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You paced in circles around the ship sent to escort you and Kylo to Chandrilla, placing your hands on your heads in a stressed position. You were wearing nothing but leggings and a white long sleeved shirt, but you were steaming hot. Something about the anxiety made you do excited, and so scared st the same time.

"Y/N. Stop it. You're beginning to make me nervous" Kylos cold voice spoke out, and you turned to see him in his usual formal position, hands balled at his sides along with two stormtroopers with Red Sashes, holding blasters.

"The infamous Knight of Ren gets nervous?" You smiled.

"Not because of our destination" he began "I'm worried for you. I've never seen you like this"

You turned again to face the window that stated our into the stars "it's my family. My only family" you shook your head

"You know that's not true"

"Of course it is." You shrugged " everybody else is dead"

"You don't seem to care much" you heard the taps of his boots, and a mumbled command to the troopers to let him be. You felt his hand slide down your arm until you felt his leather gloves wrapped around two of your fingers

"I dont." You intertwined your fingers "I've lived twenty one years alone. I'm doing just fine"

"I feel the conflict in you, Y/N. It's ripping you to shreds but you choose to ignore it"

"I'm not ignoring anything" you retorted, trying your best to not look at him. "I'm keeping myself safe"

"Safe from what? A princess and a man who was skilled at commuting high treason?" There was an upbringing in his voice but you just shook your head, almost shocked that he could speak so I'll of your father

"Safe from family ties" you gave in and looked at him "you'd know all about that, wouldn't you Ben?" You fired back, knowing that his birth name tormented him. You watched him inhale deeply and you could easily detect the frustration in his eyes, and the clenching of his jaw gave his anger away, but he snapped his head forward and let go of your hands, clipping them around your back as you clipped yours together in the front.

"Using my name against me, I see" he seemed calm but you knew that if you were still enemies he wouldn't hesitate to punch you straight in the face.

You chuckled and shook your head, almost in disbelief. "My name means everything to me. You disrespected it. If I hated you enough I'd slap you across the face" you heard him chuckle and it almost drove you to actually fulfil your words

"Is that so?" you could feel his eyes staring at you "you know if you took me up on my offer of training, you could hit me all you like"

"Shut up." You snapped, keeping your voice quiet. "Stop trying to get me to train with you"

"It would greatly improve your strength and skills-"

"I don't care!" you snapped your head towards him. You raised your voice slightly, probably too loud since you saw the troopers flinch in reaction, but Kylo's hand being raised in a stopping motion He turned completely towards you, burrowing his eyebrows. You lowered your voice "I don't need any-" you couldn't think of the right words "Jedi- Force- stuff. I've been just fine without it and I'll continue to live my life as a regular human" you shrugged and raised your eyebrows

"Did you ever notice-" he began "that whenever you said something to somebody it sent off a trigger " he snapped his fingers "and they did exactly what you asked? Without hesitation?" You burrowed your eyebrows, waiting for him to continue. "Or you think that you felt somebody's pain? Their fears? Their nervousness?" You blinked a few times, wondering why he was getting at all of this. "That was The Force, Y/N .It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together." He quoted Obi-Wans famous quote

"Why do you want me to become a Jedi so badly, Kylo?" You completely threw everything he said out the window. You watched him inhale and open his mouth as if he were ready to say something, but he stopped himself and placed a hand on your shoulder as if he were your father.

"It would keep you safe"

"Thats such a lie I can't even begin to tell you" you shook your head "tell me, please." You gripped into his arm and kissed it slightly, not caring that they were covered by leather bandages

There was a moment of hesitation. "You could be incredibly powerful, Y/N. Equal to me. It would be a sin for me to keep you from such greatness. When the First Order reigns across the galaxy" he began, bringing back that eager tone. "They won't take a normal girl as a ruler. Power. It's what everybody wants. It's what a ruler should be"

"Is that what I am to you, Kylo? More power for you?" You watched him with heartbroken eyes " I'm on my way to betray my only family for you. I've done everything for you. " You wondered if he was going to speak up but he didnt, so you kept going. "Can you imagine how many unattended TIE fighters I've passed by and been so tempted to leave? How many times I've seen your stormtroopers I've seen with blasters and wish I had my own back?" You heard your voice crack. "But you don't care do you Kylo? This is all a game to you and if I don't provide you with what you need you'll kill me. Isn't that right?"

"Stop, Y/N You know that's not what this is like"

"Do I?" You questioned " because it seems to me like you've been seducing me to your Dark Side with sweet words and promises of a future but-" you shook your head and covered your mouth with your forearms "but I never seem to move or do anything without it benefiting you"

"Y/N I'm sorry, I know that's what it seems like but it's not I promise I'll do anything to prove it to you."

"Anything?" You asked, and he nodded " come with me. Leave here and we can go and start a family- we can leave all of this behind and be together! "

"I've worked seven years of my life for where I am now. I want to share everything I have with you but I won't throw it away. I need you to understand that, Y/N. This is everything that I've ever wanted and you make it complete. I'll build a life for us. We can start a family, and we can be together. " he looked at you doubtfully "But I have taken four thousand nine hundred and seventy one lives. There are people looking to kill me, and the only way for me to be safe, for us to be safe, is for me to stay here. Please understand this, Y/n. "

"I understand where I stand with you, Ren. I understand it very clearly."


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