Chapter 37: Letting Her Go

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"I'll give you myself tonight willingly but in return, release my dad."

I could always be an independent women, can use other methods to release my dad from the station, I can use law but that will take time. In that period my mum will live an unhappy life. Not just that but what choice do I have? The one with supreme power always wins and he has that. He has so much power and money that he can even buy the entire nation. Can make them all fear him, can rule this nation. My power is too little compared to his. So here I am selling my dignity for my family.

"You don't have to give me yourself. I don't want anything from you. I'll release your dad tomorrow".

End of Recap

Narrator's pov

"R-really?" she stuttered in surprise.

He didn't say a thing, indicating a yes.

"Liar", she pushed him by the chest to only be pulled closer to him.

A moment of silence sparked some electricity between them. He stared at her beautiful, angelic face as the time passed.

The alcohol began having its affect over her senses and body, making her sway. She began hitting his chest with her weak fists, with tears trickling down her cheeks.

"I hate you... I hate-.." with a flick of a light, she was out.

He carried her like a bride to his bed and placed her on it. She laid unconscious as he gathered his clothes and slipped e'm on. He laid down beside her, with his elbow positioned down to give him more height to view her better. A strand of hair covered her face, which was eventually placed aside when he ran his finger across her temple and down to her jaw.

"I love you", he kissed her forehead and pulled her closer to his chest. He hugged her and slept the night away feeling guilty. However he knew he couldn't do much but hug her for the last time before she's gone forever. He  knew for a fact that she would run away from him soon enough.


Eunha's pov

I woke up to only be met with white sheets covering me. This doesn't seem like my bed..
I sat up to find myself in Jungkook's room and that to in nothing but my undergarments . He wasn't in sight though.

Right last night... I can't even remember. From the look of it, we didn't do anything. If we did, I wouldn't have been able to get off the bed. Standing up, i slowly approached the door and opened to only hear cries in the hallway. Worriedly, I ran down to see if anyone was hurt. My eyes landed on mum and Jaemin, crying.

"Mum.." I quickly ran to her and cupped her cheeks as she cried. I than looked at Jaemin who cried his heart looking at a piece of paper.

"J-Jaemin what happened?" I asked worried. He cried and cried, unable to utter a thing. I snatched the paper off of him and read it.

I'm sorry everyone, I've let you down, especially my wife. I know I did you wrong and it's time for me to pay for what I have done wrong. Eunha I have indeed murdered Jungkook's father, I've let you down. The only reason I lied was to protect you all from the ugly truth that may ruin your future but I guess I deserve the hate for the things I have done. Im sorry I couldn't be a good father and husband, I'm sorry I've let you all down.

Tears trickled down my cheeks as I read this note, I don't want to believe it but I have no choice because this is dad's handwriting.

"Whatever on it is true Eunha", mum's voice echoed in my ears.

"Your dad has really done this, look".

I watched the little computer screen as it played a very old cctv footage that showed the crime scene. There's no way it could've been photoshoped or manipulated because dad's face was perfectly clear in it.

I closed my eyes and cried, ashamed of myself for not seeing things throughly and being blinded by my parents love.

It's just as Jungkook said. He was right.

I'm disappointed with dad but he's my dad and I would never hate him.

"I need to talk to dad right now",

I turned around to face Jungkook who sat on his couch like a king.

"Take me there Jungkook."i cried.

He simply looked away.

"There's no point sis.... D-dad committed s-suicide".

Shock ran through my body with the mention of that.


All my memories with dad since a kid till now replayed in my head.

I couldn't do much but cry in agony. There's nothing left to say now.

Narrator's pov

Days passed after the funeral of Jung and the matter was still not calm. Eunha's mother was usually lost and didn't do much. She couldn't handle herself just yet. Eunah knew she had to stay strong for her only 2 family members left and did everything for them. Woke up early in the morning to make breakfast for Jaemin. Got him ready for school and took care of the entire household by herself.

She acted like a typical housewive though she only did it because she was guilty for being the reason why Jungkook had lost his father. Handling the househild alone wasn't enough to pay for what had been done but she still tried to do something at least. As well as the fact that she knew she couldn't just sit around and live in his house for free, even if they were legally married.

After the incident, Jungkook distant himself away and gave her space. He knew it wasn't appropriate to talk to her about anything after what had happened. He knew she would sympathise him and cry as well as hate herself for being a fool and he didn't want that. He knew it was best to leave her alone.

Eunha's pov


I watched as he slept peacefully clutching that white pillow. A smile popped on my face knowing that he considered that pillow as me. I brought my face closer and pecked his forehead before parting. Standing up, i made my way to his bedroom door to only take a hold of my black suitcase that awaited and turned to take a last look at him.

'I'm sorry'

To be continued...

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