Chapter 11: territories

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I looked at him with my watery eyes and saw how cunning he was. He wasn't moved by any of my words.

"I hate you!" I said and rushed out of there before my tears could escape.

"Nice ass", was all I heard him saying before I ran up stairs and slammed the door shut.

I hate him! I hate him already! He may have a good looking face and a hot body but his personality is total shit. He's such an asshole.

Ughhh what have I gotten myself into.

End of recap.

Jungkook's pov

What a beautiful night. Those stars in the dark night, the breeze, the balcony. Here I am wrapped in only a black robe and sweatpants enjoying my view.

*closes eyes to relax*

Ugh...but there's something wrong with this room!

I immediately opened my eyes to search for what's bothering me. Nothing.

What is it? Really?

Is it the colour? The ornament-?......ohhhh.

Oh Jungkook, you stupid, this room belonged to fucking Jung. No wonder why I can't find peace in here.

Ughhh....I can't sleep in here. Not at all.

After grabbing my phone off the balcony's coffee table, I marched myself out of the room to find peace in another one. I visited various kinds.

"Opens door*

"No too small".

*closes door*

*opens door*

"Too bright".

*Closes door*

*Opens door*

"Too...............*smirk* perfect".

I walked in the room observing everything.
Closing my eyes, I searched for the peace I was looking for. And I got it. It didn't feel like I was suffocating, didn't make me angry nor did it make me upset in anyway. It was perfect.

Perfect for 2 reasons.

One- because it was the perfect room for me.


Two- ahaha this was her room.

I've been here last night but didn't realise how spacey and comforting these colours and interiors were. Hm not bad. She's surely got a good choice.
I decided to leave her room untouched when changing interiors, I may be cruel but I ain't a jerk.
Or maybe I am?

slipping my robe off, I laid on the bed shirtless.
(Pic of her room up there☝️)

I laid there, thinking. Thinking about everything. Thinking about how my life changed. Thinking about who did this to me, to us. Thinking about who made me become who I am today!!.

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