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You had done over five hundred push ups, trying to break a sweat in the freezing atmosphere of the Star Destroyer and also attempting to keep your mind off of everything. The workout routine brought your memories back from your life as a Bounty Hunter and how you would without fail, every day, keep yourself toned and strong enough. You wondered if Boba had to do the same thing, but you soon came to the realization that your gender made you slightly physically inferior.

But now, you trained yourself without a purpose. There was none any longer. You were no longer a Bounty Hunter, no longer just a human, no longer an independent woman who could handle everything on her own. You were a Jedi. A Princess, and a woman in love. You were in between love and hate with the change.

You finally felt a droplet of heat trailing from your scalp and onto the back of you neck, which made you smile as you pushed harder against the floor, trying to go faster and faster.

"Miss Fett" your cell door opened, startling you and causing you to loose your balance and fall face first onto the cold metal floor. You groaned, but whoever was at the door didn't seem to care. You turned and looked, only to find Hux standing there, observing you as if you were something he'd scraped off the bottom of his shoe.

"What." You said flatly and he regained his posture and his face distorted from his disgusted expression.

"Its been called to my attention that you are something of importance to the First Order." He mumbled, and you stood up, crossing your arms over your as long sleeved black shirt.

"Yeah, glad you got that."

He continued as if you never spoke. "And your connection with the Verona family could be critical in the defeat of the Resistance." Your mind turned to Leia, and you burrowed your eyebrows.

"How would you know about that." You nodded in his direction. "Did Kylo tell you?"

"Lord Ren keeps his information on your relationship with him very secretive. DNA tests were run."

"Where for the love of Sith did you get my DNA"

"It was recovered from your armor." He said simply, but your face lit up.

"You have it!" You realized how girlish and juvenile you sounded, so you coughed and regained yourself. "I'd like to have it back."

"That's not what I came here for, Miss-"

"I want my armor back, General." You looked at him like how Rey looked at Kylo when she told him she would give him nothing. "And for your sake, I suggest you get it."

Hux flinched, stared at you, and then took a breath "I'll see what I can do." You let yourself smirk but he continued. "As I was saying, your bloodline comes from high ranking officials-"

"Royalty. You can call it royalty." You commanded, wondering how much entertainment you could get from this.

Hux looked at you doubtfully "Right. Yes, -er- royalty. But whatever the case, you have some right to Power. You are aware that Lord Ren has made arrangements with Senator Vicklew of Chandrilla, already knowing of your family history."

"Yeah, I know. Everybody knows Vickslew slaughtered the Veronas" you spoke of your own family as if you weren't a part of it "and took Chandrilla for himself in the precipice of the planets grief."

"Those are some big words now, aren't they." Hux smirked and you gave him a deadly stare.

"At least I don't have my head stuck so far up my cockpit that I think that words define power." You said, snobbishly and he returned your words with another look.

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