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"I want you to braid my hair" Kylo said randomly as you had your nose stuck in a book about Grey Jedi. You looked up at him and burrowed your eyebrows

"What" you replied flatly

"Not all of it. Just a piece." He said reassuringly. You wondered what he had been doing all this time, since you both had been sitting silently in his chambers for the last hour, you reading a book.

"Why?" You asked, intrigued

"Its an old padawan tradition. When a learner reaches the rank of Jedi Knight, they'll cut it off with a lightsaber."

"But you're not a Jedi"

"I'm a Sith Lord." You could sense the pride in his voice "but I never completed my training"

"You were supposed to be training with Snoke-" you began, but he cut you off

"And you ended that." He finished with a look you couldn't describe.

"You're still bitter about that? If it weren't for me you wouldn't be Supreme Leader. Ever." You chuckled

"No I'm not. Now I'm glad you did it. I was just pointing it out."

You mumbled a reply and glanced back down into your book, but you couldn't get over the thought of braiding Kylo's hair. It made you feel like you were handling an infant, like it was a sign of Ben. You glanced back up to see him staring at you, eyebrows raised waiting for an answer.

"I'll braid your hair. But please don't cut it" you pleaded, unable to stand that thought of Kylo without his Anakin-inspired hairdo. You watched him look down at the floor and the edges of his lips curved into the slightest smile. It made you grin from ear to ear, it was a rare sight.

"I won't." He promised and looked back up at you. You gave him a genuine smile and you hoped to see one back but he just curled the edges, like he had no idea how to smile. You began to wonder when the last time he had smiled was. Not just one of his signature Solo Smirks, but a genuine smile. It quickly became your goal, to make Kylo Ren smile.

But instead you got up from your seat and set the book face down on the black table, making your way to the back of his seat where his black shiny locks were completely exposed to you. He seemed to lean back in the seat, and you cautiously brought your hand to his scalp, feeling how he slightly flinched at the touch.

The last time somebody played with his hair must've been Leia.

"It was." He replied coldly, though he didn't seem angry. You didn't like the fact that he was reading your mind, but he seemed to be in a good mood so you kept quiet. "she used to coil it into two buns on the sides of my head." Kylo said, regaining his childhood memories of his loving mother. It made you smile, and you let your fingers dive deeper under his hair. You particularly liked how smooth and untangled it was for how carelessly he seemed to treat it. It was almost cold, though. But it was silky and the perfect length for him to the point that it hung just under his shoulders.

"Does that feel nice?" You asked softly, massaging his scalp and bringing your other hand up to tuck an unruly lock back into its place behind his ears

"It makes me content. Serene." You watched his shoulders rise and fall, with the pace of his breaths gradually slowing, indicating that he was calming down. You ran one more hand from the top of his head to the back before you leaned down into a squatting position and studied where you thought the braid should go. Kylo's eyes were closed, and you noticed that he seemed a lot nicer when he was reposed. There wasn't a wrinkle in between his brows and his lips were screaming out orders for his troopers. He seemed like a normal man.

"I know most padawans have their braids on the right side." You fondled a wavy lock of hair. "How about..." You dropped the piece and took the one right behind it, closer to the back of his head. "Right here. So its not in your face, I mean." You lied. The real reason was you didn't want to risk not liking the way the braid looked on Kylo and having to see it whenever you looked him straight in the face. It was selfish, but a good decision nonetheless.

"I trust you." Kylo mumbled, the words shocking you. His eyes shot open and he looked to the right to see you. "With the braid, I mean." He corrected himself and you gave him a slight nod, choosing to not push the issue.

So you began weaving a thin, even black braid from the side of his head. His hair wasn't slick enough to keep slipping out of the braid, so it was relatively easy for you to tie it with a loose thick thread from your black long sleeved shirt. You looped it around the bottom of the braid so that no thread stuck out. When it was finished, you brushed your hand over his shoulders to indicate that he was finished. You heard him take a deep breath and open his eyes, not bothering to look into a mirror. He just felt his hair as you stood up

"Thank you." He said softly, looking up at you while grasping his braid.

"Its nothing." You smiled "I like playing with your hair" you brought your hand back up to his hair and twisted it through your fingers "its so thick and soft" you bit your lip "why did you want me to do this." You ran a finger over the bumps of the braid and you heard Kylo breathe heavily again

"I used to have one. When I trained with Skywalker." He began, and you excused yourself back to your chair. "But I was advancing so quickly compared to the other- " he paused and regained himself "Jedi- that I cut it off before I was supposed to"


"I was already unaccepted. I was favored by Skywalker because of the blood so he paid me extra attention. It seemed to my peers that I was just being spoiled." Kylo didn't look at you and you tried to imagine Kylo being bullied. It didn't seem like it could ever happen. "So, needless to say I didn't have any friends."

"What happened to them." You demanded. You had never heard the story. Only rumors. You forgot about the braid and leaned forward in your chair, finally meeting Kylo's cold brown eyes.

"I slaughtered them like animals. I hate them" he said simply, adding more of an emphasis of disgust on the 'hate them'. You kept a stone face. You couldn't say anything because you would be a hypocrite. But at the same time, you wanted to ask him why.

"They were children." You found a loophole. You had a strict rule against killing children because of one incident that we can find out more about later.

"They were cowards." You could sense the disgust and anger building up in him. "And they were not children." He raised his eyebrows as you burrowed yours

"What are you talking about?"

"Did you seriously believe that I trained as a child?" He asked and chewed on his lip. "I was twenty-three. And I was the youngest." He leaned back in his chair again and gripped the armrests.

This gave you some relief. "So you killed them because you became drawn to the Dark Side?"

"I was fixable. I could have been saved." Kylo said as if he knew the Dark Side was the wrong path. "But Skywalker didn't believe in me." He averted his gaze "he saw goodness in his father after he had been loyal to the Dark Side for nineteen years but he tried to kill me because I was a confused young man. My own uncle."

You sighed slightly, overwhelmed with how much your perspective of Kylo had changed just in the past seconds. He didn't choose this. He could have been saved. He still could be saved.

"But it doesn't matter." He snapped back to you and chewed on his lip again. "I've found something that I need to protect. Its you."

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