Chapter 16: Threatened

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Jungkook travelled through the hallway and downstairs to only witness Eunha standing in casual clothing, a short white skirt and a grayish sweater.

He was dressed in a grey hoodie and black ripped jeans with his favourite timberland.

"what are you doing?" he questioned.

she turned around to face him calmly.

There was a long pause before she replied...

"I'm leaving".

End of recap

Eunha's pov

I stood there, under his intense gaze.
He watched me with such intensity that it made me shudder. It felt like he was preying on me. Like the lion on his lamb. All thoughts vanished when he began closing the gaps between us while I tired resisting. I was taking each step back while he took each ahead. That is until there was no room left and I was trapped between the dinning table and his muscular body.

My hands clutched the dinning table's ends in fear. What happened last night rushed through my head and I quickly tried escaping to the side as fast as possible but he carelessly shoved me back like a weightless toy with an arm alone.
His hands banged on the table with a loud THUD, while caging me between his arms and leaving no space at all to move.

I was so petrified that I stayed put at one place without even being able to utter anything.

"you are not leaving" he gritted his teeth.

I tried shoving him back but he didn't budge. Damn he's strong.

"why can't I leave?"
I questioned in the same position as before. Not having a choice to move or whatsoever.

"Because I said so" he replied with a smirk.

"Your opinion doesn't matter anymore. The fact that I'm quiting is enough to free me".

"My opinion does matter, because I own you, your body and your soul. Without me you're nothing".


Anger blazed in me.

"you don't own me! I'm nothing to you and you're nothing to me. I am free to make any decsions. Its a free country."

He laughed.

Why is he laughing?

"what's so funny?" I arched an eyebrow in annoyance.

He brought his eyes back up to my face before speaking.

"you really don't have any idea about me do you? Well it's good because it makes you more interesting. It's really fun to crush your little hopes in my hand. As for leaving, it won't happen and I'll make sure of it".

I was fumming to the point I pushed him so hard that he stumbled back a little but maintained his balance.

Now i at least have a little room to breathe in or else I would have suffocated to death because of how close we were.

"I'm leaving" I stated and went to grab my belongings.

"Get ready to witness your dad in the prison then".

Jungkook's pov

She abruptly turned around. Her eyes widened in shock.

"what? y-you can't do that" she stuttered.

How much I love this. I strolled my way to her, circling her as if she's my prey. That pathetic concern for her father makes me wanna kill her along with him. However I'm not as cruel as them.

"I can do everything baby".
I smirked as she watched me with hatred.

"oh yeah? And with what reason will you send my father to jail? Oh hmm because his daughter didn't obey your rules so you're gonna pick on the poor people to have your way? Ridiculous".

Pfft. Poor people. More like cruel people who should already be in jail for murder and child labour.

"I'll file a case on your father for which ever reason I'd like and no one will be able to stop me. I have connections and I'll make sure to get him where he belongs if you don't obey my rules. You leave now and I'll make sure you'll all pay."

"you..", she uttered but stopped midway. Tears slowly circling her eyes.

She was hesitating. I could see she was trying hard not to belive it yet there was a part of her that did believe me.

So I made it 100% clear for her.

"officer Cheng, I need to file a case."
I took my phone out and spoke to the non-existing officer.

She watched me with horror before uttering those words that's I wanted to hear.

"F-Fine! I'll stay..." she uttered having no choice left.

Ending my pretended call, I placed my phone back in my pocket. That is when I saw her crying. She was crying...

Feeling like shit, I went to hug her but got shoved back.

"what do you want from me you asshole?" she yelled as she cried.

"what did I do? What did my family do to be threatened like this?" she cried harder.

She was angry. She was mad and probably wanted to kill me at the moment but couldn't since I had her trapped in my ploy.

"Answer me!" she screamed.

I watched her with intimidation before speaking.

"I'm trying to protect you and your family from all those rivals of yours".

"How? By threatening me?, by sexually harassing me?"

She watched me with hatred.

"answer me!"

Eunha's pov

"Answer me!" I yelled.

With a blink of an eye, I was slammed to the wall. My wrists pinned above my head.

"you broke a rule, so you got punished. And that's how it will be from now on."

He spoke with intimidation and was awfully close.

"let me go!"
I struggled in his grip.

He just cunningly smirked and tightened his grip on my wrists.

"Now stop acting like a bitch and go change in your maids uniform. We have a lot to do today".

He loosened his grip and let me go.

"I hate you!"
With that I quickly ran upstairs, not wanting to see his face.

What does he even want from me?

To be continued....

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