Chapter 23: Caring

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He- he's The Jeon Jungkook. The son of Raider Kim.

Th-they're..... M-mafias.

*tears escape*

H-He's gonna kill me.

End of recap

Narrator's pov

The car came to an halt.

"We're here", Kim alerted.

Jungkook got out first and walked briskly to the mansion. Eunha on the other hand slowly got out, still thinking about the incident.

The mansion was awfully quiet as she entered. Horrified at the news she found out.

Jungkook was already seated on the couch, loosening his tie tiredly.

"Slut come here", he called.

There was no response.

"Are you deaf? Didn't you just hear what I said?" His voice echoed in the living room as he called for her.

He gazed at her.

"Eunha" his voice rose.

Her body stiffened as she turned around to confront him.

"Y-you're a M-mafia?" her voice trembled in fear.

Silence took over once again as he watched her intently. He stood up and ran his fingers through his shinny hair, chucking his tie away in annoyance.

"So he told you huh?" he huffed.

"Are you.....going to kill me?"
She gulped in fear.

He watched her with interest before making a move. He took each step ahead as she took each back.

"Tsk, Why would I do that? Just because I'm from the Underworld doesn't mean I'm gonna go around killing irrelevant people". He stopped when she hit the white wall. Panic written all over her face.

He closed the gap between them as he set his hands on either side of her head. Trapping her.

"Besides if I kill you than who would entertain me at night?" he smiled cunningly as he witnessed fear.

"Awe are you scared of me?" he teased as his index finger traced her jawline.

"You killed him.................................. YOU KILLED HIM!!! IT WAS YOU!!!" she cried in agony.

His gaze hardened on her.

"You were the one who killed my cousin!! Why!" she abruptly pushed him, creating distance as he stumbled back a few steps yet regained his balance.

"I don't know what you're talking about", he simply denied.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Jeon Jungkook. You killed Jung Hae In! Why?!"

He didn't respond. By not receiving a an answer, she grew mad.

"Answer me you bastard! Why did you kill him! ", she screamed.

"Because he ran away with my money." a calm answer was delivered by Jungkook as he slid his hand in his pockets.

"He did no such thing, you framed him because you needed to get out of the accusations held against you. So you used the first person who came your way! Do you know how miserable his family must have been after the death of their only child? How could you do that to an innocent soul?"

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