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"Y/N Fett." a haunting voice called out to you, shaking you out of your daze as you stood up abruptly from  your place sitting at the edge of a large rock.

You looked around, but saw nothing until you felt a cold ring on the back on your head.  Reluctantly, you sucked your teeth and rolled your eyes, pulling your hands up in a defensive position before taking steps clockwise.

"Arukshai?" You leaned forward slightly, studying the obviously angry Twi'Lek. She was not how you saw her last, she had a prosthetic leg and a scar that trailed from her forehead down to her power stomach, across her once beautiful face. 

For those of you who need a refresher, Arukshai was the one to leak your location to the First Order almost a year ago. When the time came, however, she fell off a cliff. 

"I killed you!" You said assertively. " you're supposed to be dead! "

She took off the safety on her silver blaster, obviously trying to threaten you as she pressed it harder into your scalp.

"I see you've found your way around Prison. Milking the Supreme Leader for all that he has, hm? I expected more from you" she let her lips curve into a smile, stretching her scar and revealing faux skin.

"We can talk about that later. Can you explain to me why you're not dead?" You said, not caring that she had to do as much as pull a trigger to end your life

"I thought the same about you." She spat "there's been rumors of you and Lord Ren, but I didn't think he would go for a Bounty Hunter" you squinted your eyes. "You were supposed to be dead" you noticed her feet were shoulder length apart, and she was rocking ever so slightly. She was obviously nervous

"Now, you're not going to pull that trigger" you pointed and shook your finger with a smirk

" Would you like to test that theory? " she stiffened her arm

"You won't because you know that Kylo will slaughter you. Think about this, Shai. If I couldn't escape the First Order, neither could you."

" There is a price on your head so big that I could buy the First Order after I take care of you. " she licked her lips and scanned you up and down "but you're right. I'm not going to kill you because they want you alive."

"Oh?" You chuckled, feeling overpowered. "I would love to see you try it. I don't mean to brag but-" you sighed "I'm kind of a big deal right now." You rolled your eyes like it meant nothing " y'know, just one of the last remaining Jedi and all. " You chuckled "so the First Order? They'll never let you succeed."

"Hiding behind the Supreme Leader and his army?" She tried " I thought you were more independent than that, Fett. I expected more" she shook her head

You raised your eyebrows and puffed out your lip, nodding your head "maybe. But I'm not hiding behind them, Shai. See, right now, for example, I could call a fleet out to destroy you. I have more power than you think, so I wouldn't--" you stopped quickly, your heart beginning to beat harder as you felt a familiar presence. You closed your eyes and looked away, knowing exactly who it was "I want to deal with this myself, Kylo." You called out to nothing in particular, making Arukshai flinch

" You think I came alone? " she continued "You think I would face the Supreme Leader and his apprentice alone?" She chuckled. " You are so wrong"

With her words, an unexpected visitor found his way out from behind another large boulder, swinging his black sword around his wrists and ending in a defensive pose, before being followed by three other guards. Each of them wore identical clothing, black undershirts with red and yellow armor plates. The difference between the obvious leader and his minions was that the followers wore
red masks, each with three sharp horns protruding from the scalp

"Oh you've got to be--" you couldn't finish, just clapped your hands on your sides "Darth Maul? You old leather wallet? You're alive too?" You rolled your eyes despite the blaster still pressed against your forehead as he growled, flashing yellow spikes as teeth

" Its Maul, to You "

"Right, my apologies" you said sarcastically, frustrated as you shook your head. After the defeat of Darth Sideous, who had killed Maul's family, he joined forces with other great warriors to form the "Crimson Dawn" you had never met them, but you had heard rumors. "so what are you going to do? Are you going to kill me?" You scoffed and placed a hand on your hip sassily.

Arukshai chuckled, which made you immediately uncomfortable.

"No, Y/N." She grasped your arm and pulled you around, placing your back against her chest as she held you in a tight grasp before returning the blaster to your head. "We're going to use you to get through to him"

You detected Kylo. He had been lurking behind you, watching the encounter intently. He was dressed once again, but back into his old apprentice wardrobe. No cape, just his black pants and arm wraps. Just like how you had met him. Almost immediately your eyes trailed to his waist, relieved to find his lightsaber wrapped around his belt. 

"Kylo, don't do anything stupid." You warned, desperately trying to pry Arukshai's green tinted arm from around your neck. She wasn't suffocating you, she just had you restrained.

He looked at you cautiously. "Keep your eyes on me. I'm not going to let anything happen to you, I promise." He soothed you, stopping your struggle as you nodded, trusting him completely

" Lord Ren" Arukshai began "What an honor it is to meet you"

"Let her go." He commanded, the old Kylo Ren threatening tone returning.

"I never got my pay. Need I remind you that I'm the one who delivered the girl" she leaned forward. "So listen closely, Kylo Ren. I have an offer for you, and you will decide to take it or not" she cocked her head to the side " but for her sake, I suggest you do"

"I do not compromise." He shook his head

"Oh, but you will want to hear this" she said eagerly "her life " she tapped the blaster against to your temple "for your position"

"The seat of Supreme Leader? " He asked , scanning the scene as Arukshai nodded.

Kylo looked at you, flinched, and then gazed back at the creature.

"Oh that's alright, Arukshai" he folded his fingers in front of him and stood tall. "My position as Supreme Leader is not equivalent to the girl." He said, disgusted "You can kill her if you like"






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