. Old time gangster. If I get him, we're set for months Luna. We could buy property on Naboo, just like you and  I always wanted." He kissed her shoulder blades

" the bigger the profit the more dangerous the task. You're only one man. "

"Do you doubt me?" He raised his eyebrows

" No. I just worry" she sighed.

"I know it's dangerous. I signed up for that. But I'll be alright. I always come back, don't I?"


You woke up, and although you did not immediately remember what has happened, your eyes began to water. You knew Kylo was beside you, you could feel his presence.

You sat up eagerly, balancing yourself on your elbows and you quickly realized Kylo had tucked you in and he was sitting at the edge of the bed, leaning on his thighs by his elbows.

"She didn't have to die" you let out, almost in a croak

"Y/N" he began, but you didn't want to hear it. You got up and strolled your way to the sink, dipping your face in cold water to wipe away the tear stains.

The heartbreak had not completely hit, at least not yet. You felt completely numb. You hadn't come to terms with it yet. Although, the chill water did feel refreshing.

"I know that you're hurting-" Kylo began. You snapped your head up and saw him in the reflection of the mirror.

"Leave me alone-" you tried to walk out of the doorway but he grabbed you by the forearm

"Let me help you, I'll take your mind off of it. We can take land on a planet and train for a few days-"

"How could you say that!" You yelled, yanking your arm back to you " are you completely oblivious to what's going on?! " You heard your voice crack

"I'm not!" He shot back, although he was obviously not angry. But still, there was nothing else to say

It was silent for a few moments, and you hated it. You couldn't fight with him. Not now. He was exactly who you needed.

"I know. I'm sorry" you shook your head and spoke softly. You hung your head and let out broken breaths. You felt his arms around your shoulders and then push your head into his chest.

"Don't apologize. I just- I am not that well defined in comforting people. I thought that maybe if I could get your mind off of it. . . I don't know"

"Shut up." You mumbled, and held him tighter. You felt him touching around your hair for a few moments.

This is what you needed. You realized now that you would not escape the grief. The only thing you could do was try and cope with everything with somebody that you could trust, and somebody that you knew actually cared about you. For a few moments It was silent. All that was was the rock of yours and Kylo's body in perfect rhythm.

"Up." He commanded, and patted your thigh.

You jumped up slightly and he caught you easily, wrapping your legs around his torso. You readjusted so that your arms snaked around his neck and you could hide your face in his thick black locks. You knew that he was moving around, but your eyes were clenched shut.

Soon, though, you knew you were back in the mattress but you could not have cared less. You stayed, locked by his side and weeping softly into his shirt. He didn't care, just made comforting 'shhh' sounds as if you were a child that had woke from a nightmare.

"Kylo?" You managed out

"Yes?" He mumbled into your neck

"I'm scared"

"Scared of what?" You wondered if you had ever heard him sound so delicate.

"Everything is changed. I'm not a Bounty Hunter anymore. I want to be a Jedi like you. I want things to go back to how they were sixteen years ago"

"You know that's not how it works, Y/N"

"Do you wish that too?" You clung onto him tighter "do you wish you could be with your parents on the Rebel base again?"

There was a few moments of silence, then a sigh.

"Yes. I wish it could be like that again."


"Sarlo Fett. What a nice surprise" a fan cerean spoke sarcastically.

"Genni-Roe." Your father nodded in his direction "You know why I'm here" his voice was modulated into a low growl in the helmet, however your version was quite differentiating because it was old.

"Of course I do. However I did not expect you to come to the place of your father's death." Genni-Roe fired back, smirking as he looked over the growling Sarlacc Pit.

Your father flinched. "You don't know that." He spat, trying to not remember the pain of hearing of his father's death.

Boba Fett was his role model. Sarlo never wanted anything but to make his father proud, especially because Boba was always placing his son at such a high standard. All he wanted was to live up to it.

"Do I not? Did your father not fall his way to death right where you stand?"

Your father shot at the alien, but obviously too carelessly because he missed. He growled to himself.

"You are reckless. Just like your ill-fated father!" He grew angry, and dusted a bit of sand off of his shoulder. Your father still aimed, and with that Genni-Roe smirked. " You do not want to leave your little family with the same heart-ache as you had, now do you? "

"Don't you run your damn mouth about my family. " Sarlo's voice was shaky.

"We were brothers, Sarlo. I am your child's God-father. Do you forget? "

"We were friends when you didn't set Tunka up to rob me" your father said, referring to a dilemma in which he was robbed by another Bounty Hunter.

"I had to. If I didn't he would have killed me."

"You didn't!" Sarlo's voice cracked. "You were my brother, Roe. I loved you."

"Sarlo" the creature shook his head and made his way over to your father, wrapping his arms around Sarlo's torso as he lowered his blaster and squeezed his eyes shut.

This was the first time your father had ever gotten emotional on a mission. He was supposed to be quiet. Stone faced and creepy. But this was too much of a test.

"My brother" Genni-Roe seemed to moan out. It was silent for a moment. "I'm sorry I had to do this to you."

And with that, he shot your father with his own blaster in the chest, letting his lifeless body drape over his chest before placing him on the ground carefully, only for you and your mother to find hours later.

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