Chapter 13: faults

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Sorry y'all for not adding a recap in this one because stuff happened with my previous chapter so it didn't really allow me to add a recap. But anyways it'll go back to normal from the next chapter.


Eunha's POV

The entire day I had been cleaning the mansion! Like seriously? me vs this big mansion.

I'm tired as hell. My body aches from doing all the vacuum and dusting, while doing laundry and preparing dinner, mopping the marble floors as well as tidying the damn mansion which was already neat but was still waste of my time and energy.

Yeah, yeah I could have decided not to do it but he's gonna come back from wherever he's gone to and will go through the checklist. I know right? He prepared a damn checklist for me which had to be done today or else bare the consequences he said, in his deep macho voice.

What consequences? I don't know and I don't even wanna know.
You know what? I'll just do as he told me to. Plus I don't want to get in trouble with this big guy.

What's his name again? Umm...

"Hey you". I yelled out.

He looked at me, just like how he had been for the past, I don't know 7-9 HOURS!!! With his poker face.

"What's your name?" I asked. Slightly leaning on the kitchen counter, interrogating him like a billionaire which I'm not anymore.

"None of you business".
He said.

Ah wah- what???

"Excuse me? You don't talk to me like that. Got it". I straightened my position into an intimidating one and folded my arms together.

He smirked.

"I don't need your opinion. Sir's orders are our command. Besides you're just a maid so I don't have to respect you".

Fire blazed in me.

"Well haha if you didn't know, I'm a woman for god sake and every WOMEN should be respected! Despite her occupation!"

Bring it on fella, I'll tackle you down with my feisty words.

He maintained his position in a bodyguard pose like he had been when I first saw him this morning.

"Sir said to treat you like everyone else, so we shall do as told."

Wow this guy really doesn't budge, plus where's the common sense at?

"All I asked was your name, you didn't have to be so rude".
Knowing he wouldn't tell me his name even though it was for a good cause, I defeatedly went back to setting up dinner.

After a moment of silence, I heard a voice.

"It's Kim".

I looked at him.


"Just Kim".
He said with a poker face.

I smiled, he didn't.

I went back to what I was doing and than neatly placed the food on the dinning table.

"You do know sir won't be back yet right?"

I looked at Kim.
You're telling me now when I have done everything. Wow.

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