Chapter 24: Love Is In The Air

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"Who changed my clothes?" I looked up at him with wide eyes.

Why am I in this short night dress?

"What if I told you I did?" he smiled sheepishly.

"You-" I pointed at him.

"Don't worry I didn't do anything of that sort" with that he entered the bathroom.

Did aliens abduct the real Jungkook and left this boy who is totally opposite?

50 minutes later

"Jungkook you said we're going out. Why are we at the Airport?"

End of recap

Eunha's pov

He smiled and took my hand in his.

We're not a couple!

He adjusted his scaf, to cover the bottom part of his face.

With that he guided me to another direction. Without answering my question. Soon, the view of a private jet appeared, where Kim stood waiting.

Should've seen this coming. He's obviously infamous so it's likely for him to own this.

"Where are we going?" I asked again.

"Thailand", he turned to look at me for a split second before diverting his attention back to the aircraft.

"T-Thailand? No, No I'm not going". Halting in my way, I yanked my hand out of his grasp.

He turned back to face me with a stern look.

"Why not?"

"Because, I don't have my luggage. I didn't even inform my parents. They'll be worried if they don't see me around."

He took my hand again in his and proceeded towards the jet.

"Everthing has been taken care of. Your parents are aware of this and I've already sorted out your luggage."

I watched him in bewilderment.

"You mean.... You went through my stuff?......How could you!"

I was fuming. How dare he touch my stuff without my permission.

He smirked.

"You were asleep and Kim was already off duty, I was the only one left. Besides your undergarments intrigued me. I didn’t expect you to be kinky" he smirked.

Oh my god. I'm not!

"You pervert! What did you even pack?"

I'm not very happy with this.

"I packed all the clothes I thought were necessary."


"I'll deal with you once I see what's inside my luggage".

We stepped on the metal stairs one by one. He was ahead of me and even turned around to help me up.

What's up with him today?

At first he hates me like crazy and the other he's so nice and caring? Bipolar much.

We stepped inside the jet together. I used to be rich but never have I ever stepped inside a private jet like this. Never really had the need to since I didn't really travel out of the country.

I took my seat as he took his.



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