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"Im so scared, Kylo" you admitted while pacing around in his quarters back on the Star Destroyer, biting your lip. You watched him study you as he leaned against the walls with his arms crossed, but as soon as you gave him the truth about your nervousness, he paced over to you and grasped your shoulder, turning you towards him

"You dont need to be." He said comfortingly "theres nothing to be afraid of."

"My only remaining family is asleep in a cell a hallway away" you said sarcastically. "Why should I be worried."

"Exactly. You shouldn't be." He obviously didnt understand the sarcasm in your tone, instead tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.

"What if she hates me?" You arched your eyebrows


"Or what if she regrets coming with me!" You began to worry yourself and you could feel his hands in your arms tighten.

"Y/N" he repeated once more, and although you opened your mouth to speak, no sound came out. He silenced you more by planting his lips on yours, and even though you were slightly angry that he had used the Force on you, the way his fingers held your face made it alright.

He pulled away from you with his eyes still closed and his lips still parted as if he wanted more. " I hate it when you worry me like that" he shook his head and you punched him playfully, letting him know that you wanted to be able to speak again. Muffled sounds of your struggle to speak seemed to make him laugh, and be watched you intently

"No I think I prefer you this way. Now you won't be able to deny me" he smiled and you gave him a dull expression, indicating that you were over it and wanted to be free of his will of the force. He did as you 'asked' and let you talk again

"Kylo Ren!" You balled your fists and placed them on your hips playfully "Don't you know how much I hate it when you do things like that!" You giggled

"You mean things like this?" He questioned and you felt your feet dissend from the floor and your back hoovered over his matress all while You watched him laugh at you as you struggled against his hold.

"Kylo!" You pouted and he finally gave in

"Alright, alright." You felt yourself drop onto the bed softly, but you quickly got up and scrambled out of the bed, making your way towards Kylo with your fists balled in a fighting stance

He narrowed his eyes with a smirk and mimicked you, and for a few moments you paced around each-other with your fists balled. That is, until you saw him reach to his side for his lightsaber that you let your arms slap against the sides of your legs, defeated

"You dirty cheater! Thats not fair!" You pouted and crossed your arms.

"You want a fair fight, hm?"

"Yes." You raised your nose "yes I would."

"Come here, Y/N" you did as he said and before you were inches away from him he brabbed you and spun you around until your back was agaunst his torso.

"What are you doing?" You questioned but he ignored you, grasping your hand and pointing it outward towards the bed. When your arm was outstretched in a straight line, he maneuvered your fingers to his liking, which was a grasping position. You didn't know what he was doing but you didnt question it either.

"You see that pillow" he asked you from your neck length, speaking smoothly. You nodded your head "close your eyes." After doing what you were told, he continued, moving his hands from your arms to your hips. "Concentrate. Find your passion- make your intentions clear. It will do as you ask. Find the balance"

"Balance in a pillow, hm?" You pointed out snarkily, but in a soft voice because you were soothed by the way he touched you.

"There's balance in everything. A Jedi would tell you that you are the light to balance the Dark but-" he flinched "there is no light without the darkness. You must be the one to rise with the darkness and balance it with the light."

"Its a pillow, Kylo." You said, your eyes still closed but your hand outstretched eagerly.

"Pulling your arm won't help any. The Force comes from your mind, not your physical strength." His palms twisted onto your waist in a more secure way. "Find the balance, Y/N. Although it is just a pillow, it's there"

You took a deep breath and relaxed your fingers and your eyelids, trying your best to keep still and concentrate but the feeling of Kylo's hands on you was distracting. You imagined he sensed this, because he removed his hands immediately.

There is a balance. An accented voice you couldn't recognize seemed to ring through your head like an echo You are that balance, Y/N.

You let out a soft breath and it was so silent for a few moments that you thought you could hear your own heartbeat in your ears. There was a feeling of cushion on your palms, and immediately your fingers curled around it, holding your first use of the force obsessively as if it were a trophy. You turned to look at Kylo who stood there with a slight smirk of what you described as pride. You launched the pillow into his face and laughed with his chuckle

"What did I tell you, Kylo Ren?" You smiled "I don't want to be-" you shook your head "this"

He flinched in confusion and his smile faded "but you did it. didn't you feel it? The energy flowing through you? The passion, power?"

"Oh I felt it" you raised your eyebrows "but Its too much for me." You saw him opening his mouth in protest, but you continued "The Force is great for you but I'm just a Bounty Hunter, Kylo. And that's all I'm ever gonna be" you smiled doubtful but he seemed perturbed

"Just a Bounty Hunter?" he shook his head " Y/N do you have any idea what you mean? " he began "I was named the Jedi Killer among First Order ranks. For years up until I met Rey there was no more Jedi. And when she came to her Force-Sensativity I was astonished. But you are one of the last remaining Jedi, do you know what that means?"

You shook your head. You knew Rey was a Jedi, and you knew that after the commence of Order 66 and the slaughter of the New Jedi Order the Jedi were at high risk of extinction, but you had no idea that you were one of the last.

"It means that you are the last one to determine the shift in the Light and the Dark." He spoke in a hushed tone " Rey has chose the light, I have chose the Dark. But you are still conflicted. I sense it in you. You're tormented by it. " You couldn't reply, just stand there and watch him. "I know that that is like. I was in your spot too, Y/N. I feel it. I feel your suffering."

" You still feel it" you finally spoke up "I can see it. You thought that killing Han Solo would free you from the pull to the light but it only made it worse." You watched him flinch at the sound of his fathers name " you don't have to be alone anymore, Kylo. " You let your hand meet his cheek "You're not alone in this anymore."

" Neither are you " he clung to your hand and kissed it softly "but I won't lose you to the Light. Not this time." He shook his head and you just smiled

"I'll go wherever you go, Kylo." This made him smile

" Well now, you should be going to see Parnia. "

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