Chapter 27: Drowning

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"I tried but you didn't give me a chance." I simply answered with my head hung low and tried getting out of the bathroom but before I could, he back hugged me.

Tears ran down my cheeks from the remembrance of those nights.

"I'm sorry".

End of recap

Eunha's pov

Did he just say what I thought he said?

"I'm sorry Eunha.....I'm sorry for forcing you like that".

We stood rooted in the same position for a while. His face snuggled in the crook of my neck. I didn't respond at all. He should get an answer by now.

I wanted to run, get away from him yet couldn't. My feet didn't let me, as if they had their own will.

After a while, I was released. As soon as he let go of me, I walked right out not wanting this conversation to go any further. Didn't turn back to face him at all, my ultimate goal was to clear my mind at the moment which led me to the pool where Jackson stood. His bare back faced me as he stood on the concrete in a pair of shorts, playing with his phone.

Halting, I patted my face, to calm myself up and wiped off the excess tears. By than Jackson turned around to see me smiling. Seeing me he grinned and put his phone aside on the little table.

"Cute", he commented as he scanned me from head to toe.


"Oh not you, I was talking about the bikini", he laughed.

"Sure", I grinned.

He's funny.

"Shit I forgot, let me get the sunscreen. I'll be back". He headed inside, leaving me all by myself as I settled on the edge of the pool. My legs dangling in the water as the sun shinned on me.

I zoned out for a long time when suddenly I was pushed in the water. Thank god it wasn't the deep end or else I would've drowned. As soon as I came to the surface, I saw him laughing.

"Jackson you're a dead meat!"

He stuck his tongue out without realising he was at the edge of the pool which only advantaged me. Smilingly, I pulled him by the ankle and he lost balance, falling right in the water.

Now it was my turn to laugh. As soon as he came to the surface, I knew it was time for me to run as I rapidly began swimming with my terrible swimming skills further away from him. Still holding onto the edge of the pool for support.

"You come here", in one swift move a pair of hands grabbed onto my hips and pulled me up.

Oh no, no. No not this. He pulled me up like a weightless object and threw me in the water. Luckily my feet could still touch the bottom in order for me to stand. As soon as I resurfaced, he wasn't in sight.

Where did he go?

"Jackso- ahhh!!".

He abruptly appeared in front of my face. My heart started pounding due to the shock given whereas he smiled like an idiot, seeing me in this condition. We were only inches apart. Hm, So he must have been under water with me when I resurfaced.

"Jackson don't- don't do that I can't swim".

"Oh you can't? Sorry, I didn't know. Then umm, let's go over to the shallow end. It'll be safer."

He led me over to the shallow end where the pool stairs were. We sat on the stairs, half of our bodies still in the water as we admired the view.

"Want me to teach you how to swim? I'm an expert", he smiled.

"Sure, teach me the basics". Being the faithful student I am, I followed my teacher's instructions. Although half the time we played around rather than actually learning, it was still fun. Time flew by so fast that it started to darken and the lights in the villa got switched on. Gosh we've been so caught up playing with water that we lost track of time.

"I think we should go now", Jackson uttered, watching the sky as it slowly darkened.


He got out and grabbed a towel. Noticing that it was the only towel.

"Hold up, I'll get another one. Stay here". He headed back inside, leaving me all alone again.

Oh his phone. He must have completely forgotten about that. I got out of the pool and proceeded towards the little table to pick it up but slipped on the way.

Oh no. Help!!!

I fell in the water to only realise that it was the deep end. My feet couldn't touch the bottom, making me sink right in.

No, this can't be. I can't die like this! This can't be the end. I'm still single!

No matter how hard I tried, I still couldn't get myself up. I was scared and out of breath and nearly gave up when a pair of hands pulled me up by my hips.

*cough.. Cough*

My blurry vision finally regained its light when I saw his face.



"God, you haven't learnt anything that Jackson taught did you?"

My body loosened from being tired and the only support I had was him. Clinging onto him, I tried regaining my balance. Noticing my actions, he pulled me up a bit and made me hook my legs around his waist. Our chests colliding as he secured me with his arms around my waist. I hugged him vigorously, a mix of emotions hitting me all at once, making me cry. I cried on his shoulder. Scared of being in the same situation again. It felt like my heart was going to jump out of my rip cage any minute now.

After a while, he began moving with me still clinging onto him like a bubble gum. He moved us to the shallow end and made me sit on the pool stairs.

"Did you get hurt?" he asked while observing me.

I simply shook my head.

He watched me as I looked down on my lap. Realising that he was already dressed in a white shirt, denim ripped jeans and timberlands. Oh my god, they're all ruined. His white shirt clinged onto his body from being wet, showing each and every muscle. Is he hulk?

"Lets go", he helped me up. We got out to only see Jackson returning with a towel.

A confused expression on his face when he saw Jungkook wet.

"What did I miss?"

Without uttering anything, Jungkook took the towel from his grasp and wrapped me up like a chicken wrap.

"Nothing, get ready. Let's go to the restaurant".


Me and Jungkook walked all the way to my room. Thoughts running through my head about the incident earlier. I should atleast thank him for saving me.

We halted when reaching the door.

"If you need anything, let me know".
His expression was quite plain as he turned to leave.

"Wait.. ".

He halted midway and turned to face me.

"I uhhh... th-thank-".

"Instead of that, can I ask for something else in return?"



"I know you won't forgive me but can we atleast talk normally rather than running away?".

His eyes were pleading.

"Aren't we already talking normally?"
I responded.

Without saying anything, he smiled and left.

O.... K....

To be continued...

Yeah I know its a short chapter but I really wanted to update something for you all.

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