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Disclaimer- I was high when I wrote this and it's going unedited because tamales are ready

"Castle is there. We sneak in, we overthrow the Senator, then we're in business" you whispered to the crew, made up of Finn, Rose, Rey, Poe, and the droids.

"And how are we going to prove that this belongs to you?" Poe doubted, motioning at the soil.

" No idea. We'll wing it" you said with a smile.

"Wing it?! We'll wing it? That's your plan?!" He asked, frazzled.

"Yes! You should know all about that!" You shot back. For some reason, you didn't feel nervous. You had your racing heartbeat, which was common in every crazy thing you did, but for some reason you didn't feel overwhelmingly anxious. 

Clutching the foreign design of the new blaster to your chest, you took a deep breath. You knew that you had to face the man alone. You couldn't risk any of your friends, and you certainly wanted to be the one to shoot Vickslew.

"You guys have to stay here" you breathed out, slightly disappointed as you nodded your head

"What? No, Y/N were going with you" Rey protested, stepping in front of the group to stand up to you.

"You can't" you shook your head, looking to the nearby palace. " it has to be me. "

"You can't do this on your own. You'll get killed and I'm not about to let that happen" Poe pointed out, working his eyebrow.

"I'm with Poe" Finn called out.

"I take on twelve Preatorean guards and the Supreme Leader and you think I can't handle some old guy" you asked, slightly offended. 

"Chandrila has one of the best armies in the galaxy. I'm not going to let you go up against that" Poe added. "Not alone"

"But I have to."

"But why?" Finn asked "we could do this together.  We could do it faster, too"

"But that's not how this is done" you shook Your head "I have to face him alone"

"No!" Poe finally yelled " you're not going anywhere without me! " he scolded.

"You idiot, I'm trying to save you!" You yelled louder, everybody else staring

"I don't need saving! You do! "

"I don't need saving! I'm stronger now, Poe. I could flick my wrist and He would fly out the window!" You retorted, looking up at him as his lips formed a white line, obviously aggravated that you had a point

"I don't care. I'm going with you. That's final" he pointed at you, kicking his lips.

"Poe, please--"

"Maybe she is right" Rey spoke up, all eyes now turning to her "she has to be the one to face Vickslew. He ruined her family, she has to be the one to avenge it. it's like poetry, it rhymes"

You didn't entirely know what she was talking about, but you didn't care because it seemed to catch Poes attention

"Shes right." You pointed to Rey as Poe looked at you, wide eyes with obvious disappointment. He sighed

Opening his arms, obviously defeated, he let you wrap yours around him, hanging off of his neck as he stuck his face into yours. Squeezing tighter, you left him with a small kiss on his cheeks.

"Tell me if you need me" he told you in a hoarse whisper

"Yes, should you need us, call" Rey looked at you, worried sick but staying strong because she knew the last thing you needed was to see her cry

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