Chapter 19: Ruined

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He took his hands out of his pockets and removed his blazer, throwing it aside and slowly unbuttoning his white shirt.

Tears ran down my cheeks, as I knew I had no other choice than this.

But I had one question.

"W-What is that you really want from me?" I asked with pleading eyes.

He smirked before replying.

"Your body".

End of recap

Eunha's pov

I wanted to cry

I wanted to scream.

I wanted to kill him.

I wanted to run.

I wanted leave this place.

But I knew I couldn't because if I did, he would hurt my family and not only that, I needed money to feed my family as well. I had to survive this.

He unbuckled his belt and threw it aside as he approached me.

"Please don't do this", I begged while scooting back with my hands tied behind my back.

He abruptly caught my ankle and pulled me down till I was under his body as he hovered over me. My tears flowed continuiously, begging him to stop but every drop of my thought vanished when he ripped my top aggressively, and threw it aside. He pulled my skirt down, leaving me in nothing but my undergarments.

"You need a hard punishment", he smirked. Before burrying his face in the crook of my neck and sucking on it.

Narrator's pov

"Stop! Don't do this!" She screamed, hoping he would put an end to this. Yet Jungkook showed no mercy and left his mark on her neck. Her neck was full of purple hickies as she cried.

"you're mine, all mine. Do you get that slut?"

"I haven't done anything", the poor thing chocked on her tears trying to justifying herself.

He ignored her pleas and proceeded down. Ripping every single fabric that was on her body.

"No! No! Please no!" she cried as he striped her naked.

He sat up, caging her thighs between his muscular ones as he observed her. His abs perfectly displayed as she watched him with horror. Her pleading eyes were overflowing with tears. Her body left naked in a position where he was turned on. Lust visible in his eyes.

"Fuck, you're a major turn on".

With that he kissed her hungrily as she resisted. When she didn't kiss him back, he grew mad and in a split second her face rested to the other side due to the impact of the slap. Causing her to cry even more.

"You go around fucking other men willingly but when it comes to me, you try to defy me? Why's that hm?"
His nose and lips traced her already purple neck before leaving traces of hot kisses as his hand slowly slid down to her core.

Eunha's pov

"Answer me" he demanded.

"I haven't done anything" I replied the same thing again as tears left my eyes.

He was getting more angry with my replies and before I knew it, he sat back up and seperated my legs as I tried to close them. He parted my thighs and everything was in full display. I didn't face him, I couldn't face him although I could feel him smirking even though I couldn't see him.

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