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You sat, again, in Kylo's chambers finishing the last chapters of The Code of the Sith. Kylo messed around mindlessly with the force, compelling a small pillow to float around with his maneuvering fingers.

"Kylo," you began cheerfully and you heard the pillow flop, Kylo turning to give all of his attention to you. "General Hux asked me to go back to Chandrilla. He wanted me to bring him-" you debated on what to call her "my mother's sister"

He seemed disappointed. "I know. He mentioned it at our Council Meeting." You nodded slightly, looking down

"What does he want with her?"

"Answers. He wants to exploit the story of Sarlo and Luna Fett, probably attempting to gain Senator's Vickslews trust."

"The story?" You questioned "you know it?"

"I don't. That's probably what he wants with Parnia. He will most likely try to persuade you to do as he asks with the promise of giving you answers."

"Well-" you began, still liking down "what do you want me to do?"

He paused and flinched, and you noticed his long fingers twitching. The braid was still perfectly secured, and his scar was almost unidentifiable. "I want you to do whatever is best for you. The First Order aside, you have a family. You deserve to know it"

"And you?" You questioned, hoping to get him to tell you more about his childhood "Don't you miss your family?"

"You and I feel separation differently. You feel everything. And I-" you looked up at him, waiting for him to say something "I feel nothing."

"I believe it to be the other way around. It rips you apart. I've never shed a tear about it in my life"

"You've never had anybody to be separated from." His voice grew weaker "I lost everything."

"Its not your fault, you were seduced." You protested

"I was weak and foolish in the Light. I thought that I could never be persuaded to the darkness. It took Snoke twenty one years of torment until I turned."

"Twenty one? You turned when you were twenty three." He nodded "Snoke was preying on an innocent toddler!" You cane to the realization but Kylo just shrugged

"Its common in Jedi, to have visions or persuasions to the Dark Side. It all depends on who is wise enough to realize that these temptations are true. The promises made all come to pass." He said doubtfully

"I haven't had any"

"You don't need them. You've already chosen me."

"What is that supposed to mean?" You leaned over the black counter on your elbows eagerly.

"It means that you don't have the option to choose any longer. You don't need any temptations because you've already given yourself to me." He chuckled. "You know that"

"Given myself to you?" You raised your voice and laughed "I haven't given you anything!" You stood up and crossed your arms, putting all of your weight onto one foot in a sassy way.

"Oh really?" He smiled and stood up and mimicked your pose, but only crossed his arms. "You have given me everything!" You squinted your eyes and smiled at him in a playful manner.

"Nuh-uh!" You protested

"Oh, yuh-huh!" He said childishly. The colloquial and unfitting words didn't suit him, and they sounded unfamiliar. You both realized it, too, but chose to ignore it. You stepped closer to him and poked his chest.

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