Chapter 17: Proposal

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"let me go!"
I struggled in his grip.

He just cunningly smirked and tightened his grip on my wrists.

"Now stop acting like a bitch and go change in your maids uniform. We have a lot to do today".

He loosened his grip and let me go.

"I hate you!"
With that I quickly ran upstairs, not wanting to see his face.

What does he even want from me?

End of recap

Eunha's pov

I changed in that stupid uniform and went downstairs to make him breakfast.

Tsk, I can't believe this, he threatened me!! I feel like killing him right now.

As I reached the living room, I saw him dressed in his office suit, sitting on the dinning table with a newspaper and coffee.

"Are you going to work?" I asked casually.

"yeah", he plainly answered without even looking up. His eyes were still glued to the newspaper he was reading.

"I'll make breakfast," I said while proceeding to the kitchen.

"No need". He replied.

He finally looked up while putting his newspaper down.

"I'll be having breakfast with the clients, and don't worry about dinner, I'll be late". He stood up and grabbed his black office bag.

"What time would you be back by?"
I questioned.

"Around 11pm and don't try to do something you're not supposed to".
Without looking at me, he answered and left. Not that I want him to look at me but you get the idea.

I watched him leave as the door closed before having breakfast and getting back to doing chores.

The entire day, I cleaned the mansion, even though it was already clean. Washed the dishes, did the laundry, dusted the book shelfs, and tidied the place. It took me a while but I was done. It was around 12pm now so I had my lunch and than had nothing to do.

God why is this so boring? When we used to live here, time used to fly by just like that, and now I look at the clock and it still tells the same time that I saw like 2 minutes ago. Ughhh. Maybe back than we were free to go any where and do as pleased, now its all boring.

Aish, I need fresh air.

Dying out of boredom I got out of the mansion and strolled in the gardens. Looks like the bodyguard is gone. Thank god.

Which means, I can finally meet my parents!

I proceeded towards their house but stopped, realising what happened last time. Last time he...harrased me.

But my parents...

Fuck that asshole, I'm still going to meet my parents, besides that body guard isn't even here, so I'm fine.

I walked to their small house and knocked on the door. No one received it. Thats when I noticed a note on the side of the door. I pulled it out and read it.

Jaemin, mum and dad are going grocery shopping, if we're late than the key is under the pot plant, the food is on the table. Heat it up.

Mum and dad.

Well that explains alot. I placed the note back where it belonged and sighed in boredom.

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