Chapter 14: punishments

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"Glad you're awake. Now time for punishments."

He looked mad. Very, very mad.

"What did I even do?"
I asked, frowning as he proceeded further.

This can't be good.

End of recap

Narrator's pov

He proceeded ahead, taking each step at a time.

"What are you doing?" She gulped as he took off his tie.

"Punishing you".
Was his only reply.

"Oh come on, what did I even do?" Questioning, She huffed as he abruptly pushed her by the shoulders and slammed her on the bed.

Her eyes widened at the sudden encounter.

"Wha- wha? What are you doing? Stop this insistent!" She shrieked.

"And if I don't?"
He cocked an eyebrow while leaning further down to her.

"If-if -if you don't th-than I'll kick you in a place where you won't be able to produce babies in the future".

He smirked.

Eunha's pov

Did he just smirk?
Oh wow. He's not even scared huh?
Should I prove him wrong?

Prove him wrong Eunha.

With my stupid mentality, I kicked him where I shouldn't have, only to realise that he was now groaning on the floor and I was in a big, big trouble.


What have I done? No, no, no.
This shouldn't have happened in the first place.

"You bitch", He groaned.

That's it Eunha...RUN.

I ran as fast as I could towards the door only to find it automatically closing. No, no, no, I'm nearly there. Don't close!!...And it closed. Dammit! I would have made it.

I turned around only to find a raging bull.

"Haha..sorry", I was sweating.
Oh my god what have I done????

He stomped towards me before pulling me by my wrist and carrying me as if I was a bride.

"Let go!" I punched his chest with my little fists and thrashed around in his grip.

"What are you doing?! Let me go!?
I was yelling at him while he proceeded towards the door. Surprisingly it opened by itself and there was a green light. Did he just opened the door with his body?? Normally people would use fingerprints, face or codes to unlock doors, lockers and all but this guy is on a whole new level.

Where's he even going?
He's headed for the living room in full speed.

"Stop!", I kept thrashing and thrashing until i was fed up with it.

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