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"Naboo?! You made a Resistance Base on Naboo and wonder why you're losing the war?!" You snapped at Poe Dameron as he lead you into the large transport, which was filled with the dozen Resistance Fighters left.

"no time for mean comments, Y/N. We have to get off this planet before Kylo Ren notices something" he pushed you in the doors, quickly closing them behind you before trotting off to the main bridge. You followed close behind.

"If you think he isn't going to come back for me, you are wrong" you pushed, folding your arms across your chest.

"I know" He said with an expressionless, blank tone "that's what we are counting on" he paused, seemingly leaning on the wall of the Falcon in exhaustion. He stood up again and faced you.

"After he finds out he will annihilate everything"

"No he won't. Not if he knows you are with us." He rebutted with a cocked eyebrow. He turned on his heels and walked away, but you followed.

"Where is the general? Better yet, where is Rey?" You questioned urgently. You heard his sigh as he made another turn, in the direction of the cockpit.

"The General is on the base. Rey is--" he was interrupted by a frantic British voice

"Poe? Poe, is that you?" She swung around the corner, almost running into Poe before her eyes stated to you " Y/N" she said in unison with an exhale.

Your eyebrows arched upwards and your lips parted slightly as you looked down in shame, not even attempting to deny the tears.

"Chewie, prepare for take off" she mumbled before motioning for Poe to co-pilot.

He walked away quickly, and immediately afterwards you felt her hands along your back, embracing you in a tight grasp. You reluctantly held back, squeezing your eyes shut in the soft fabric of her shirt.

She knew what had happened. she didn't ask questions, she just held you like any sister would. She was one of the three women you had ever hugged, other than Parnia and your mother. The thought alone brought more tears to your eyes.

"He was never mine but -- I hated letting him go" you let out into her cowl as she stroked you hair along your back, cooing and comforting you as she has always imagined a mother would .

"You'll get him back. He's coming back, I saw his future. Just an image of it but solid. . . and clear--He won't leave us."


"Where is she." Kylo furrowed his eyebrows as he led Archex to the pile of drapes and his lightsaber, where he had told you to stay put.

"She disappeared." Archex replied in complete wonder , scanning over the scene with parted lips. He pointed to a trail of red footprints, too big to be your own. "There. she was kidnapped"

"No-" Kylo defied, growing angrier and angrier by the second. Angered that he had lost you, and even angrier that he knew who he lost you to. "She would have called out to me"

"What are you suggesting, Lord Ren"

"Alert every ship the First Order has. Tell them that the Supreme Leader has fled with the Resistance. and tell them to prepare for battle. It's time to finish this"


"Three months?! that's it-- I'm losing my mind" you placed a palm on your forehead, feeling your own heat as you let the medic examine your hardly swollen stomach

"You are a young girl. It could have snuck up on you" Leia replied, watching you from a seat beside you, leaning her two hands on a wooden cane.

"How does a baby sneak up on you? I don't understand it"

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