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"Miss Fett. You've been summoned to the meeting hall." An unknown voice said from behind you, slightly startling you since you didn't hear the door unlock.

Everybody had given up on trying to keep you in a cell. It was too difficult, and you always found a way to either escape or kill one of the guards. You were placed in a small chamber, much like Kylo's minus the large bed. It was quite commodious for a cell, and there was even a little desk with parchment and ink that faced a black metal wall. Its where you had been sitting when the voice called you.

You turned your spinning chair around to meet with the stormtrooper. "Summoned?" You chuckled "by who, Satan?"

Who the hell gets 'summoned?' You thought

"By Lord Ren." He said, almost cowardly. You wondered if your tales of what you had done to five consecutive stormtroopers in the last three weeks got around to the Barracks. Of course you could have taken into account that you had, before you were taken prisoner, slaughtered what was probably thousands of First Order troops.

"He hasn't spoke with me in days. What does he want?" You asked, not expecting an answer.

"I couldn't answer that, Miss. I'm just following orders." He regained himself and readjusted his stance. You got up and walked towards him.

"Lead the way"

He hesitated and from his back he pulled out black cuffs. "Miss, its Lord Ren's request"

"He wants me in cuffs?"


"His words, Miss. Not mine." He said, still cowardly.

"You're not putting those cuffs on me." You ordered. It took the stormtrooper a moment of hesitation and circumspect to reply. You understood, though. It was either disobey Ren and be slaughtered, or disobey you and be ransacked and most likely killed.

"I'm not putting those cuffs on you" he made the decision and tossed the cuffs into your room.


"Cuffs? Are you serious?" You said to the lone commander sitting at the edge of the counter, yanking yourself from a different stormtroopers grasp.

The room was magnificent. It was gigantic and on one side the wall, which was at least fifty feet high, was a large window that gazed out into the dark matter and bright stars of wherever the Star Destroyer was traveling. The room itself was lit was a grey light, much like the rest of the ship. There was no decoration, just the table. Just Kylo.

"You are a prisoner." He replied coldly. "Sit."

You rolled your eyes but did as you were told. You knew how Kylo got when he was in one of his moods, and you for one did not want to fight him anymore. Although, you would if you had to.

"What do you want" you plopped yourself down in the opposite side of the table.

"That's a colloquial tone for your captor." He said, not making eye contact. You burrowed your eyebrows.

"My captor? Excuse me?" You asked.

"Excuse you." He hissed, taking you back. He stood up and slapped his fists onto the cold table. "Don't ever speak to me like that again." He threatened, but you were far over being intimidated by him.

"What that hell is your deal?" You stood up with him, leaning over the table with him. You were a door apart, almost, and that look of hatred for you was back in his cold brown eyes. You hated it, but you knew why I was there.

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