Chapter 30: Mistakes

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"Kookie you got yourself another deal. I should be proud of myself".

"Kookie?" the voice came behind my back.


My heart stopped.

I turned around to see Eunha standing in the door way with teary eyes.

"Y-you're my K-kookie?"

She held so much hope in her eyes.

"I.. I-.....".

End of recap

Jacksons pov

She aprroched me with tears rolling down her cheeks. Standing in front of me.

"I remember his name started with the letter J..... J for.... Jackson? Its you isn't it?" so much hope...

How disappointed will she be when she finds out Jungkook is her Kookie. The person who she probably hates after what he did to her. Jungkook you piece of shit. You should have never stripped her off her inocense. This poor girl.

"I don't know what you're talking about", I simply tried avoiding the situation by trying to walk out but she back hugged me.

"I missed you have any idea how long I've waited for you? Please don't leave me." she cried as my back started to feel wet from her tears.

I hate it when she cries. Why couldn't it be me? Why couldn't I have met her first? She's such a pure soul and without a doubt if she's wasn't Jungkook's I would have already made her mine.

In conclusion she'll always be Jungkook's. He will never let her go. Sorry Eunha but you can't run nor escape, your fate has already been tied with him.

I grabbed onto her arms that were around my waist to try and get out of her grip which only got tighter.

"I'm not letting you go this time Jackson". She sobbed.

Eventually I broke free and turned to  face her.

"You're my Kookie aren't you? Please answer me honestly" she held onto my hands in hope.

"Eunha even if I was, you're already Jungkook's."

"What do you mean I'm Jungkook's? I'm yours Jackson, I don't love him, I love you."

I love you too Eunha but there's nothing I can do. I can't steal my brothers lover. I can't betray him.

"Don't you love me? Don't you remember me?"

Theres only one way to escape this.

"Yes I do remember you. I am Kookie, the kid who used to work for you and your family 11 years ago, but I don't love you. I never did."

I attempted to leave but she came in my way.

"Jackson, you're lying and I can see it. I've only loved you. All this time I've loved you. You're so sweet and nice unlike Jungkook whom I never viewed that way as a lover. I love you. Please accept me."

I was mesmerised by her words. I can't help but fall in love with this innocent girl. I was caught off guard when she brought her face closer and kissed me with so much passion. I don't know what took over me when I responded and kissed her back with so much passion to make her moan. I buried my face in her neck to already see faint marks.


Shit! Shit! Shit!!!!

What the fuck did I just do! I instantly pulled away from her to only leave her confused.

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