Chapter 15: Departure

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God he's intimidating. I don't want to but I'm forced to do this.

He sat in the bathtub of water in his boxers while I got in with my maid uniform, not knowing where to lay, or sit.

I was pulled by the wrist which resulted in me landing on his chest. Looking up I found him smirking.

*mutter* "I finally have you now".

He muttered something but it wasn't clear.

"Did you say something?" I asked.

He smirked again.

"Oh there's a lot to be said and done honey".

End if recap

Eunha's pov

I watched him and he watched me with his daring eyes. I quickly fixed my position and was sitting on him now because he left me no space. I could feel my crouch against his and I swear to god it wasn't a good feeling.

Taking out some bodywash, I rubbed his bare chest while he smirked the entire time. I diverted my eyes to the other side, trying not to look at him or whatever part of him I was touching. However I could see him staring at me from the corner of my eye. I could feel my cheeks getting hotter as I proceeded a bit down to his abs.

No, no, don't blush Eunha. Don't blush. Stop it hormones!

"Like what you feel?" he whispered seductively while closing the gap between us.

I was paralysed. My body froze when his hand grabbed my thigh and the other tightned around my waist, merging our bodies together.

I was speechless to the point that I was unable to utter anything from my mouth to stop him.

He moved his head and buried it in the crook of my neck. That is when it all came tumbling down to me.

We were making out!!!

Without my consent!

"Stop!" I screamed.

I tried getting up but failed miserably. His grip was tight enough to easily control me.

In one quick move he placed me back on his lap and thats when all hell let loose. He laid back while holding onto my hips and slowly rocking them back and forth.

"what are you doing? Stop!"
I yelled and tried unfolding his grip on my hips.

Our crouches rubbed against each other sending chills up my spine. What's happening to me?

"I never agreed to this! Stop!"

He spanked my ass causing a moan to erupt from my lips while quickening his pace. I had no choice but to do this before it was too late. I bit his neck which allowed me to escape from his grip when it loosened.

He groaned in pain while I rushed out the tub, that made me trip and fall on the cold hard marble floor.

I quickly turned around to see him towering over me as I scooted back on the hard surface, hitting my back against the hard wall.

Anger blazed in me, making me stand up to confront him.

"what the hell is wrong with you? How dare you touch me!"
I rose my hand to slap him, although before I could, both my wrists were pinned behind my back.

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