Chapter 3: murderer

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I turned back to only see her looking back at me, confused.

With that I ran out the mansion, towards the garden. Finally coming to an halt.

Joon-Ho was still working on his plants.

"So how did it go?"
He asked.

"Quite good". I answered.
I meant good with Mr Jung but an awful encounter with his daughter.

End of recap

3 days passed and I was able to earn a couple of hundreds each day. I managed to pay off my dad's funeral and paid an instalment for mum's medical fees. Saying bye to dad was heartbreaking, unfortunately Mum couldn't say bye to her own husband. Why is it always that my family has to suffer?! But I swore to dad that I will figure it all out. I know there's more to his death. I may be a little kid but I've been broad like an adult.


1 week has passed now and I've been working at the Jung mansion continuously. Late hours till 10pm or sometimes 11 at night in the gardens and big fields. With the support of lights of course. This family owns heaps of land as properties, I wish I can be as successful as this family and have everything to support my mum one day.

"Hey kiddo. It's 6pm. Go home and rest. You've been working hard lately child." Joon-Hoo yelled all the way from the other side of the gigantic, green garden maze.

"No it's ok, I can manage", I yelled back.

"Yah, go home and rest, you'll wear yourself out this way. At least take rest so you can get more brain fuel for education tomorrow".

I've been getting education from one of the greatest teachers in this town. He's been teaching me regularly for 2 hours. I've been getting education about everything lately. Math, English, and all the basic stuff. Which is great.

And of course there's Joon-Ho, he's like another father to me. He's very nice and caring. He brings me food for lunch and even breakfast. Sadly his wife passed away and now he lives alone with his kids aboard, he told me. He's got a 17 year old daughter and a son about my age. He misses them, I could tell but he sent them away so they could get a better future unlike he told me. But then he treats me like his own son since he's usually lonely.

He often tells me to go home, sometimes forces me to. But then I run back here after he leaves so I can earn a bit more or sometimes I just go to the hospital. To Mum and look after her.

"Yeah ok", I yelled back.

"Good, cause I'm leaving as well", I heard him pick up the tools and the noise carried towards my direction.

I stopped what I was doing and collected my tools.

He came in my sight and we walked together, outside the mansion's gate and across another street.
He said bye to me and head home whereas me, I ran back to the mansion before he could see me.

I made it to the huge black gates and inside where I was working previously. I set my tools precisely and decided to begin when there was a tap on my back.

I turned back to only meet that beautiful face.

What was her name again?
Oh right, Eunha.

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