Chapter 36: Deals

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"Mr Jung freeze!" The police came in rushing and surrounded Mr Jung as he got dragged to the police veichle. Jungkook discussed a few things with the officers before returning to his mansion to only meet an angery Eunha.


End if recap

Narrator's pov

"I HATE YOU!!"she wiped a tear and turned on her heels to leave when...

"I'll do anything.....isn't that what you said?"he stood with his hands tucked in his pockets. His gaze fixed on her back.

She turned around to face him, alert by his words.

"So what is it that you want in return? My body? Take it if that's what you want."

Mrs Jung and Ms Jeon stood there watching, unable to do anything.

"Sadly its not that.... Its this".

He handed her white sheets of paper with text written on them.

"M-Marriage certificate?"
Eunha stuttered at the bold words on the paper as it slipped through her hands and fell on the floor.

Mrs Jung sat on the nearest sofa in shock. The incident earlier played through her head as well as thinking about her daughter's future with him. Her entire family was ruined.

"Jungkook stop it! What is this nonsense? Haven't you done enough?! "Ms Jeon stood up for Eunha as she helped Mrs Jung by giving her a glass of water to calm her.

No response was delivered from Jungkook.

"Sign it". He spoke and threw a pen on the floor where the paper laid.

Knowing the consequences, she knelt down as Mrs Jung kept telling her to not. She picked up the paper and signed it. Once she did, she threw the paper and pen at Jungkook's face and went to help her mother up. Taking her to her room.

He stood there, gazing at her as she slowly vanished from his view with her mother.

He took 2 steps forward when he was yanked by the arm. Mrs Jeon turned him to face her as she stood furiously.

"Son...i understand that whatever happened in past with us was terrible but that doesn't mean we have to stoop down just like that culprit in order to bring someone down. What difference would there be between them and us?" she stepped forward and cupped Jungkook's cheeks

"Nor is it correct to force someone into marriage. Worst of all, force them into a sexual intercourse. Let her go. Let them go. She would never love you. Not after seeing her own father being hurt because of you."

He smiled at her helplessly as he slowly brought her hands down from his cheeks.

"Mum, I love her, I love her with all my heart. However the circumstances wouldn't let us meet at this point. She can go if she wants, she can run away from me if that's what she desires, I'll wait for her, I'll wait for her to realise my love for her but I can't take the risk to let her go without making her sign these papers. I can't take the risk to let go with someone else".

"You will only ruin her future Jungkook!"

"Somethings should be left on fate mum". With that he turned around and left.

Ms Jeon stood there, shaking her head as she watched Jungkook leave.

Eunha's pov

"Mum have a seat".

"You!!" she grabbed me by my arms.

"Are you stupid!!! Didnt you hear me yelling huh?!! Why did you sign the papers! Why why why". Mum started grabbing onto stuff and threw it at me as she cried.

I embraced her to only calm her as she cried on my shoulder.

She cried and cried.
Until breaking apart.

"Silly girl... Why did you sign it huh?" her voice became gentle. She cupped my cheeks and watched me as my eyes looked down in guilt.

"I'm still alive a-and I won't let anything to happen to you. Run... Run away Eunha. Get out from this place. You can go to your uncles place in the states. Whatever you do, just get away-..."

"Its not worth it...mum. Not when my family's life is in danger. How can I possibly think about myself when you guys have no where to go. I love you all too much to see you guys hurt".

I hugged her as tears welled up in my eyes.

She silently cried as it slowly darkened and the night took over.

I pulled the covers over her as she sleept on my bed. Her tears long dried.

My eyes caught the alarm clock on my bed stand reading 7.30pm.

I watched mum.....

Thoughts rushing through my head at that very moment.

After what seemed years, it was final. I was ready.

Ready to bear the consequences.

I walked out of the room to search for Jaemin. He was fast asleep in a guest room. Ms Jeon brought him inside the mansion when he returned from his friends place and I thank her for that.

I quietly closed the door and headed downstairs, to the bar.

With a plan in my head, I opened the whiskey bottle and took a swig and another and another.

After finishing half the bottle of dry whiskey, I was having double vision as I slightly swayed. The alcohol slowly began having an impact on me.

I got myself up and walked upstairs. My eyes set on that one room. Slowly approaching the door, I pushed it slightly and it opened. Opened to reveal his naked back towards me.

Looks like he just got out of shower. His hair was damp and a white towel wrapped his waist and down. His muscles flexing without him actually trying to flex. He gradually turned around to see me standing on the door way, suprised.

"Why are you here?" I can't believe he asked that after knowing what happened downstairs.

With my eyes fixed on him, I held the hem of my top and took it off. The same applied to my bottom. He watched me as I stripped myself in nothing but my under garments.

And then...
I approached him, held onto him and kissed him.

"I'll give you myself tonight willingly but in return, release my dad."

I could always be an independent women, can use other methods to release my dad from the station, I can use law but that will take time. In that period my mum will live an unhappy life. Not just that but what choice do I have? The one with supreme power always wins and he has that. He has so much power and money that he can even buy entire nation. Can make them all fear him, can rule this nation. My power is too little compared to his. So here I am selling my dignity for my family.

"You don't have to give me yourself. I don't want anything from you. I'll release your dad tomorrow".

To be continued...

Author's note

Sorry everyone for not updating in a long while. Im taking breaks now since my eyesight has been worsening. I'm sorry but I won't be writing the jimin ff any time soon. I will finish off with this story tho since we're so near to the ending but I need to care about my health as well. I'm not saying I'm permanently shutting down everything, but for a while I won't be writing a new ff. I hope ya'll can understand. ❤️

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