Chapter 2: first encounter

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*Mr Jung's Mansion

Jungkook's pov

I Stood in front the gigantic metal gates. The beautiful mansion lied behind it with an enormous pool and exotic flowers. Well I don't know much but I can tell those flowers are rare. Maybe imported? We obviously don't see those around.

Well here goes nothing, I grabbed onto a little tool bag of my dad's, his favourite one...and walked towards the gate, which automatically opened to my surprise.

So can any stranger just walk in like this?

"Well come in child". A lady's voice spoke.

I halted and looked around. There's no on here though.

Oh there it is.

There's a camera and a speaker located at the side. Clever.

I simply stared at the speaker and finally decided to move along. My eyes were met with the mansion itself.

I walked ahead, my mind soon to be recalling all about yesterday.

My mum, dad...he just died yesterday and here I'am working rather than arranging a funeral.

Ugh but I don't even have money to do that. That's why you gotta earn Jungkook. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll be able to do my dad's funeral.

He was jabbed badly and beaten up.
From the look of it, it wasn't any accident or whatsoever, it seemed intentional. Who could have done it? Dad doesn't even have any enemies or people that hate him. In fact everyone around our neighbourhood loved him, because of how caring he was and always thought about others first than himself. So who?

Only if he could tell me.

I walked for a bit, across the pool and here I was, standing in front of the enormous double sided wooden door.

Should i go in?

I stared at the door for a while before attempting to push the bell. Before I could, a man spoke up.

"Where do you think you're going son?"

My head spun towards that voice.
At my right stood a man about my dad's age. His brown shirt was displayed with dirt, same went with his jeans and a shovel in his grasp. I guess he's a gardener? I mean he was standing in the gardens.

"Um I'm here to meet Mr Jung".
I spoke.

He looked at me for a while.

"You're Jeon's son aren't you?"

He knows my father?

"Y-yes Sir".

He smiled a bit.

"I heard about...what happened". His eyes were soft.

I don't know what to say.  
Looks like everyone found out. This morning Aunty Yong, my neighbour asked me about my parents too. Guess news spread fast.

"Well uh son you cannot go that way. That ways only for the family members and rich people. That ways not for us. I hope you know what I mean. You'll have to go around the mansion".

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