Chapter 36: Exposed

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OK so it's decided, since all of ya'll want it to be extended, I'll extend it to an appropriate chapter where we're all happy. K? ❤️

"She has no choice mum. It's her fault for being friends with me and making me fall insanely in love with her from the very first day I've met her. It's her father's fault...that he killed dad. It was none other than her father and as a punishment I want her!"


End of recap

Narrator's pov

Ms Jeon gave Jungkook a good tight slap against his cheek causing his head to rest on the other side. Eunha flinched at the sudden encounter. She stood there shocked as she witnessed a raging Ms Jeon.

Ms Jeon was disappointed with her own son. It hurt her as a mother to learn her kid was on the wrong path yet it was no one's but her fault for not being able to teach him the rights and wrongs.

"How can you think so low Jungkook? Her father killed-... What the hell are you blabbering?"

He slowly brought his face up whilst clenching his jaw.

"It's true was none other than Mr Jung who killed dad. Dad's boss and.....your highschool friend. He killed dad because he was in love with you. I heard him confessing with my own ears."

Shock ran through Ms Jeon as she trembled back a bit. Tears falling down her cheeks as jungkook comforted her. She believed Jungkook because she herself knew the nature of Mr Jung. She took the nearest seat and sat there crying. Learning the ugliest truth.

Eunha was left speechless but defended her father.

"You- you must have mistaken. My father would never do that. He can never kill anyone. He has only loved my mother all these years and he wouldn't have done what you're accusing him of" the poor soul protested without knowing knowing the truth.

Jungkpok's gaze darkened on her as he slowly took each step forward.

"You know nothing Eunha. You father did kill my-..."

Her hand swung and landed on his cheek. She slapped him so hard that it echoed.

Ms Jeon was left speechless as she did.

"My father would never do that!! Why are you trying to frame my poor father into this huh?! First my cousin and now my father?! Oh haha should've guessed, you're trying to make up excuses for your sins and show your mother how chaste you are. Pathetic Jeon Jungkook!"

"Sins? Baby whatever I did to you was to show you my feelings. I wanted to shower you with my love from the very beginning. I've loved you since way back when. You're the one who made it difficult for me by resisting too much."

She started crying and began hitting him with her tiny fists while he stood there, letting her.

"I hate you! You used me, what you call love it not love, it's lust and possessiveness!! Have you ever thought about what I wanted? You sexually assaulted me!! For that I would never forgive you Jungkook never!"

She stopped hitting him and stood there crying as he leaned in for hug but was pushed away by her.

"Would you forgive me if I was your Kookie?" the atmosphere went silent with his one question.

"Even if you were him, I would still hate you with all my heart because you are inhumane!"

He watched her with no emotions. Watching her wipe her tears.

Her eyes traveled to Ms Jeon as she quickly made her way to her and knelt down. Her hands resting on Ms Jeon's lap.

"My father has done nothing wrong. Please believe me."

Ms Jeon pitied the poor girl as she tried justifying. When Ms Jeon uttered nothing, Eunha knew it was her cue to leave as she slowly stood up and gave a last glare to Jungkook before exiting.

Eunha's pov

He's cruel! How can he even think of such a-.. Ugh!!

I hate you Jeon Jungkook I hate you!

I got out of there not knowing where my feet were taking me. It led me outside in the backyard where my parents house stood. Great I can atleast ease my anger by having someone to talk to.

I walked to their porch and knocked the door several times before it opened to reveal mum.

"Eunha?", she smiled happily seeing me. That smile soon vanished when she saw my angry face.

"what's wrong? Is everything alright?" she questioned as I barged in.

"I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I fucking hate him!!"

She was bewildered at my words.

I carried on with how much I hate him but was cut off when she pointed something out.

"What's that on your neck? Is that-.. Oh my what did he do to you?"
She ran to me worried and forced me to look up as she took a closer look at those bites.

Exposed, I was exposed. I can't lie about this one. It was obvious.

I was so stupid!! I forgot my scarf!

She cupped my cheeks once she was done examining. She cried, my mother cried watching my miseries, watching her cry made me shed tears as well. I started crying like baby and all the emotions just came out. I quickly hugged her and cried.

"Let it all out. It's ok, mum's here".

I don't know how long we stayed in that position before we parted. She wiped her tears and wiped mine as well assuring me that everything will be fine.

"I need to call your dad and tell him about this", she picked up the phone and dialed the number.

What no!

"Mum no, don't tell dad", I quickly took the phone off of her but she was quick enough to take it back.

"He needs to know Eunha. We have to get out of here as quickly as possible. I don't want Jungkook to take any advantage of you again".

"Mum I said no. Please don't tell dad. I did everything I could to keep you all safe". I snatched the phone back.

"What do you mean keep us safe?" she snatched the phone from me.

"He threatened to send dad to jail and throw us on the streets if I tried leaving him."

"So what? You want to stay with him and-and endure things like this huh?"

"Does it look like I got an option mum? This wasn't the first time.... I slept with him several times so you all could be safe mum. I don't have a choice". I screamed and cried.

"So you're saying that... That h-he raped you multiple times?"

That word disgusts me but it's the truth. The truth that I don't want to hear.

"I have to go back", I ran out of there, leaving her all by herself.

I ran back in the mansion to only see Jungkook quarling with his mother. They stopped when they saw me. I was crying. He looked worried for the first time and tried approaching me as I cried but before he could, I ran upstairs to my room.

I slammed the door shut and slid down crying against it.

Can this day get any worse?

To be continued.

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