Chapter 28: Wine And Dine

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"I know you won't forgive me but can we atleast talk normally rather than running away?".

His eyes were pleading.

"Aren't we already talking normally?"
I responded.

Without saying anything, he smiled and left.

O.... K....

End of recap

Narrator's pov

That evening, the three of them slipped on some clothes and headed out to the living room. Jungkook and Jackson were dressed in a pair of Hawaiian shorts and matching shirts, with Gucci slides.

"Why the fuck did you wear the same as me?" Jungkook's remark left Jackson's eyes wondering all over them.

"It's not even the same thing, the color is a bit off. Yours is blue while mine is extra blue?".

Shaking his head in annoyance, Jungkook attempted to proceed upstairs to change when his gaze landed on her. Making him halt.

Eunha walked down like an angel fell from heaven in a yellow strapped beach dress, flowing as she walked down in her matching heals. Her flowy hair let loose with light makeup on.

"Wow. You're gorgoues" Jackson's comment left Jungkook throwing daggers at him before fixing his gaze back on her.

"Indeed", he muttered.

"Shall we go my lady?"
A hand was offered for Eunha as she blushed, yet before she could set her hand on Jackson's a rude Jungkook interrupted them. He took her hand in his and began proceeding towards the car outside. Leaving them both dumbfounded.

Eunha's pov

"Get in," he softly spoke in my ear. A shiver traveled down my spine when his finger accidently brushed against my bare back. However he didn't seem to notice it.

I settled in the front passenger seat with Jungkook as the driver and a sulking Jackson in the back seat. Making me want to laugh. With that we traveled to an unknown destination.


Jungkook's pov

"We're here".

"Wow.. ", she spoke in admiration.

A smile popped on my lips from her reaction. So cute...

Getting out, we traveled to the resort and checked in for our reservations. The resort is famous for its breathtaking atmosphere and food.

"This way sir", the man at the reception led us to our table. It was a separate corner with the perfect view of the beach.

"Woah, that looks like some sick beach party. Hey Jungkook let's head over when we're done with this". I was totally caught off guard with Jackson's words to only realise he took a seat next to Eunha.

*mentally sigh*

I love you Jackson but sometimes I feel like killing you.

Having no choice left, I took I seat in front of her. On second thoughts it's not that bad. Atleast I can see her angelic face.

"Sir's and mam what would you like today?" a male waiter took our order.

Being the gentleman I am, I waited for her to order. Like it goes, ladies first but Jackson you bitch.

"I would like one quesadilla de pollo, a spicy shrimp soup and Richbourg Grand Cru 1949". He smiled at me teasingly and I knew what he was trying to do.

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