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22 Years Ago...

"This is the perfect time to strike." A man wearing an old and dirty brown cape said to his followers. "Without the Force-Sensative princess to protect her parents, they won't stand a chance against us. And Senator Vickslew will begin his reign." he finished, watching his followers nod through their own brown capes. He turned and pointed to the glistening castle where the Verona Family resided.

In actuality, the followers of the soon-to-be-senator-Vickslew had been brainwashed into believing that the Royal Family of Chandrilla was evil, where as in reality, Vickslew was just messing with their minds in order to form an army to support his govern of Chandrilla. He, along with his fourteen followers, had plotted to sneak into the palace and murder everybody. It would be staged as an assassination and Vickslew would slip in as Senator right after. After he had control of the government, he would have ultimate power over the trade and allegiance of Chandrilla. And, because he was evil, he would side with the First Order.

"The Verona Family has polluted this planet with lies ever since they came into power" He began pacing back and forth on the platform above the others "And Senator Vickslew promises to bring a new order to Chandrillians. An order of peace and serenity." Cheers erupted from the disciples and a smirk grew across the leader's face. "And we, his faithful knights, will do anything in our power to overthrow the corrupt rule of the Verona Family and ensure the inauguration of Senator Vickslew!" Fists and roars of passion protruded from the people in agreement to what was happening. "It is time" He began his finishing sentence "To bring an end to every last one of the Veronas. Forever."


Your aunt, Parnia, watched with quivering lips from a closet door as your grandparents were slaughtered in front of her eyes. She covered her mouth with her hands in an attempt to keep silent, but the man in the brown cape snapped around, obviously hearing her cry.

The second she had heard the first scream of death from one of the Palace's guards, Parnia knew it was an assassination. She hid herself in the closet as her mother and father instructed. They promised her they would stay safe, but by the trickle of blood streaming down the marble floors she knew it was a false hope. Her sister, your mother, had already vanished with her husband, and she was the last Verona alive aside from Parnia

The door burst open and the evil man's eyes narrowed down at hers as he dropped the blade that was stained with her parent's blood. From her crouching position, she stared up at him in terror, pleading with her eyes to spare her life.

"Who are you." He demanded

"Please. I'm just a palace servant. I cook and clean and do as the superior says. Please don't kill me." She pleaded with the man who just stared at her with anger flooding his eyes.

"Everybody is dead. Everybody." He informed Parnia, and she squeezed her eyes shut in pain, grasping her chest "But there is a Princess missing." he began to get angry "One princess left months ago but there were supposed to be two! Where is she!"

"Please spare me. I'm just a servant, I don't know."

"You're not dressed like one" He replied, referring to her formal white drapes, only worn by people of importance

"They told me I had to look presentable in front of the King and Queen" She lied, tears still streaming down her face "I speak the truth. I am just a servant to the Verona family"

"And now you'll be a servant to Vickslew. Get up."


Luna clenched her chest through the leather vest, bending down over her swollen belly, and grabbing the handle-bars of the cantina stairway. Sarlo supported her immediately, already worried sick all the time because of her pregnancy.

"What is it? What's going on?" He narrowed his eyes at his wife worriedly, feeling her baby-bump "It can't be time. Is it the baby?" his eyes widened in astonishment but Luna shook her head frantically, tears spilling out of her crystal blue eyes as she came to the realization of what was going on

"I sense pain and suffering from Chandrilla. My Family" She began to quiver "They're dying." she fell into Sarlo's arms and her tears stained his white shirt. "I have to save them-"

"You can't go." He connected with her pain, remembering the feeling of sadness after hearing of Boba Fett's death "They'll kill you." He balanced her shoulders, hating the way she looked so sad.

"I can't just let them die!" She screamed out, not caring that almost the whole cantina was now staring at them "It's my family! They're dying!" She pleaded with Sarlo but he wasn't budging

"Luna, I cant let you go. I'm so sorry. But whoever is there is there to kill you. I can't lose you." He gave her a doleful look as she rested her crying head back into his chest as he cradled her head, letting her cry. "I'm so, so sorry." the sound of his pounding heartbeat against her ears was almost soothing, but she couldn't stop feeling guilty.


The Verona's were carried on beautiful flower accented coffins through Hanna City, lead by Parnia. The Chandrillans were perplexed. They knew the royal family and they knew there were two sisters, but only Parnia was present, hanging her head down low as she tried to conceal her pain from leading her parent's corpse through the capitol city and to their tomb. Though, nobody spoke out, as it was too much of a tragedy for anyone to protest. The Chandrillans that did recognize Parnia gave her commiserating looks of sadness, while others gave her anger fueled expressions.

Parnia was the only princess they would ever find. Luna and you would soon become known as the lost Princesses. Some speculated that Luna had been murdered with the rest of the family, though they were wrong since Luna had run away with Sarlo months prior. Others thought that Luna had escaped the terror and would someday come back to regain her rightful place as queen since she was the elder of the two sisters.

In the midst of the ceremony, Vickslew made his way to the balcony of the palace that overlooked the whole city, where the millions of Chandrillans gathered to watch their King and Queen be carried into their tombs where they would be guarded 24/7. He wanted to wait out the ceremony until he had everybody's attention and was able to inform them that he would be the new Senator.

But what no-one knew was that the galaxy's best Bounty hunter had fallen in love with the lost Princess, and she had willingly left her family to be with him. If she would have stayed until her coronation, she could have chose to marry whomever she pleased and the Verona family would live on, but the compassion she felt for the man that was sent to kill her was just too strong, and she ran away with him without a second thought. Luna was the reason for what would become known as the Assassination of Verona.

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